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Grreat Reductiou in the Price pf SINGEB & COS tandard Bïachines . WU known to be the Best for Manufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, for-. merly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE b the best Machine in the world for Fnmily Scwing anrt , Mghi Manuf.icturing l'urposcs I (Ö OWtJ M beriutifully ornamentad Í50, Th No. 1 ftM 9 BfhtaM are of grcat capacitv nnJ appiication li.r cianuliicturing pnrpÖarNo. S Masnine aruapeebll; adapMd ioUl kindi of lieht and hcavv Lealher ■Vork, in Oirriagc ! ming Bont' umi Sh Mking, HameB8jMklng,etc.,te. I They reof extr iie, M4 U" arl" '""(-' enoogh to tfiiit' onder it and stitck tlie largcst izc daslies. There is scarcely any part ol'a Trimmers' Stitohiag that cannot be' bettcr done with them than by hand ; so, too, the saving of time anrt labor ia iey ïat. Thetableof thost i machiDM fa 24 iuches Ion?, and tlieshuttl will hol. 1 ix timesthe usual (lunntitjloi thrcad. 'J'helarge macliine works as fantas smal W v.ouli] askfor our l.cer A. Machines, the spcctalttention of Vit Makewand Dreaa Maker, and all those wlio want Haebinufor posa. Thy embody tlie pridciylei of the ttandard aachinea, making likotlum toeinterloekadaiteh, and are dostined to be a eelebrate for Faüiit Siwixo r d ight manufacturing pnrposes as our stiiuilard ma_Ci . ..,.,. f., ïri'i nu !.', c ii ri mr nurünkp. in L'cniM'al We l.avy u".u-;iys on baad, iikmmim; gauges, mik twist LTN1CN AND COTToN TUKÜAD , OM SPOOLS, BEST MACHINü O1L n boHles,etc.,otc. c We manufactura our oti Neêdies,aüd woumwarnaü . j pernn-í u.sing our macliines uottobuy anyothers. W ■ Inow that there are nedls sola 4 t moí ifrr'r ■ qualüy at blffher prices thnn. we charge for the 6csí. The Mftilea nold hy ua are manufockured eapecfally for I our machines. A, Spd nf'cdte tfiay rendir the oest machine ; ] almost n$elcs3. ' l Ota oustomel may rost assured all our 1! ranch J Offices nre lurnished withthe1' genuine acticle " ( In case of siniil purcliases, the inone) may b:3 sent ín postare itampï, or bank ñutes. Correspomlents will pleaaa write tlieir namea distioctlv- h is all ïnportant tli:it we sbüuld, ineacücase, tcnon the Pt Office, County, nnd Staie. j(tS A il persons requíríng information about E?eving Machines iliei ■ 'bize} prJceii, working capacitififi, aud the best metboda of purchaaliifr, can obtain it by sending to at. ■ ;ir.y oí' our Branoh Otiices for a copy .f I. ïïl. Singer & Co. 's Gazetto, AVliich is a beaulifiil Pictoriiil Paper (.-fitirc!}' devottd to tbü subject- II will besent gratis. - tl- We he madathj buv REDnCTION IN TRICEN with the two-foW view of tgeneftttng t. ■ ptiblisandour selvOi. Tlie public havebeon BytináWü i_v spnrious machines made in ïrnitatiou üf ours. T..! metal in 1 from tho iron casting to U peice,iol poor ïlii-ir makers bae not ttemean to do theii vork well. They areUid awaj in secret places, where il frouldbe taposslble to have at their comm.ind the prop r meehanicat appljances. It s on!y uy doing a gr1 ml having'extenaive mannfacturing establUhnu'nts that cood machines can be made at mpderatprices, The best desigm-d mncliines, 11AD1.Y MAIlK, are ahvaya iiable to eet Qtif óf-órdof, anti aresure to coe considerable tvoublo and money lo keepthem In rcpaiil The qua'.ities to be looked for in a Machine are : er if correct action at all rate.s of speed, siinp icity of construction, groat durabi'.ity, andrapidity of operati.,n, Wlüithe least labor. Machines to combine Hum Msential qoAlities, niust be madeof il.ebe.stme:alaml fiiiih.d topertfction. We have tbeway and means.on a grand scale, to do this. The purchasers of machines, wbosedafly brenditmay concern, will iind that thuse haviLtr the aboveuualities not onlv work well at rapid as well as slow vates tl speed ,but last longer in thfi linest possiblo working order. Our machines, as made by us, will earn more money with lefis labor than any others whether in iniitatiin: o' oursornot. In fact, thevarechea ner than anv other machines as a gift. ' F. M. VINGER k CO., 45S Droadnay New York. JO" Detroit Office, 53 Woodward Avenue, (Merrl) Bloei?.) Slltf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Albor. rOLD FEIEND3 jfëi IN THE RIGÍIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis -T-- =1 THE H1CST FAMILY Ca-V t'.iartic in the wcrld, _',.': sed twonty yc-ars i; - ,v. "J five millions oí' persons tBf WM apnually ; alwayj g!vc ■ - satisfaction , cojitain ing nothing in.jurious; , '';; ' '■' ■ 'J patrouiztd the principal pliysic.ans and i-'l ,.-' urgeons in tlio Union ; ■Ty} - ;?N degantly coated with fí?0[ LwgeBoxe25 wnt; -- -r-jL-r-rr::! Fnllilirtctiops witheacli Taí.'.aiiassk, I.eon C.iivtv, loríela, Jiiiy J ' t loou. j ToDb Hkp.rick, Alb.iny, V Y - My Der DocM :- 1 wriic this tüinfoimyou of the wcndirful UTcc: ol youi Suf ar Coated Pilis on mv eider daughter. F' years slie nas heen mïüctod wfth a billlous úereogemroi of the iystem. smlly imporing lier bcaltb, which haf beon stéadly faiüng duriDg that period. Wlicn n New York in Apvillast, a friendiidvised me to test your pill. Huving the fullest cnnQik-nte in th judgmett ol BIJ fi-iend, I obtained a Kupplv of Messrs, B:iriies K Pflrk; Druggists, Park Kow,' New Yoik. On Mturninj; home. sed all other treatmect, aad administcred your Pill, oDeeacn (glit. ïde mpiovementin her ferfinïs, complexión, digestios, eic, surpnsed us ti[l. k tapio aml'uermanent restoration to health has been tht rmuH . We UMd k-ss 1 han live boxea, and cunidcr lier enfrely wcll. ï consider the above a .ut tribute to you as n I'hvsici-Mi, and trust thutitwillhlj theraeons of Induclng ina'ny to adopt your PilU al tii&ír familj medicines. I remain, dearsirj 'i'iil1 muny thankAj Y OOI Ob'jllent servant. S. G. Mcekiscx. Henick's Eid Strengtheniug Piasters cure n five hours, pains nr.d riknes3 of thf brcust. si.le aad hMk,nd Rheumatio Oomplainlsin an eqnall.v short priiiid of time, SpLOiil on bi-autiful white lainb skin Uieiruse Buoject thé weurer to no inconvenioce, au'l énch one willwe_r from one week to threo ïn.inths. Trice 18% cenls. Herrick's Suffar Coated Pilis and Kid Plasrr rp K oy L'ruftgists anl Merehanta in all parts at the nite Siates, Cunada and South America, and roa y bc obtained hycal'iinEfortliom by üieirfull nump. lv-605 DB. L . B. HKRHICK, ft no. ' Albany, N. T. RISDON & HENDEESOFS pjpgSa T#s GENUINE S T O "V E - We wish to cali the attenüonof the public to this celebruted OOOKSfaC STOVE! Whiil is'ljie only perfect stove made. It will do ir.ore hmiuesa with .one (liird lrss fuel than any otliei" BTOVE mudu. Froin ttetimony given by the persons refi-ri'ej to below, on uocouut of ita dmability and Fuel Savig Qualiiies, }t has proved a saving frora Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. We would reter you to the following list of PERSONS WHO UAYE THEM IN USE: ■rof T.inpan Ann Arbor. Jaha F. Millrr, Ann Albor ' .„ v,„l. J. Gübert b'lnilh " iofi 'iVinokPll, " t. Aulls, " 'rof. Dong asa, " Joseph Watts, " Vlpheua Fech, " T. Wilkiiison, " Wtn. R. Martin, " Mr t1. 1 cnton, " {eh'd Hoopff, " O. Hawkim, " Hon.B.F.Urangcr," C. A.Chapin. ' r. W. H&jnard, " Charles Thayer, " K. L Stebbins. " Martin Clark, " 1! Wilson, " S. Botsford, A A.,Town. Mrs O Wtlcli, " ThomísWooí, Plttsfleld. Mrs. E. T. Williams," AWeMton Drury, '.' V Chapia ' Jacub l'olhemus, Sc'19. C.II.v: " N.C.Goodale, " Josi'l'h W. Wood, ' Mr. Feller, SliarpnWe hiwe on hand a large assortment of the best kinds of Ccoking, Pnrlor and PLAT E STOVES, und a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff for Carriage work. Particular nttention paid to fittinst up Eavetrougli and Conductora, and nll kinda of Job work dope at the Sliortest Noliee. RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, íetíl. , . 3B?3B.J ZJ SS JfcU ÉÉlIiand LOT FOB SALE IWUlsellm Bous nd lí( pEOBttlirtret.iJoIiiing the restëéacè 6f L. C. Klsdon, o.i very reason.ible tcrms. The location is a desírable one fora business I..V.YAI,I.ACE. Ann Artor, Jan. 28, 1362. 4838 SPECIAL NOTICE TO ottsto:m::b:r.sA LI. accounts over six months mus! be s,tted i,t once. Cali a the office andpay upA wM sele-.tudt stock of New Goods Che.ap for Mltf MAYNA.RD . "T::?; S w" EO?


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