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o ■ n H Í II fel n 3sJ s! I ais H "B's tn ruil?! B s. Pi f-'?' A] H L -% S2 S Ci cc d 's"! i Ë is' í SP E Kit 'S SAMBUCI WINE, ture, a;;d four years oi.d, Of Clioice Oporío Sambucup, TOR PHTBICIANS1 UíE, FOR FEMALES..WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALIDS Every fiimi ly, at this fason, should use the BÁMBrCJ WINE, Celebrated in Enropc for iís medicinal and beneficial qnnlitips as a gectle Mïmuliint . Tonic, Iiiorttic and u iorific, higlily esteemed by eminent physicia&s, used in Suropéanaod American Ilospitnls , andby som e of the first families of Euroje and America. Afl A TUNK', It hasno equal. eawring ad appetite and bulldteg up f the systcni bvuig entirciy a pure wine of a most valuablc fruit. AR A DIURETrC, It impartía heattfay action to the Gldn.Is and Kldnayi, ind l'ri'.unv Organs, very UcneHcialiu Ptfopsy, Güut,aiui ïheumatic ftffecttena, SPEBR'S WIXE s not a mixture or minufactui-ed uriif le, bul i pure, 'rom the juice of the Portugal ï-'anibuciis, cuHivutc'! in N'ew Jersey , reconmirndtvl by f neniistH and Phvfiicians is posaessing medical propert'N b superV t to aur ether iVlne !n use, and an excellent articie for all weak aud lebilitated persons, and tlio aged and inñrm, mproTinj he appftite, md beneli cing tadia and chïldxen. ALADIKS V.-IXK, il U'ill nol intoxícate as otlier wine, as it conti' 'is no niixture of Bplrita or Hquors. and ia anmlred fpr its ricli, ucculiar fiavor, and u itritive pvopertifs, Impartfng a liea?1' tone to the digestiré organs,ftad u WouiaiPg, soft ftndheaitLr kin aud oomplexton. WK KHFHR TÓ A fw wll kBOwn gentlemen iwidphyaiclaiw who have trtcd the Wine:- Gen. WinfielJScott, U S. A. I Dr.Wal,on llibst., N. Y Oor. Horgan, N . Y. state Dr. Wurd, Newark. N.J Dr. ,1 IX. ChÜt n,NT. Y.Citv j ! ir. Dongtwrt?, " i( I). Tarker, N Y. City. Dr. Farish, IHliladelplwa Urn JJarcy and NichoU, Or. Davi-i, Chicago, Kewark, N. J tlinoiiJ. Aml many othera too d unieron s ín publish. XyOr-Suiw graniné unlesa the signature of "AI.FUKI; Sl'1-i'.ií. PaflKBie, N. J.," over the cerk of eacb buttle. ÍSMAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. For Sulr by Mfltyiutrd, Stcbbins & Wtlxon, Aon Albor. K.r salcby UVby k Ste.arn. T. R. Ppwce, Henry Haigh, H.& L, Öimoneau, ütto Leuschner, whoare nlso Agents for ( plfbrati d Sambuci Brandy of Oporto. Xrutio ftupylittdio Petruit by JA8. A. PERKINS & CO. A. SPEER, Pxopiietor. VINETARD. Puësalc, Xcw Jersey OFFICE, ;08 iïroadwaytN. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Pa ïb, 831ni6 Agent for FraDceand (ermany. O. BIiISS Is now recoivlng-a largo a'l Well sefected asaortment of Oiocksf Watchea, J EWE LH Y, Sil ver aml Flated Waie, TABLE AND POCKET Z3 "ECT Ta?1 JC-i 53 H_ W RAZORS and S1IEARS, ca-OLiD ieists,, Musical Instruments, Siringe lf Boolcs for Instruments, SHEET MUSIÓ, Ct)5IBS. and a greut varicty of ■y-Aris:EE notions, sco. He would cali particular attentïou to his largo slock of SECTAOXjtES, of Gold, Silver, Slec?, and FlaUd, toith PERÍSCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Also Iluutin-fon & Platt's cok'brato.l CALENDAR CLOCK! mitablefor OfBoes, Countíng Rooms, Balli or DweHInm, rbete t-lcicks tr-- rebable time kóepers and Calendar comi)ined,and requiro the vinding nf tlic limo movementa only, to secare &11 th required changea atmidniplit, showing the day of the week the month and da y of ttie Dionth, Ipeluding the 28th of Pebvuary. of I.oap reu-, IIi goods aro mostly of recent pinchase from New York and the m:iiiuf:ictuivis, ;m(i will bfl Bold to Ruit Uu tjjnes. Persooa iiavig difflcult watohei to t witb glasBM can be acooiqodatéd, a my stock is larga a ni' cojnj P S. Particular attenlion (o he REPAiRiKra í)f all kiuds of (ue Watghos, iaoh as Making and Setting new Jewels, Paions, Slap, and CyUndern. Aleo GLOCKS, Sc TEWJEU.E-2nratly ropairprl and "wanantej, at liis ild stand tBt Kideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor, Not. ÍS, 1861 P26tf Ovaa Picture Frames A IX SOES, STVÍJCS and PRICES just received and forsale pheapat CÍÍOFF & MILLER'8. 186O.Iec.;S. 780(f


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Michigan Argus