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WRIGHT'S FOOR MAN'S PILLS, Ad excellent vegetable fuinily Medicine, in cases of Indigestión, Dyspepsia, Liver Con: plnints or Jaundico, Ague ond Fever, Cóated Tongue, Sickncss at the Stomacb, SicU FJeadaohe, Remitiant and Intermittent Fevers,Cuugl)P, Colds, Cotnrrh, &c. &c. Entirely vegetable. they are èmphmionlly JYJITURFSS JFRMJEJ%mJD, l conducing to liealth and counteiaciing oisease , hy purifying the blood, clcansing the eysiem ol vitiated humors, removing cbstruclions, ating the organs of secretion, iningling with the food and acting every way in harmony with the , aystem. For Inflamatory dieeases used in connection wiih the "Rheumatic Piaster" they wil] be found . grcntly to aid in the renioval of diseases for which the, Piaster is obove recommended, nnd pnrticularly ar9 hey calculöied for all e menis of the Digestva nnd Biliary Organs, the " primary origin of a mnliitude of dlsenocs. . Price- 25 cents nnd 50 cents a Box. For sale at Mosely'e Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. l6-Jy e Certiñ cates. i WoOl SltCK, L.F.NAWEE Co., ) v Aug. 20, 143. l s For tweive years I have been troubled wiih n u rhe. matic aflection in my back, bo that 1 have harcly ever been tree from pain during the wtiole tirm and wiihin twelve hours after I hnd nppliec Bome of Wright' Rheumatio Piaster. I was perlii :tly onsy, and have had no pain tince. STEPHEN CARY. r Jackson Co.. Coi.umbia, f i Aug. 2.1, 1844. l This may certify that I kave ueed Wright's s Pilis in my foinily in violent nitacke of chili nnd v ibilious fever, nnd havo found them to be the r best Pilla thjit I ever used, and would f mend every tamily to kerp them on hand JAMES AWARTOUT. t Thomfson, Geaigv Co.. Orno. ? April 28th, 1844. ' S f This rnay certify thnt I have used Wrights' t Poor Man1 Pilis and Rhcumntic Piaster in my practice, and would sny to the public that they n can rely upon their recommendaiion with the c utmost confidence; in short, they only need ing to recommend themselve?. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. r Lokaike Co., Grkei, May 36. 1843. c This may certify thi)t 1 have Ubed Wright's Poor Man's Pilis in my practice, and find them 8 to be one of, if not ntirely. the best pills now in use; and would recommend every family to F keep them on hand, eepecially thoee who live near low, marshy land, or mili ponda, or in an ' unhealthy climate. JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. ' Without adding mie teptimony of the etticacy f of the above mentioned medicine, we do not ' itate to say that we nre not afraid to have its virtues tested by the sidc of any other of the kind E that ever has been offered to an American " lic, and we will let il stand upon its own merits. Í For sa!e at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. '. R. Willian s, Jr.. &. Co., Sturgesrairie ; Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Branch councy. A. K. Hall, " ' W. A. Blies, Jamestown, Ind. Elisha Steer, Angola, ' Chester Mo6S. Albiorí. Michigan. A. P. Mnnn Sc R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. A. Callentar. " E. Packer, Baltlo Creek. " C. W. Vining, Galesburgh, " , Capt. Brown. Pnirieville, ' D H. Medwood, Adrián, QuacUenbos8, &, More, Tecumseh " S. A. Kowley, Jonesville, " H. Oilbert. Manchesier, W. H. Patleraon. Saline, " Harmon fe Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, Whoiesale Agent for Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co.. so!e proprietors for the Uniied State?, nttd Upper and LowerCrnadn. All orders and business letters for ihe present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia P. O., Jackson Co., Mieh. It is for sale also at Monroe, Mt. Clemens. Utica. Poniiac, and by Dubois &■ Wright, Jefferson, Agents for the State of Michigan. Kilgore. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten years since, I was taken with the Scrofula, so tbat I had no relief duy or night, my limbs heingmucb swelled and coveied wiih Ülcess. my breast and back in greatpain. and nerves much shatterèd. I applied to different Physicians, all of whom said there was no help for me, and all the remedies I tried proved unavailing umi! ] mide use of Wright's Anti Inrlam. and Rheum. Piaster, which reduced the inflamation, Uealed the ulcers brought the ski to its natural colov. and relievcd the pain. I would recommend it to all similarly afflicted, and am sure they will be satisfien after giving it a fair trial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thompson. Geauga Co.. Ohio. Aprfl '20, Í843. ' S l certify that my little boy put hls arms into boiling water, nearly to the elbo-w, so that when the dress wa.s taken off the skin carne wiih tt: after applying several remedies to no purposn - the becoming much swollen and the child in great pain, I applied ''Wright's Anti Inflarnmatory and Rheumatic Piaster," and within two hours hc was perfectly eqsy, and went to sleep. After to or three duys I removed the piaster, and applied another. and when ;hai was removed the arm was healed, except a place the size of a shilling which wns soon well. I beiieve it to be the best article fora burn that cun be produced. and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case of accidents. ELIZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DISEASES are greatly benefit ted by the use of these pills; - as Nervous Head acho, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance. &.c. thcir tendency being to soothe the irritt-bility of the Bystem, allay pain, and induce quiot and re pose. Those afflicted with Coughs, Colds, Influenza, &c, wül find relief from the use of :hese pills. Exposure to cold closes the pores of the the skin, checks perspiration, retards the circulation, and produces varions inflütnmatory dis eases. Does any one percetve a cold comino upon him? Let him on going tobed, take suffï cient to opérate smnrtly, and then every niht. take enoiigh to produce a mild operation ti 11 the disease abates. In case of "Worms let a tea o' Pink be taken freely for 12 hours, and then administer Pilis sufficient to produce a brisk cathartic operation. 20-ly. DR. OSGOOD'S IPJB1A CHOLAaOGUE. AMOiNG the mosi valuable quahties ol thit medicine, is iis restoring influence upon constitutions impaired and injured by previcus attacks ot billious fever, or fever and ague; oi 6y a longresidence in those climates which produce them. There are many constitutions which becomc gradually undermined by a miasmal inflnence. without even a day 's actual confinement. In such cases, the Choiagogue acts like a charm - thesallow complexion, loss of appetitc, languor, wearinese and depres8on of spirits, with other unpleasant symptoms which render life a burden, alJ yield to this remedy when faithfully used according to the directions of theacoompanyingpamphlet. It is rniirely a vegetable prep aration, and may be taken wuh perfect stfetyunder all circumstanccs of the systetn. For sale by .36 W. S. .t J. W. MAYNARD, . sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and viciniiy SINCLAIR &7CHASE, ATTORNEYS UVD COUJYSELLORS AT LAW, t (office loweh town, ann aubor,) J Will ttend o all business in their profession ? with afidelity and dfespaich. t . Paricular atteniion will be given to colleciing. e ROBKRTP. 8INCI.AIII, EDWAKD R. CHASEMarch 20, 1844. 48-1 y. 'o f Rs BUFFINGTON would respeciful J.VA ]y infonn the Ladiesof Ann Arbor and iti vicinity that she has received the fall and win ter fasuions. MUS. C. BUFFINGTON. ,. Nov. 14. 1844. 3Dtf. 3 1200 Il?8. Créese Teatíter, OF first rate qunlity for sale by the pound o hundred weight in qunntities to euit purcha S eers, may be found ot RAYMOND'8 CASH STORE. 32-tf 149 Jeffereon, Avf. Detroit


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