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%tsiiiti Jèittttïxt-, CiRDS! CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! Ttavin prekaseci a Rroofi.ES Rotary Diamond Gard Press, wit] tment of Card typfl, tho ARorg Dfficeis prepaïfaft fre prïrtt Carda of all kinda in the sea test possiblestyle :inl ;n a great reduetion f rom '(irni'T pi ig Business Carda formen of all ■,TocationsaindprofB&8ÍQns( Rali, Weddinjr, and Vlsíting Crds, etc., etc. Cali, gi va us yours orders aml see how it s O nfi W. N. STRONG NALL, DUKCKLEE & Co., ■fTTHOISAI-I! un:'. liKT.ML dealen in Dry Gooffi), Oar" lf pítingí, Floor ni I Cloths, Ft'athers.Faper Uugng, ud a i,rncr:i assortmcnt of Furnishing Goods, No Ti Woodwárd Avciüu', Corncrof Ijunc.lsi., - - - DJHSOIT, Mieh . ggOrdtn BoBelted and pronipuj tiLP& '1 to-ft SO9jl RAYMOND'S Pliotogiapliic and Fine Art GALJLERY N'or. Ï05 nml 207 Jclterson Avoirjc, DETROIT. Pbotographs, Life Site, colored or plata, eablnet, ídipcrial, (klelainotpes, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypd, etc y t'Alíü PIC1URE8 by tbe Deten (ir ïhou sand. SOÍljl ïTo. o. f. WASHTENXW LODGE No. 9, of the In.tependent oMér of Odd Fellows mee ai their Boom, ívcrv Fri'lry eVening, at 7 u'cluck, E. R1CBARDS0N, N. ö. S. BosDBMK, Sec'j-. ""l. stubbs. "TTTnniFSAiE ana Reta!) Dealer in Tobacco. Ctgara fce., VV Main St. - glgn of ■■ B.g Indian," Franklín Blod;, Ann Arbor, ■ ... Micb. S. G. SUTHEULAND & SON, [JP'HOtESALE AND RF.TA1I. GrócRSknd OonunlsíioD VV Meicliaüts, East siJe -Main Street Aun Arbor. TVVITCHELL & CLARK. 4 ttorneys and Counsollors at Law, General Life and 1 Fire Insurance agenta. Office iu City Huil Block. in Baron -t., Ann Arbor. CollecUons promptly made jid remitted, mui spvcia! atteintion puid to oonvej anotng, D. B. TWlTCïIKU-, [743tfl E. P. (T.'.HK. J. M. SCOTT. MBROTYPR & PilOTOGRl'H ARTISTS, il tllP ronmS formerlv oceupiêcl by Cordley , ovwuifi store of tfperry t Moore rt'rfect tatisfactioii saaranteed. WINES & KNIQHT. DEAu:iïsin Staple, Fancy Bry Goods, Boots and Phoes, &e. 4c, Main Street Ann EISDON & HENDERSON, . DEALERS ín Hu i. W are, St oves, houstfurnishinggoods. Tin Ware S:c. &c, New Blook,Main Street. A. P. MILLS, Dealer in Staple Dry Goods, Grocerfcs, Boots and Shoefl a ad Readj Made C'lothing, Hurou Steeet Ann fcrbor-: BËAKEÖ & AEEL, A ttornfvs Jt CouNaraxoBS at, and Solicitors in flL Chant-ory. Office ín City Hall ülocli, over Webster Jt Oo'a Boos 8toro, Ann irbor KÏNGSLEY & MORGAN, ttor.veys, Counsellors, Solíeítors, and Notaries Pub "i lic, havo Bunks ;ith1 ]'h{- shnvinL tilles of all lande in the jounty, a ml atHMid to eonvey&nciagand collecting emands. anl to payin taxea and school interest in any art of the State. Office easl sUe of the Square. Ann Arjor. JAMES E. COOK, JOSftCS ov tuk Pbacb. Office nearthelteDot, Ypsilanti, -Michigan. Ym. LEWITÏ, M. D., PHYSiaAN k ScKfiEoy. Ofïïce at his residence, North side of Hurón street, aüd id West oí División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MANCFACTi-RERanJ dealer in Boots and Shoos. 1 door West ot Uie Post Office, inn Arbor, Mich, MOORE '& LOOMIS. Tsüfacti-rebs an'l iealer in Boot? and Shoes, Vi Phoenix Block, Main Street, one door Nortb of Vathinglon. M. GUITERMAN & C0 ITTThíii-ks.'.i.k and Rotail dealers and manufacturers of VV Ready Made Clothing, Importers of Clotha, Cassiáierefl, Ooeskíns, tzc. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. Ö. B. rÖRTER, Hml Sürgkon Dentist. Office corner of Main JMfaÉBkaCr and ïluron streets, over P. Bach's store, 1L7tv09Bh Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wii. WAGNER, Dealer in lïe.idy Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and VeattngB, llats, GapB, Trunks, CarpetBags, &e. Main t., Ann Arbor. BACH & PIE11S0N . Diíai.erb in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, &c.t Main Btreet, Anu Arbor. MAYNAED, STEBBINS & CO 'kai.kkk in Dry Qoodfc, Groceriea, Dmga h -Medicines, JWauiii A: shfiO!,-, fee., ooi oer of Main and Ann gtreets, sst Del = w tlie Kxcliunge, inn Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, bocers, & Comminios .Mircliants.anfl rleaJT Iers iu Water Lime, Lax'd Plastes, aua Pustgk of a kis, o in.' door Eaiiof Gook's ilotel. C. BLISS, D kaler in Clocks, Watclies, Jewelrv. aml Fancy Goods t thesign of theBlgWmteh, No. 27, 1'UoenixBlock. "TTöTattsT" Dealer in (Mocks. Watches, Jewelry andSiWer Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. PREEMAN. Barrer aml Kasliionahle Hair Drcsssr, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ilair Fronts aad Curia kupt onetantly on haud. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dkaleks inMiscellaneouR, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper Hangingn. &c.t Maiu Street Ann Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF Plano Forte, Gultar, and StngiDg, being deairousof enlarginj; her olU, wül rrc.-ivr pnpill aT fie reRidonoe of Prof. WItiCHELL, hlch beiDg near he Union School, ivül bc very eonvenient for sucb scbolrsattending thcre who mny ;visli to pursue tbc study jfmusicin connsetion with other branches. Termsilo, half to be paii] at the midaieantl the balfuce at the close fo the term. D. DkFOREST. yiioi.R3Ai.E and Rotail Dcalortn Lumbr, Ith, Sl,;n' gles, Buh,Doon, Blinda, Water Urne, Grand River laster, Piastor Pari, and Nails of all die. A full nd perfect ajsortment of tlio aboye, and all other Íinds of building materials constantly on hand at the "vest possible ratea, on Detroit treot, a few nls from lie Railroad Depot. Also operating extunsively in the fratent Cement Roofuig. IL O. I1ARVEY. REOPECTFULLY offers liis services to the citizens of Ann Arboran a Teacher of Vocal and Instrumenta Music. CF" PIANOS TUNED AND RjEPAIRBD 83 Refeeknces.- Rev. Mr. Blnies, Rev. Mr. Chapín, Rev. Mr. Cornelias, and Prof. Frieze For furtfaer particuia inquiro of Mr. Harre; ai Mr. Eaítman'í, Washington St., between División and Dniverslti treets. 821tf. WASIITENAWCOUNTY U1BLE SOCIETY. DBPosiTORY r,f BII.Us an.l Testampnts at the Society pnces atW. C. Voorheis'. CHAPIÑ7WOOD&CO., SUCCESBOES TO ÜWD, chapín Co MANÜFACT'.IUKHROF iPrint, Bools., AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, '■'loiaiaas Papor.tfec. ANJV ARBOU HKÏI,


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