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SjPJECI.ëOCi KTOT1CES' a. n. r Pttsanger train: noT luava Detroit anj the severa Statiniis m this follows. Train; do nnt stoj) al ntatiODS where figures aro omit i ted u the table. (,' o I G V EST. Hail Ex. Jack. Ac. N'icM Fx [lutroit. 10.01 a.m. 4.50 V.M. 9 45 p"u fpsilantl, 11.85 " 6.20 " 11.10 '" AnnArbor, ll.-'S " 6.60 " 1135 " Do.xter, 1115 P.M. T.:0 ' 12.00 A H CHolsea, 12.85 " 7.45 ' v -o m Ar. Chicago, 11. CO " 10.45 " I' Hl N' C E A S T . ,„ , NlgUtEx. Jnck. Ac. Mailhx. -tln's'n. .10 a. m. : :;-ji m Dexter, .. 3 60 ,, Inn Arbor, 4.35 A, U, " 4 15 " r[js!lanti. i.::, " 7,:;o : 4'40 . Ar. at Detroit, 6.05 " fi.50 1 B 00 ,: e@ Sceaivoman, in another column, picking Sambuci Grupea for Siter's Wine. It is nn admirable article, usod in hospitals nnd liyfirst-class f.imilies in Tnris, London, and New York, in preference to old port wine. It. is worth .1 trial, as it gives great satisfaction. O If Hoofland's Balsamio Cokdiai. wül not eure, in the last stages of Consumption, we know from experience tliat it affurds great relief. A CARD TO THE SUFFEEirTG. The Kkv. Wnmu Cosobote, while Uboring asa Missonaiv in Japan, ivas eurecl of CoDsumption, when all othernieans had faiíed by a recipe oblaincd from a learned physician residtog "11 the great Cily of Jeddo. Thia recipe lias carel great nurcber who were suffering frorn Uonsumption, Broacbitin, Sore Throat. Coughs and Colda, and the debilita and aerTeusdepresaíoacasseti by rflera . Desiroua of beneRUing others, t n-ill send this recipe, Whtch I have brought home with me, to ail who need it free of charge. Aildrcss RKV.WJf. COSGROVE, 8-3jl 430 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn X. T. MOTHERS HEAD THIS. The following san extract truc; a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist Cburch to the "Journal and Messeneer," dncinnati, phlo, and speafea volumes in favnr o( that world n tot. noi] ro-dicino- Mrs Winsuow'b SootAing Syrcp fob CniLDKK.tTlranG: ':Wesee an adrertÍBament in your columns of Mrfl. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup. Now we nevtr saM a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but wefeelcompelleilto say to ynurreadcrs, that this is no humbug - wi if.vvi: tüjkd it, and kni-W ittobeailit claims. It is. pcobably, one of the inost successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the Dest. And those of your leaders who have babies can't do it betterthan to 1 ty in a'1 dvertisement in anothf-rcolumn New Medical Discovery. ïor the sjwedy anl permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Strlctare, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder , which h;is been ased by upwards of ONE HUNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, n their private practice, witli entire success, superaedingCi'iïJSBS, CüPaiba, CapsclbI, or uny compound hither BELL'S SPEOIFÏO PILLS, aro Bjmedj in action, ofton effect ing a cure in a few davs, and wheu acure is eiïected it is perimmtr.t. They are ítreparedreiB vegetable extraets that ar harmleaa un the systcin , and never nauseate tlie Ktomach or imprpgnato the breath. ; and hein BQffar-coated, allo&Reoufl tate is avoided. Vo ckange of dut is necessary wküst usivg tkem ; uor does their action interfere with business pursuitá. Ëach boxcontains síx dozen Pilis PKICE ONE DOLLAR, and will liesont by mail pofti-pald bv anv advertised Agent, on receipt of the caoney. Solj by Druggists in Ann Arbor. Nonegentiïue without my aignature on the wrapper J. BRYAN, Iiochester, N. Y., General Ageut. IT. fe L. HMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Ageuts for Michigan, SOGtf PRIZE POETRY. Let CUieftains boast cf deeds In war, And Minst reis tune thfir sweet gaitar, A nubler theme my hcarl is fiMed - Iu praiseol ÍIükkick'ií íratchlesR pills. Their cures are found ín every land - Aniid Itussia's snows - and Afric's sands ; The oodrOQfl vorkfl - the papers fill, Produced by IIkreick's matchless Pills. Does disease yffiïct you ? never doubt Tlii.s chiinning compound ■ it out, And health agaln your sjstem fill, lf you fly at once to HKKRiCKd l'ílls. They'ro safe for all - both old and young - Thí ir praiwes are on every tongue ; Disease, disarmed - no lönger kills, Since we are blessf d wlth Hkiírick s Pills. Put up with Spanisb, Germán and Frcnch directions. Price 25 cents ptr box. Suga Coated. See advertisement on third page. 804 Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHNT IIARVEY, having for upwards of twenty years ilevuted liis professional time xrluKively to tlie treatmentof IPemale üiftiovilties, and having succeeded in ihousatids oí casus iu restoring the afllicted tosoaad healtb, bas noiv öntire conlidence in oll'ermg publicly lus "GRBAT AMERICAN RBMEDY," 1311. HAEVEY'S CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. YVhich have nevtr yet faüed (when the directions have been siriclly followed,) in removing üiflicultiesarising frum Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or in restoring the system to perfect healtb, when suf fering from tíl'l-NAL ArKixnio.vs, PBOLAFSDa Uteri, thï Whjtes, or other veakues ui the Utebixk Oboans. in all cases of Debiljty orNebvous Prostkatio.v, Hy.sXdUCB, l'ALPlTATin.vs, &c, &c, which art the (orerunners of more serious disease. These Pills are perfeclly karmlets on the constilution, and may he taken by the most delicate femdle without causing distress at the same time tliey Acr like a ciiabm ty strengthening, iuvigorating, and restoring the system to a healthy condit'.on. and by bringing on the monthly period with regularityj no matter from what cause tneobstructions may arise. They sbould, however, nol be taken during the first tbree or four moniliK of pregnancy, thopgh safe at aüy other time, as miscarriagt? would be the result. Each box coutains t)0 Filia, l'rice One Dollar, and when desired will be sent by mail prepaid by any advertised Agent, on leceipt of the mouey. táold by Druggistsin Ann Avbor 1. ÜIU' AS, Rochester, N. Y., General Agent H. & I.. SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent te Michigan . 806tf #r siigM coia, $au-Ci.h-,JiLcxi.ïserLes.8. or gfate. 3fh.fioxi, ivhich might be cheaked with a simple remedy, if neglected, often, terminales seriously. Few are aware of the importance of a gjuxjJl or &fLLg.h.i $aLcL in its first stage ; that which 171 the heginning would yield to a müd remedy, if not attended to, soon attachs the lungs. were first introduced eleven years ago. It has heen proved that they are the best artiole hefore the public for cuuahs., @aLd.&, J.iíartchlt&, fLaihjTLa., t@ala.f-th., the Haoking Cough in @cuzs.LLfn.LÍCLn., and numerous affeations of the j3f h-taai, giving1 immediate relief. Public Speakers tf Singers will find them effeotual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Sold by all (2)ruggists and (Dealers in Jtdicine, at SS cents per box. Caution. ALL persons are herehy forbiddea to liarbor or trust flny person on my account efter this date, without o. written order from me. WIIJJAM W. RIGOS, Ilatcd, Pylvan, Fcb.1T, 1802. 4w80. Ayer's Agüe Cure.


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Michigan Argus