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i Great Reduction in the Price of SINGÉR & CO.'S 1 tandard Machines . Well known to be the Best for Manufacturing l'urposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, for! merly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of samo kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to $75. t STNGEE'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the bost Machine in the world for Fani'ly Sewing and Light Manufacturing Purposes: (with Hemmer,) and beoutifully ornamentad $50. The Noa. 1 and 2 Machines are of great capaeity and app[ication for manufacturing pnrposes. Uur No. 3 Machines art; especially adapted to all kinds i of light and heavy I-eather Work, in Carnaje Trini' ming, Boot aml Bhoe Making, Han)es9LMaktag,efe}.,etc. 1'hey are of esva sizo. and itli t n arm tong PQDUgh to take under it and stitch ihe larget "size dsne. ïhen ia (icurcely any part of a Trimmers' atitchlng that cunnot be better done with tbem than by híini j so, too th [ saving oí time an.l Ubor is ve-y great. The tub'leof these machines in Í5Í inohes long, and tlieahuttic wil! hold eix timeB the usual uantifof thread. Ihelaru machine works as fastas smalt oatn. We would ask for our Letter A. Machines, tlie special attention of Vert Makers and Dress Makers, and all tfaoso who want Machines for UgWinanufaeturrttgpiirpofte3. They enibody the pridcipies of the standard mochfSM, makin? likethem. theinterlockd sltch, and are deftined to be uscelebrated for Family Skwjno md light manufant uring purposes as our standard machines are tor maiiufacturiog purpose in general'. We have alway.son hand, iiemmio G4UGBs,01LKrwiBT 1 UNEN' AND CÜTTO.V TilKEAD, O SPOÜLS, liEaT tUGBONI üU in bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Noedles, and would warnall persons using our machinen uot to buy any others. Wo kuow that there are ncedlos sÖd èf i most inferior quality at Mgher pricea than we charge for the best. The needles sold by ub are manufacturcd especiallv for our maJnnes. A bad needie inay vender tht bat machine almost uselcps. Our customers may rest aisured that all our Prancl; Offices are furnished with the " genuineacticle " In case of small purelia, the monev may be acat in postage .stanipf, or bank uotes. Correspondents will please writc their names distinctly. It ia all aportan t that wt should, ineacti castkuow the Tost Ollice, County, aud inte, All persons requiring'iiiformation about Sewing Machines, tbeir size, p rices, working capacitie, and the best methods of purchasing, eau obtain it by sfinding to uu, or any of our BranchüÜIcesfora copy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, Whlcfa Uabeautiful Plctorial Paper entir&ly devoted to the subject - It will besent gratis. J63" Ye have made the nWkvc REDI7CTI0N IN PRICE . with the two-fuld view of beneüting the public and our solves. Tlipublc have been swindled bj spnrious machines maile in miilnti m of ours. Tiie metal in tlinn. trom the ïron casting to ths siuallest peice, .- o; poor qutllty. Tlioir makers have not the means to do their watk weil. Tbey are liid avay in ecrct places, win. ie 1 wouldbe mpossibje to have at tlieir cominnivl the proper mecbanical aiipüancos. It is onlj by doing a Jreal business, and havingütnnsive manufacturmg eatablishments, that eood machines can be made at mi pricea, The best designwl mnchini'K, BAM.Y MADE are always liable tn get out of order, and are sul e tocóse considerable trouble and money to keep them in repaiit The qualities to be lookod lor in a Machia are : cor tainty of correct actkin at nll ratos of speed siinp'icitv of construction, great dBrabllitj. of operation, with the least labor. Machines to .mb'ine tketi Msential qualities, {must be mndeof tl.ebost inual and finiMhed to perfection. We have tbc way and ou agrand sc.ile, t'j do this. The purebasers of machines, whoMdallT bred itmnv concern, will lind that (hosc havinctlie abovcqualities not only n-ork M-ell at rápidas wel! as ilow rates ei speiid.butlastlongcrinth( finestpossible worliimr order Our machiiies, u b-y „s, „ill earn more monej with less labor tban ay otr wftether m imltatioi o: oursornot. In fact, theyarechoaer tlinn onv "ther machines as a gift. . . M. SfSOER S CO., 458 Broadwaj New York. Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) gii M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. IW OLD FRIEND8 pgj IN THE RIÖHT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated PilisII ' _3T!ial_ 11 TIIE BEST FAMILY CavtVV thartic in the world, .-s& 3k usei' 1lvty years ty L tKjÜTlW 'I Eve niillions of persons -A i'J annuaHv ; always give siiti.sfiictïon j contuin r2V M 'nL n01'K injurious ; CJLl 855 patronized by the prinwjtff?1 jjffiPT pal physicians jmd 'UpSè-, surgeons in the Union ; ftSNMríH S elegantly coaied with Sr'?IlS Ij""go Boxes25 cents; tnw-wT a, =v-j_gj five boxea for 1 dollar. I1 - r=' - ■ - I Fulldirections witlieach TALLATIASfil!, LeO.V Cor.VTY ) Florida, July 17, 1860. f ToDr. HXUJOK, Albany, N. Y - My Dear Doctoi - I wriKthis toiüfoimyou of thewoDderful eltect of joor Sujar Coated Pilis on my eider daughter. Fcrthree years slie has been afflicied with a billious derangement of the uystem. fadly impaiing her hcallh, which has been steadly (ailfng dnrlng that perfod. WhenlnNew iork in A pril last, a friendadvised me to testyour pill laving the fullost Coañdenée in iud-ment ol my nend, I obtained a supply of Messrs, Barnes ft Park Druggists, Park Row, New York. On returning home. vcjeeased all other treatmect, aml administered your 'illa, eme each elght. The improvemeattn her fa lings eomplexion, digestión, etc., surpnsed uHl. Aiapid' indlpemianent restoration io health has been the result. Ve used lcss thanflveboxes, aud consider her ent'relv veil. I consider the abolP a. jnst tribute toyou as ó 'hysicun.aDdtrust tliatitwillbe themeans ot&ducinjr mr.ny to arloptyourl'ills as their family mejicines. I remain, dearsir, with many Ihauks, Your obíídent sei-vant, S. G . Mohrisox. Henick'a id Étrenêtbening Piasters euro in five hours, paiüs and weil!:hei t?f thebreast. side and back, nnd Rheumatic Oomplaintsin an equall.v short ppriod of time. Spread on boautifnl white laiia. ekin, thelruse KubjeoU the wearer to no inconveniece, aad each one wiU waar fj-om oue wceií to three months. Pncel8% cenls. Herrlck'a Sugar Coated Pili ond Kid Piasters aro pnM oy Droniata anJ Merchants in all parts of the Dnltec States, Cunada and South America, and mdy be obtained bycallingfortheai bytheirfull name. 1805 DR. L . li. HERHICK, t Co Albany, N. Y. RISDON & HENDERSOK'S SSa THE GENUINE 8TO VE. We wish to eall the attenüonof the public to this eolebrated COOKIIMG STOVE! Whijh is'the oniy perfect stove made. It will dü more business with one third loss fuel than any other STOVE made. From tfstimony given by the persous roferred to beiow, on accouat of its duiabihty aud Fuel Saving Qualities, it has proved a saving fram Twelve To Twenty Dollars per yetir. We would you to the followiag list of PERSQSS WHO HA VE TIIEM IN USE: Trof. Tappan Ann Arbor. l John F. Millor, Ann Arbor Prof. Wood, ': J. Gilbert tniith " Prof. WinoheU, " J. T. Aulla, " Prof. Doug'ass, " Joscph Watts, " Alplieus Felch, " T. Wilkinson, " Win. 1!. M.irtin, " Mrs. S. Dentón, " Kich'd Hooper, " O. Hawkins, " Hon.B. F. liranüor," C. A. Chapín. " J. W. Mnynard, " Charles Tliayer, " F. I.. Stebbins. " Martin Clark " t;-B-'i'I;0'1V " S.Botaferd, AA.Town. Mrs.O. Welcb, ■ Tilomas Wuod, Pittsfleld MM. E. T. Williams," Alvereton Drury, " V. Chnpin, " Jacob Poltiemus Scio C. II. Wood, " N.C.Goodalc " Joseph W. Wood, " Ui . Fellei s, Sharon. We hnve on hand a large assortment of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlor and PLATE STOVES, ftnd a general assortment of Hardware and tin ware, and Bent stuff for Carringe vork. Particular attention paid to fitting up Eavetrough and Conductors, and all kinds of Job work done at tho Sliorteet RISDON & HENDERSOli. Ann Arbor, 1861. ■HBWaiid LOT FOB SALE. I Willsell my House and Lot on Fourthstreet.adjoiuing tlio residenoe of L. C, Riyilon, on very rmancnaiaU t.ims. Tho lucation is a desirable one for a business man. L. W. WALLACE. Ánn Arbor, Jan. 28, Iíífi2. 4w838 SPECIAL NOTICE TO o xj s t o nvc jb ü s. ALLacoounts over six muntlw must be settled af once. (3all a tho officP andpay up. A well selectedt stook of Now Goodd Cbeap for 821tf MATNAKD , STliBBlXS 4 WHSOK.


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Michigan Argus