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Estáte ni CAiliüriütí PitZgCTfthL S.. : D '■! lili' l'f : bilIC (1 lt. ' 1 ' ■ ■ . i:: tin.' Citv ■ ruarj . ■ hi l. ■ . ' I, Lato uf N . í i,l U n, . ■ Qt '■( an ■ urteenlh day if il:in!i !.■ ■ " aftfl ■ ■ . .., Arbor i-i : ' i ben tnted ■ ner frive ■ ■ . -i t) - i encj "; - .'' i ■ ■ Ion ..:;■.. i ' . of thla order lo be publishi 'i ;n the '"'.■iinty of Wáshfennw, t; i . t' sniíl das ■■' MS NÍN'DK, 1 Cormníssioners Xotice. STÁTÉ OF MIriiK;.'X, Counly of Waihtte'naV, ni: The i ro lnj.c ' i ■. ■ ".i: :■!■ ■■.le oí Patriclt Uob&n late&flhe City oí A mi Arbor, ín gaid Cotia give rmi re fhat sis fti nfhs ffOin date, are, by oí r Coart , aUowed for credltors to present !. and that I ■ inci-t ut More oí f&trick in the City of Ann Arbor, in Raid eounty itforemid, na Baturday, the twenty-ninih lïiiy of Míirch.and "l July next, at ne 'cío :-. l', M ., ■ ■ ■ " ■ ainine and mljust wricl ;1 MORMAN" O'BRIF.X, r PAÏKICK McKERïÏAX, Commiflrfonra Patt'd, December L0, 18C1. S33 r, - ': AJÍEE'S OATHARTIC i 'Q Are yo sick, feeble, and lr y' HBbB oompluíniní? Aio you out oí SW9%ii5H order, witli your ysti'in deI rrVnnfflBI raiiííeJ, and jouv íeelin-i im'; ,. - J.n c F 'llHHfl coniíbitahle? Tlieb-(dMiLVVAUKiF BBff toma are often the prelude to H - -■ x,j' BraM serimw illuess. Some lit of P T(tet-TíDÍ?lBH ■ i síckness Iscrecpiíigupon you, i sj'ct ''' öaV ■] 1Mli wij-iat J !'■ :icilc(I Lv a L í. "V jj tiniely use of the rlght reraXZiZy ■■ii5' cdy. Také Ayer's ftlís and ■ ■■'Vi&lH I clcíinacout hn (üsonlun-.l ImC "Am mors - puríly llio blood, and I tt34UHÍHBÍ let l'ie llili(ls movo on unobKÏr BS 'k Btracted in health agnia. gBt 'i' hoy slimiihite the fnnctioiw f ' ' of tíie body i:ií;i vtgorOQq ac■■■ -'■' ■_1.; i ty. pm ii v ; i '■ Bjatom (rom ' -ÍSiL= - - í tire malte disonó. AcoM flwtlles soinfswhero In tbo ü dy, and obfitruuts its naturnl ínnctioii. These, if not reltóved, renct upon tbeiusclres and the Burroundlog orgai thn-ing general agsravation, BiiflerlDg, nná ■ Wblle in tltis condiiion, oppresaed by the doran gwnentd, talco Ayer's Pillo, And see huw dhectly Uiey restore the natural action of Uo system, ánd wltli it Uie bnoyant u, ' Wliatls trueand so apparent lu thin trivial and pomiuon coniploJut, is also true In mauy of tlio deep-seated uní dnogerous dlsteraperfc ïlie samo puríjative o(Ttct expela tbem. Oftived by dinllar obstructlona and derangomonts of the natural functlons of t!io boIy, thoy are rapidly, anI many of tbem surely, ewre i by the Bftme nieans. Non" wbo know the rlrtnee of tliese Pilis, wil I neglect to einploy Lüem nlieu Bufferiog ftrom the ÜMirdera íhey cine. Btaliaenbi from Leadlng pliyslcïnna tn tKJin of tlio principa] vïïha, aud froia oUier irell kaown public perspoe. Fivm a Fonvanling Uferchant of St. Louis, H-b. 4, 1856. Dn. Ater: Your IMlls aro tlio paragnn of all tliat is great Id medicine. ïhey live crtred my titile daagbtac of ulceroiw sores upon hnr iMinda nod fcet tli.a had proved Incurable for yearfl. Her aotlier Ims toeq long grlovoufíly afilleted wltli blbtchesMid plmpiéson bersKln aud In lu p h;iir. After ow cliilil mu cuitd, she also triol your I'iJls. and tiiey liuve cured ber. ASA ÏI011GRIDGË. As a Fnmily Fliyslc Frmn J)i I'. )i'. Cardiri-jht. JS'f.iv 0rnm. Yonr Pilis are tlie prlnce of purges. Their oxcellent qnalitfea surpAsa ;my catbartlc wo poM m. Ihey nro milil. imt very oertain and effccttial i:i tbefr ocUña on tbe bowels, wlii '-' mah m tbem lavaimible tu ua lu tho üuily treatmeot of dlneaa . XIcalacIic,SIckIIca1n !:e,FonJ Stomach. íVojíi Dr. j&iward ilmjd, BaUtoioñ. Dr .milito. Aven: icntnuiL amifer yon wIuU complalnta I bave civcl with yoar Pilla bettor Iban t1 tyatlíhat we ever treat with a purgative medicint, I place greal depeu dence on an efteoCnal catbartic in my dftlly contost with nnd beilevtag ;is i i i hal your Pilla ulíoíd us the bost vü have, I of courso valué ihem blghly. PiTTSiïL'no. Pa., fnv 1, 1855. Dr. J. Ci Atfiï. Sir: T havo bpn rcppatetlly cured of tlifs vroñt h ■■uhirtf. ftiiy bodv can liuve by a rtoeecr two of yonr rilh. It seeiua to ftrjee from n fbtü stoaiach, wbich thoy cleaniíe al iire. Toan with graat respect, EI. W. PRTíBLF, Cterlc fífSteamer Cinin. Blllous Di ortlcrs - Tolver Complalnts From D Theoáort BeU, tfNao York C.ty. Nat only arja ymir Pillsadinlrabi.v adapted to ilietr por; mt, 1 ut f And í!k ii beneftclitl eíTuctsupon tho I.iver very m.-uiü-il indeed They have in my pitictic proved more eoectual for the cure of bUious cmim ;: ■■ i,. ■ !■■;;. ■■■:- I i::u mentí tn. I giftcerely 1 leijgth a piir;;.l ive wlitell Í8 wortby Uie coufldücü ui tbe prulëssltfn and tbo paciple. DlAElïMENT OF THB IltTSRIOft, WasImigtQn, I. t.'.,7th Feb., iW j Sm: I Imvo aeed yonr liü i i aud hospital practií . ■ i made theui, and cannof ln-sitate-to Ite beat ■■lUhmtic we employ. Tbelr rngolaiing nctiou on tuo liver is quick mul riciuluil, o6uwv tíioj um an tulmirablo remeüy forniufl ot' that "ijiiu. Iii'.íi.i.'ii, 1 havo seldoni füïihd acuKeof bili'Ais distase so obstinate tJuit. it. ilnl not réniúily yiuld to tlit-ui. frici'iially j-i:-, A,d..Z0 UALJU, M. V., l'hysicíitii oj' Uie Marine ii Dysenlcry, EiaviHoea, ltclax, AVonma Ür, J. 6r. Oieen, "J ' ■ Your Püls havo liad a lyug Iriul Ín my prnctice, and I ■■■' 'ln; fjS( aj.-i :,ü[s 1 have u -il. ïliélral ■ i!.on ihe ?er malees tliüiii un excelleut reuiedTi üvlien glveu in Bmall r I umi diuiTtOeUt 'J tu 'ir BltgUI CfUllÍDg makes Ibeni viy aeotptable and couveaieut Ljv tito uso of woiuii aud c 1 1 i I d rtM i . I3spcpsin, Imurity of tlte Iïiooct. ' D, J. I'. ÈivUSy iíStbr ' Adcenl L'hurcU, Hrstnu Dr.. Aïëh: I have used your Pilis witli extraordinary id amoog those I aiu called to visit ': regúlala tlie orgaoa f digestión and purify tli y no Ibe beat rentedy 1 bave tv.T Unowu, and 1 can coulidi-niJy recouimeiiri tlu-rn to my iiiends. ïour, J. V. III MES. WARfiAw, Wyomfng Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. Df..n Pin : I nri iisli tic-. nnl fiii'l tliciii an exctílleot putsatlve to cluauau iho system nud ynrify the fototluius f th?. btood JOHN ti. M1SACUAM, M. D. Con si i patio, CosiÍYencssSnppi:e8sionf Itlictükinf Ism, (íont, IVetiruliu, L)iopay, Purnlysls, Fits, ele. J'i-r.t ( . .1. i'. u.ttyUn, M-iutrml, Canuda. Too mneb rannot ho paid of yonr Pilis for the cure of ensttveiiiS.:. 11 ahera of owj fratèi nity have fbnnd them an nfiRcapiptUJ is I h.w they sh' nld Jbin rué in proclui innig it tur Hft beneflt f th. :iniltitii(ies who BUfTer froni that cprapliuiit, wbicb,ltuoiigh I vi ouough tn ttself, is thu proj;enlhc wf uHkts ÍI'hI i wtee, I bel (v o cns tñórtginatd in Oio liver, Imt yoar l'ills aíl'ccl that oigan and cinc tlie .discase. Vo Jn'. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwlfe, Bostón. I iiiu! one or two lacee dosesofymu' Pil Ik, taken nt the proper tlinej are excellent proniotives of f he tisttttfítl tecre lnn hti whollyor paftlally auppreswd, and alto very ty (..''.'(.íc thu tlamttch and eaní ií-oj-jíj. Tlu-y áie bo miicli the beet pbysio wo have that I recommond no otlier to my paticnts. Fi-om tíic Rev. Dr. ffawfow,O the Methodist Qjís. ChnrcTi. EsiAfixi House, Pavaunah. Oa., .Tan. P, 1856. IlAxonrD r I ahoiild íe nmtiinl for Öh your isUill has hroiuckt me if I fttd not report my case tu ynn. A cölfl séttlea la my lltnba and brortjclii oti excruclating ííp'Tíiic ;"■.', wjiiph ended in chrAtiic rtrruinatimn. Notwítíistandjng f h id ttif let "f pTiyaiclaiM, the disease prew worse :iinl wiií, ituiil by üffl ndvicfl of your 1 moii-, ji'. .■i'lvfi.i". 1 iiik-ii -i i r Tilla. Tlielí eflvttq"wefá rfo, l !jr sme. Uy persé teiiog tu the uííu of them, I atu uow ontiiüly well. BUn CtUMDER, liatón Rüiiío, Ja., 5 Deo. 1S55. Dr. Aykr: T bave been entlreiy cured, by your Pilla, of Jthewïif'tic Gout-' a painftil disease that bi i affllotd me for years. VINCtNT SLIULi.L 4aHU$ f'f tïid Pilis in niarkot Contaln Morcnry, whichTfliough it v.' n-mvilv in slcilftrl hnndi), to dangeroua hi a public pHI, from'the draadAil conQuennofl rl --ir. frt':jM:-nt3y fbllitw its incniltious use. ,'hcso contato no mcuiny or mineral substanci WbafeTí r. Frice, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Froard b? Dr. J. G. AYfJR & CO-, Lorell, üíasa. ïtïaynarö, Stebbms Ëc vmsoü, FARKAND, feKtílEY S CO., IN'troít. SOOyl S II. BL'ïÜïlM,, Travelling Agent. New Eemedies for SPERvIATüJlRIKEA TTavyj&D --(( lATKtX, PHILADKLPHIA. A Pc LlSmoIei'f ïnsti'ution !abV?hal ■■ inwmeiU rcHff of ihe $icU and Di stres f eed. afflic.tedwUh ViruUni and Chróni and cspecuUly for the C'irc. oftit$i aLi 'fu.t, MEDICA'L Al-' t by the Acting Surgeoo. VA1AAHI.K KKPORT? "ii Si)(.rnm1orrhoea,aD ' D i1í)ríans,Hndon thf NEW REUtptuyed ni ■ d letier i'!l r].i'i ■.. li't'C "i' q] i lUpü "dP K-cepteble. Addrew, Dr.J.SKILXlN HOUGHTON, tfowtrd Aasooiation] No ii d. Nitith t., Philadetpbia,, Vu. lyouöOval Picture Frames AT,I. HIZES. STYfelS aml rfiIC'F.5 just recoived and XCHOFF & MILLER'8. 1860.Dec.25, . 780tf TT 3E3 SAEATOGA EMPIRE WATER FOR 'on or Djb i Conitipatlon, Kervous I petite, ''■ tnraOB ('diils, i : h stalö'ol I hif, STBBBIN3 .v V:T.:-üN' nnd EBFRBACH S CO , AnD Arbor. Ij828. WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.VPANY1HEPeoretarj (nlllteat.Copk'ji Hojgl, la ilio Cilvf.f Alin All.; r. ..:l TlHilsiUiy ül' oacb v, Lrk , Uötil tl noti:'c, rva'ly to uew nicnlb . Secretan. OotQber 93d IVotïce. ÏO Aln.'i Reed", Charlea Abbott, Joba Haggcrty ft ■ ore Baker, John Smith, Jtrni. '.". v. . Wal ei man. i coi ■■ C. Fnyder, JaiS ■ innfngham, i LuthB. 1 ter. Tra Foster andJ. W, m-vhumu-, anJ to aoj andad DJ or in ;iny i ,.,j ottion of the premis he ■ ribed' 1 ('inpany ■ ■■ portion of .:',: route and track as proponed to I ■ wit:- Beginning at a point '„ulroad ■ gtiaight line ■ ■ ■ : . . 'li c-;t aurj lliirtv tbtM h-t't, theiicr Clirvini! ; ,.f tl. !■.-.' thcucaii.l tttfi three and sbc tcnths ve hundred as i q q .. tangent to, and eonneeti □ ili ttrBt : U;e Báid vfllage of fc?fio. And tion,change and 'li, saod lid Etaïln ad I Rfttlroad in vviiitlioii each tiile of ihu aid above centro hne of I, axcept .-uch portions of saïd strips ad are embra&ed vritbin their ad. And wh . . ■■ ain ol Uu ownors M iald lands to be acqtiired areeither infanta . ■ ' said Couoty ol ÏVawh! Uoaw, or ofaknovn, nnd iaid ompi ban bi en unablr owners ■ b rtccupied as al You (tnde&ch of youwilltake notice tbat tl:; ... Eightb day of March aejU, at twelve o'eiocl I plication fcó Dai tel 6?. Twitchellj . cuitCouri COQUUisáioJxer, :it bi& pifice in .tae Ann Arbor, to ruw a Jurv to aSÈess the diimaj ■ aers or occupiern of y rea son of the taking and uc of the ame b'. -iii' i Rail Ü'.;'1 '■ ir.iv.y a afor I tractsand parceUol . h trhton i-i rpate and l ■ iged and ■■■■', runa and portlon of wUicli aro necessary Ia itred, are all siiuatea io Waantenatt t'uunty Michigan, and areaeverally follows : 1 - ni !2 in Fosters' i to the v ■ ""-jDty, State ol UU hl. gao, and lot 2, ' and.4 In Biock G of the original platof nai-l villiire, 2 - nu']; 5inthe original (ilatofsaid viltage. 'i - Parcel of land d .-cingat a stakc íinii Otones onecbain .south from corner of ft1 2 m B)ock4, according to thèrecor of 8SW nHftC Uf ÖUI", :tii'l ..nli fom ro ch&ias, t henee nnrtli four chaii. south ■, th nee tast ; tnf i to the place of bg&ginningi 4- Pai .; the ïitid plat pf ihe vilmd boandeda foHows: On the north by i 'i Line of 1 i: ray laiii out oa tlie line bet ■ ■ nine afl beo Town two soutb b by tlic Uur":) ri er, and ■ four jn s.ti'l village intberly to i'r.' Miiealol in the north wfet cornw of said iract,beiog twent f -t ín width on th& east Hne of the highway anJ estfn'Jing iifty-six feet alonj Eng at ■ jniiüt in the centre of First str?t in s;ii'i village twocli.-i Huivs wet oí the et I eafdFmrt Btreöf two chaina and ftfty liiiks to - vest t- land u ■ :. ■-■ Ta' Che Michigan Cení ral Railroad Compatiy, thénce ija- ■ ■ úd Kailioad Com lanatotaod ööworfcapied by Patrick Hughes, thencfl Dortherly a long tbe west line ui t li tand now oceupied ■ of bi inning, said propertj béicg knowu tbe a' Mil! 'property} aud now oceupie by Charles Abbott. ■.- A parce) ol lan I n, begínñlngat :i poini in the Boiith line of First streettvhere il lected by íhit y. now occupiedby Baid Abbott, theucn west alotirtbd line ol " otil tlie same ín ■'■mtIv íine of the iánd now oceupieí ral Railnoad Company, thence st e northefly lineofsaid Rjiilruaíl (om : the wuit of s:i .-ir mili prtperty , thenco oorfherly aïong the ■■■-■' line of a triangular picceo! la ogaboot se ven hua. 7 - Parcel ol tn-1 Ij-.-í;; part m' soction ion. Town two SOutíi i : C ■■ ■ o tht1 n: rt!i if of tii" channri of the Hui m tbe soutb ( i ; - ave,in biock twentjr tino-, in tno village of 1 : 1 i nee west to a of River :;, tbe rtforeaaid villa ■ icrth along üm ■ ol said Btreí to the -■ ■■!■ o Itn ■ m bt ee and, ten h iip,tbence eaet alpag hree and ten to the Huroo Uñer, thence alunr tliu nuxtfa Sida of the Hurón River lo Qing. ■'' and aflíM witiiii) lift í'. t on fsi;li sida of the afore&aid desenbed . ad i nut now inc!u(k-d witnin the oíd route of the Michigan Central línilroíid l'ninpany, 8 I A Maji of aad lino n-. reloca tod and of i 'ion of each to b aequired, iujy . .) . M. Bertíen, Engíneor of xhs Iaíl RuaJ Company, at it Jffpot ín ol !;.-troit. D.-troit, Februari Uth, i ■ 3. (Signed) (i. V. N. 1.071', ■ Aitorncy forthe Mich. Central Rail roa Lstate oí Patrick Ilohan. STATE OF MICHIGAN C At aaesion ol the Probate Courtí fiar the Cimntyrt . oaw, holden at the Piobateüfflce, in t] Ann Arbor, on i tentb day ■ . housatid eight hnndred and sixtjr-two. cnas Ninde, Jodge if Probate: Ín tht q, late of saiJ unni Ou re ing end filíng ihe petitíon áuly venfied txj Patrick ■ praying for ;■ i ■ r al estáte, ■ , ,.([ geized, desetibed tn said petitíon, for tbt mr' the debts tf ti aaed, iponit la Ordered . "Thai Frlaáy Ihe tweotjoighth dáj of Miirch next,at oneo'clodtin the afternooo, be aaignd fnr the hêa etítioa, and s, legatees, nd heïrsat iaw of sai : . m said estáte are r i of sí1, id Court, then to be h ifAno Arötr,insai(ïCountr, and sbOw canse, if any therebe,wby thc : tí,tí nfíiiX ' ted: And itisiurtber nec íTive notice to the peri he hearinfir the eof. bj Caaring a copy of to I pUbliahed in tho Michigan Argus. % ,,i-r printed and eireolating in sanl County of I !iav. fo'-ir suecs. sive weeks previoos to eai'i day of hearing. (A true ct.jy.) THOMAS XINDE, Jddge of Probate. ' MORTGÁGE SALE. DKFAÜLT havin? be he paymer.t of i wrMin mortifíge, I aj of Ocio1. 1, A. I). 1 . P Gillet ïo AlmoM H ,i. l ■■■rUed in tlie ofhcc oí Rt-gisler (,ï Deedg anO Mortgages of WashteDaw Cüunty, on tbe of .Vovomlwr, A. Ü 1868, at 10 oclock, a. 51i e vras duly ;iísiD' d "ii the 28th dj of lictnbrt, the ssld Almopd H. M. l'ia'-t to S.illyl'ríU, whtefe - corüed at tbc fanie iaid morlgaü i miM-tHge there i claimeü to be due at the e aum ■ f lht.e bndred as tv;i-rí,00) priocipal. and leveniy-tbMe a (53-100 1) interest, making in all th nincty-eight añil G3-100 i lí39S,tí3), and mtsuitoi pioceelinï{y at lftw hav ■ I to recoTer tliesamp, or Koticë la licribv ven thiU by virtuc of pcwer of sa ,., ,,),,,, ..y, (be Í4lh aaj of Ajirtl, 2, at twelyeo'clook, nooo, af sai! day, at u tl .-(-tv of Ann Ari..T, log the place lorhokling the Circuit Court fot tn said C..IHUV ) ttaars will he sold at public auction to tl biddettbó morigagi ■ ■ ■ """ inuch tlien-ofan shsli beneceMirj to sattsfy tb(hu. n ;d'l jnoTtffage wit!i interest, u! the cos: . foi tli" tnncloing tliesHine;w p, .rli., ,: tract (ir parci'l of land ajtaate in the township of Manchester, ■ M of MicUigan, vi . ,,,i thé nortl - of the south p.irt ol .t (ractiocal ont suarter ■ ■: oa-8l nhlsoor south ol range tJHTC east thence on the lm f t ou S'ii'l lot lollic centroof rier Raiain1, tuonceupu ... itiv nf Marsh Broofc, then ,tref aMMhMh Bdonk tr the centre I Territor al Road, thence west to ttosonm Mi corner of lawh on...l bv norlli of tLe lVrritoml Road thence north to the centre of saiil river Raisiji ip the centroftheíadrIerKastatothoJ Hm jilace "f bíinning, con i. be the name looi-'1 ■ saidmoi l'art of tlu-purchis in-ice (f tl"' i1''! tand, 1 SAL!. Y I RATT, Aísignee. Crake íi AllMf-TRoxo, Altorneys for Asiigneo H11,.,l,.I;„iuivy -.M. 18C3. S36-l- Slortgage Foreclosure. Dl IT havinii boen made in the cornliüou of a mortgage excented ly Calvin T. FHlmore ana Marn-oda wll'e, t" Luther Ja.mes, daten Deocmi i l.-il the ni-xt day t Bffeeo minutes put twoo'cloekP. Mortgnges,tri 157 in the Regbler'a office in WaahteBaw cuiint ■, V wbichdífaulttKBpowatof sala contained in sai'i mortKan acain bocame operatíVe,and no suit or proccenmg haring bwn instituted a.t Iaw to recover tlK-.l.ltsMuroa pv aaid mortgage or-an; part tlicreof, nd the suro oi I di.llars bfing now claimen t" X coa. Notice i therefore Ir-icI.v givcn. that th ■said raortCTRe wili bo foreclose.l ly a ale of the mirt., !..„,,t .uartcr of ■.,, twenlj -l'-i' '■: --outhof ioScio.iji lid county and Stati , ixv acres of lan.l of mM i 1 or some pftrts tliereof, at public vendue at tns Coiirt Hou in th city of Aap Arbor, on the tweut;1Bixth Jav if Auril next, at nroii. i.l XHEB JAiEE?, Moitpige. E W. Mobba Atl'y. DatcJ, Jan. 30th, A.P.,1862. Mortgage Sale. MTCITAI f. M. 1'ÜKFB-flN bvan ndentnrc of [nvtif: u day ol Deci mb'et, in the yearOne thouaand Kight hunSrea and Bfty-Mg .t, ': to Willijun 1. ;u.-.mí pareéis "1 land lyim.' in tW8tte cf H of Washtcnaw, iivl Towiih of Pittt-ti V.,ila'uü. known and deijc -il '■ at half i f tinv Ni.ilh Kat quarteróf lëotióll ninnber one in TownVhip tumbar toree Soulb, ol Bange nunvber sis 1 ■ (Pltt 6eld): and alio the West huif ol the'Nprlh Weil quarter of sec. Ion nombei si in Townshipntrnünr tlircs Böuth.of Range number neven Easi (Ypsilanfi) . uith the poffer of sale Iherein oontalned, was recordé OB the llth day ofDeoember, n. . W08, at óo'cliick. 1' M., of that day, in ] or miirliraKi' paga tW,in the i ol the I il n,., . is lor iheCountj ol Vtu,tunnw. On t: layof Éecembor, A.D.', 18(1, said MoHgage wa ■ I I 1 nmei t ín wiifme, ickDowledged by Baid iiüam A b ;l ml by h m tin i delivered, to Leasure T,. Knmm ii afl déd .on tbe iirt iï:iv of JanuaiT. A. r., lrt.'J, ai 12 X 0'oloL.k, P. W. , ot' that dayi I ;i er ! ol Hortgagéa, al page 17.". In th office of tli áforesaid Ko i mil of Tour li I sevonty-four 81-101 Dollars, besideis tbe PoilcHoi ' fees and ex] as Jiroviilfd in due on saitl n'. ' ' name at date t i!;iBÜölt haviofl by vhtcB the poWi . no suit or } at Iaw liavinji befii [nstïtuted tow f - Notici i lier will h,' foieclosed by ■ wliii-h ;iY v 1 1 ; ■ ' l V( ü'lue at ï ! ■ door'of tne Cour! Ho ■ ■ ■■■ of IioMmii: .il Cuuii 1 in tl e city ol Ann Arl nn the thirty llrst itay of March I D. I ■ WEI., Assignei-of MortRa(te. ftatr.


Old News
Michigan Argus