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Mrs. WINSX.OW, 4 experien ed Kurse artd Female Physician, present to the aUentioa of mothers,hcr SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TE?THING, which greatty facilitates the proess of tuethinff, by scftaag the gums, reducin all iullainyiatiun- will aüay ALL PAIN' ind tpmodk) actioft, and is SüRE to REGÚLATE the SOWELS. Depend upon :.t, mutlwn, it will givc m to ..ouroclvti, and Relief anc) healtli to yoiu Infent? Wc liiive nut un umi and soW thls nrticlc for ov ten TSr, and UAX SAY, IN' CÜNHIJKKIE AM TBDTH ui it whnt e havo oever been able to suj (,f onyotliormedi:m-v- NtVKR HAS IT KAU-ED IN A PIXÜLE 1NSTANC3E, TO EÏFFXT A CIJKE, vrhei. timely ucd. Nivir Oid we know an 1BMUK4 of dusatisüictiou by any inc who used t. On the contrarr, all nre dfllghted vitii its opcratiun, and speak in tirrn of Bummendatiuo of ts magical i-ITtcta and medical virtucs. W tpwk n this mnttiT "WHAT WK lQ KNOW " after ten vean' exptritnee, AND I'l.ET (?■ 0U8 KH'L'TATIOH KOH THE 1TI.FILI.MFNT O)' WHAT WE IIKRK ÖK.CLAKF. In aluiosl i-tctv instinct wliere tlie infsnt i suffering trom pain and sxliaustion,, rlii -11 be tounl in fifteeu el twtnty nrnutM aftor the syrup is admlnisttred. Tliis v.MuaM! ïireparation is the prenclpttonof on of tlie most EXFEMKKCKD and SKIl.Ua'l. KVMH in New Insland, and has becu used wift IlVSK FA1UNC SUCCESS in THOL'SAND OF CASES. I It not onlv relieves the chili from pam, but invlgi-riite I tliest'iniachnnd boivels, correct acidity. and gives ton snd energy tu he wLolesystcm. It will alniott inttantl relieve GRIPlN'fi IN TIJE BOWFI-', AND WIND C0IJ8 and overeóme convulsión, vhich if fi-f spcedly remo died, en.l in death. fft bellet It the IET and SÜKEST KKMEIjY IN 1ME WRIJ. in all Bt ÍIYENTI-HY : 1 URH1KKA ÍN CHlI.nRlK, wh4h it anses l'rom teething. or frtm any other cause. V troold say lo every nn'ther who h s a cblW siiftcrnj iruin any of tlif feregoing oompl:nt- DO NOT LBT YOtli PBEJÜI ICE, NOR TUK 1'KWUIlCtS OP OTHEBS, ftsndlwtweenynu ajil yotr cliild, and the relief thatwill be SUBE- YES. AB: OI.UTELY - to follow the use of this racilic;no. if timely used. Kull dlections for using will me, mpatiy eauh bottle, :!■' niúno the facsimile of CURTIÓ s 1 LHKINS, Wew-York, la 011 tho ostiMe wru-ppcr, Bold bv DruggUta tlirnugout the wowd. Principal 'fllcc 13 GHUv Strett, Ií, Y. Pl'.ICE ONLY 25 CT.NTS PER BOTTIE. Kor sale by Ebcrbach &Co. Iv773. For the Speed; and Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissions, Nervous and General Dcbility, Impotence, and all Diseases arisingfrom Solüary Habils or Excessive ïndutgence, rpiIERF, are thousands of Voung Mes, u well ai Mmpl 1_ Aükd and Ol.r. Men, who are suffering to omo exlent from the above diseases. Man, , perhaps. ar iiot awara of their true oondiüon, or whn assistanoe is really needel. For the benefit of inch, we hereith give a feiy o( tli most l;,i,i in lh llvul and Side, Dimntn I s,:i,(. Do and lltói baforo the V. ■h"'"'!"" of Uu Imrl. D,j,,r,.,, , Í Uantmi, Oonfwio o Uku. Dxpration t Sirto, ""'ï lu Sxiéill StU-DUIrivit, Timuliln, etc. lorcach and all f tho abové svnióius tlioae remedies will be fouud a ■ SovarY! nowdlM tmbraoe threo prescriptions : ita piftl, box of JftrtolM Tonii I, "d a box of ' I Itliue í'iiíJ, all of rl.iob have iinportanl offices to )ri irm. and Ihould L nsed togetlier in eyery oaso. 1 hcir ■.inenority 6ve: Qtliar multes nf treatment may U lirisUy tateü si fjJT aBTh (iimiuish the violence of exual excitement. TUey immedjately arrest nocturnal and diarnal enns?'0J3-They remove local weaknoss, cansinj the orjans assuine theír natural tone and vigor. ÍW Th" strei.gtlmn ilic nuÜUtla by ovcrooming ooYcmsdebility and ?ei.eral wenkness. _ . They enliven Uu spirits. hich are nu); depresisu. byexpelling all excitins causes froin the system. W-By their invli-oratinK properties tl.cyrejH.ri tho paüoat tóliij natural fiel! :J Tljor of manhnnd ■ Tbey Mire wüen :iil otlwr incans l.:ive faileü. ft3"They oonUiin m y.r.-,r„. o Oyiiioi, i.ov anvtl.inj tbat can in 'any cvcnt prove injiiriou. They are euy an.l pleMnt to nse, nnd will not n-.ter: i;,í iiiiti.iiiè'a usual l)uiiit. '■' l'l'-asure. Thev can be used without sualiiciuu. Of knolcd6 uf VTh.uru;;'r,"'.,T;;me within the reaol. of all we Mje ,1,1 the prica o) th Ptutata at l per bos, and the Pilis U W conti perbieah. IuortUrU bwH.ta prieo, twclve Mata ia stamps shonld bo lacleMJ M r.jtiua postaBe I. VDIES !s want of a f uit ■" il V remedy tot Irregulariliv. Suppmi'i" ' M 5j?,3l .„.a, or any i..:nnliar tothelr s ■íñ nhonldBM I).Oits TïMAiv. Hitui.( k SS .i: %; 1'ill-í. Priee, by mail. SI ano ;.ne ltaa !j& - ■L '■-. ClUTTOS - Tliese l'ills shonW iiot -- -" ""Ï.a'ijS'wI.o. from ill-hoalth. etotmity. or any other humane and sonable HM m it K-ersrv ivoM u increaso of family. can no ... without i.cnrrin' dinxer to hcalth jr eoustuM,.,? l.y th e j . tn tVTh.'"'"'s'v ,ler; oin on'.y b obtaiurf fcy ltfH)ng Ik' St:tÁ"w:olPHml.MM TmM, . -l LM(4e. PitiCK Tes Cünxs. H G. MULLER .t CO., General Anote. I.íi'iisVilif', K"'-. For ale by MAYNARD, STEBCINS, & WILSOif. vTdSin 4n Arbor, Rlich. Blackwood's Magazine AND TUK British Reviews. GREAT ÏM'CEMEN'HI'BSCBIBE! PREMIUMS and REDUCTIOWS. L. SCOÏT SCO., NEW YORK, continue to publish th followin leading British Perodicais, viz : 1 TJE LON'UON QUARTEKLY (Cons;rTativ(i, 2 TilEEDINBVKGH REVIEW (Whig), 3 THE NOKTH BBITloH REVIEW (Fiee Churoii). TUE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 M.AtKWOOIl'S ErnXBURGII MAGAZINE (Tory). The present state of Kuropean ubtai iv.Hl render these publicalions unisually iiterestiRg during ihe forlhcomiog ymt. pifï W occupy ■ mid.Ua eround between the hastily wfitton newp-ítns, ctuii ppeotlUtkros, aDd fiving rumors of the daily Juurnol and the ponnerou Tome of the future historian, wriUe a'tt-r the iivintr interest and excilemont of the gren politicul ivuuts of the time shall have paned awajr. I( is to these Peripdicaïs that readers mut look for tho. onlv reillv utelligilile and reüable hlitorj of currenf i , aiiil tfl -ui.'1 W additionto their well-ekiablishc litcrary, scier.tiiic, a:;d tlieoojrical character, we urgs .hooi upon thecrnii!evutionpl he veading public. The recent of Atlyaiice Sheets l'rom the publishers ivea additional value po them Reprint-, niasmnchas they cannow be plaopd in the liñuda of subscriben ab jut as soon as the origiml edilioüs. TERM V. f Regular frices ) Perann. For any nye of the four Review?, - - - $3 0(1 For any two of the four Reviews, - - 5 09 For any tliree of the frar Reviews, ■ ■ - 70 For all four of the Reviews, - - - , 8 00 For BlackwooiVs Magazine, ..--,'- 80J For Blaekwood and one Review, - - - 5 0 J ForBlackwoodand two Reviews, - - 01 FoiBIückwoodaml ihreefleviewa, - 9 00 For Biackwooil and the fourKeviews, - 30 00 Moneijcnrrcnt in the State whtre issut&icill be recüvzd át par. PÜSTAGE. The PoaiiCB to any prt of the United States will be but Tvvcnty-fouf CclitA a year for " Bla.'kwuod," anti but Foartïcn Ci'i'tS yoiir for eatli uf the At thj aVve prlcM the Periodioals will be furnishod forlitó. AND Ai A Premium to New Subsoribers, th Nq of ihi'saim-IYriudicals for IScy, will befurmUi(d complete, without áddiiional charge. Unliko tlic mors epbemeriil Magazinca o( the d:iv, tbfsc lv.ioclk-alüloseliUle by age. Henee, a full t-.r (.f the Xi,s.fur'1600,mayberegara,edneatrly as valuu'vle ag for 181)2. Subscribers wishing also the Nes. for 1S6I, lyill be aupplied at the toUewisg extiiemely mm uates. Splcndid Offers for 1860, 'L1, & '0 Together. For Blacltwoo d's Süagaiiuc, the. three yers , $5 0f For any one Review, '- - " 5"? Kuraoy twuReiew(, - - For Blac-kwood and one Review, . s ' O For Blai't 1 and two Reviews, " " 1Í 00 Korthri'i' Reviews, - - - " " Jl lui Mlaukwo""! and three Reviews, " " l- 00 ■,)! tliefuiirReiii-wï, - - " " 13 0 l''or liliickwood and the iour Reviews, 1 1 OU Anyof the aboveworks will alao be foroishod to Netc Siiliicribers for the y :ir 185B-1 , 8, and 9, At One Half the Regular Subscnption mees. Thus a New Suhscrilr may obtain tU? Keprint of íht FourRevtewa uul Liiackwood. Seven Consecutive Year íor $37 ! ! ' Which is but little more tMn the pritt of the ordinal works fornne yr. As vc ihall nicr nsnin he likely to olTes; such induce. as those her pre-sented. Now is the time to Subscrjbo ! ! l'V' Rpmittaiu-i's nuist, in all cas, be íu'aJe dbrn %otht. Puhlishers. lor :it these pricos no cummU'si&n cau be alloYedto agenta. . LBONAKD PCOTT & 00. No . Si GoK1. .street Xew York TOWHÖMITMAY CONCERN. rnitl-. UN'DERSICNED, lintel Proprietors ín tíút e J Ann Al'bor,respectfuIÍ3 ftnnouQce to the uubUc, that oii aa'd aftet th lirst day c.f .lanuavy, 18'52, TEN CENTS F A RE. will be churíTcl to cich and every ptvfion oatrifd ío 'r from ti s cars, to tkc respettiye Uutfls, by thu Omnibus B. ('OíiK, Coí.k's Hotel. H. HAHSTOW, Kianklin House. An? Arlw, D,er. 24tli, 1861 . A GIRL to do liouse ivork, one who wlll pT ! Vfaction, willliear of a pía'? n ftppHokt'on to til OJithing Store o! :ú.


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Michigan Argus