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p__ Mr?. WmSLOW, An expffiented Nura and FfaitU Phy=c'ant pretttt.fl tu tlu aiteníiun -.i mithvrn, IieT SOOTHTNG SYRUP, FOR CH1LDREN TEETHJNG, which (treatly facilitates tho procer of ttUhig, hy softeninfí tbe gurns, relucin% all iftíltMimation- vrill alloy ALL PAIN Lml ipanaodic action, tSfl - SÜRS to REGÚLATE Ihe BOWELS. Depend upon it, raotherü, it x',',1 give ttM to .79ur,ulvos, and Relief and henltii to rotir Infant Wc hnvp put up and and nold thïï nrticle í- I tra yiir, arid CAN BAY, IX COM' IHE.N'CK ,IN1 TIU'lHof it, wliat ivp have r'-ver n rb'e tu suy r, Bnv uthermcilhme - NtVKR HAS1TFAI1.ED tS SIKOU; INfciANCK, Ï0 MTKtT A f I HE, lii. tímoly nsfd. Ncvpr did n-e !íP( rn ínst:nce of díaaat:sf;ictm by any wJkí uncu it. On tbe e-ntrttrj-, all aro ddighted with its oper:'ti' n-, and spenk in ti rBM of c"mmiMirlitkin of ti Iniytcal efects nd mcdltnl Tirtum. We (peak in Uu's mattft 'WliAÏ WK 1O KNUW.'-altor t.-n yri' njxrlroce, ANDIIXIOK OOR lilFUTATION FOR THK FUU'lLI.MkT OF V1IAT WE HERfi DECLAKF. In nlii„nt eytrv intim-o prhpe the ml'int ia suffer ng froiti a;a uwd exhau.-tin, relief will be tound n fiíteen oí twcMy ai Mi.tes aftpr thi' Kypup is admlaistered. Tliis vaíuable preprn-nEíon í5 the BRUcfcCfoVOf 0D8 of tlie most EXSEEIKNCED and fcKILLFLI. NTÜSfd n New EngUlui, d hm bceu utcd with SliVkU FAILINÍ", SÚCCF3in THOU8AND OF CASES. It not otly rolleves thechild frcín pin, but IotIii r. t".i theatoiufleband borní, oorreef acW t. ndghw ti.i.;nd energy to tho wliolesyatcm. U wSU almort Jnstanll rellere GRIPIKC IN TOE BOWOS, AND W:ND COI.IO and oyercome convulsicni, whtcb if n t spteilly renn; died, end in death. We beüeya it the BE-T mi 30KE3T REMEDY IN 1HE WORLD, in all c...c-s of DYSKKTKtty snd PIARKBOCA ÍN CUlM'Iim, t arinca (puin teuthing. or trom any cthcr' c:use. Wa would p:iy tu cveiy mutber who h p a child pnfforniz from nny nf tbe fcregoin; complana- DO NOT ifT YOUK PEEJÜOICHS, NOK THK FRFJUMCFS () OTHERS, Htrad'bfttweea yon and jronr suHerna child and the rölief thatwill beSüRE- yKS. ABr OI.UTU.V - to follow the use of tii1 meiic np. if tilnelv uwd. 1-ull dlectíosa f r QAízig will a?cpmLaftv tsclihottle, Nongenuinn unless tbe fac-aimi'o nf f'CÍÍTIS S i'KRKINs. New-York, is on the oir.skie wrappcr, S.ild by Drvggiita tlirnugnut tho world. Principal Cffice, 13 Cedí r Sïrci X, Y PKICB ONLY Ï5 CENlS 1 til DOTiLK. Forsaleby Etxrbach i fu. 1773. BBiyHBHllMi!fJSwl Jbr Me 8peedy and Permanent Cure nf Seminal Wcakness, Nocturnal and Diunial JSmissionst Nervous and General Dcbility, Jmpoicnc and all Distasen arisingfrom üolitary Mabits or JSxcessive Indulgen ce r THERE are thonsands of ToüSfl Men, as wel) ut MtpDL Aged and Or.u Men, who are euffering to soma uxtent from the above discases. Mauv, perhaps, are not a war? oí their true condition, or when asáistanee is really ueede-i. For the benefit uf snch, we herewith give a &w of ttie moa eonwnon symptoras, viz ■ W&aknêê of the hack and thnkm. Pain in tíie Htnd and Sttfo, Dimuess of iiyht, Dittx and W' be foro th Eyes, Paipitation of the ffeart, DuÊpepria, t Memory, Ooüfiuim i Ua8, Deprwion of eipinU, AverHun to Society, Self-Dixtruxf, Ttmidilu, etc, For ftoh aud All f the above svmptoms these remedies will bo found a ' Suvereign Balm." These remodies embrace three prwerlptioai i A ).ox of Pastéis, a box of Neroous Tonic l'ilis, nnd a box of KwÜ Tonic PMs, all of which have important offioei to i'Siform, and sliould be uaed together in every case. Thotr siipiriority ovef other moües of treatment may bo brieft stated us fuilows, viz; Jïhty diminish the viulcnce of siminl exoitemont. J8Ér They iuiiiwdjiitüly unat uocturiiai lUurahl etui 3Í011S. j8f5Th(!_v remove local wnaitness, causiiig tho orgtnj tu asauine their natural tone and :.!inr. jQiy Tliey strengtken the oonttibBuon by overcomln norvous dübility and general weakness. J86f They cnliven the spirits, whicli are mtwtlTy ieiirciiao by expelling all exciting causes from t)e sysuirr, föfBy their iiivioratin proporties tlit-y rostora the patiënt to his natijral healtii and vigor of manhood. jg" They euro wheu all other nieans have failed. JlSrïUey contain no Mcnxtry, no Opium, nur anvttüng Nw oaa in any event prove injurióos. jQGir Tiiey are easy and pleuMtt to se, aml will uot intyafere with the patient's usual business picasure. j@5T Tliey can bo used without tupido, or knowledsa f ven a rooni-mate. That they may come within the reach of all, w Iwre fixed the price of the Pastéis at $1 per box, and the rilli ai .'jU cents per box each. In ordering by mail, in dditipn to t!; price, twelve centa in stampa should be íboIoamI lor i-utuca posta -e, E. T.ADIES in want nf a MÍ n-iJ efTuctiil A remedy for ffrgttitfaritíff, Sumtfmtiam nf tin -Jj Jeicj, or ttn-v (üsease peculiar totheír svxt yg phould use Du. GatKS's I'kmai.e Mos rui. Y tf Plixa. Pi-iee, bv mail, $L and nne -stnmp. Cautíox.- These Pilis should mt bo n.-d j darlng pretfnancy, as mwoorrfagB will b iho v" oonseqnenee. LA.DIES who. from UUhntlth, dsfarmttr, or any other humane aud rcasonabtc caniie, deern it neoosary to avoid an iamreau of famity, can do s without incurring diiurer to healtb or oonatitotlon bv the BH of 3!. l., CrtnacU Frmch Preventie Poteder. Priuo, by mail, $l and twn itamps. These Powders can only be obtaiueit by addressiug tU Qenorai Agents, as bolow. Scnd for !■. Qatvs'8 i Vitáis Medical Treatite on Sexual Discase.t, Ï'üicé'TeX OetfTS. Addresá. H. G. MILtER L CO., Generr.l Atml LoQiarlHe, Kw, rTroale MAYNARD, STEBBIN3, J'783io Aan Arbor, Mich. Biackwood's Maga-xiaeAND THE British Reviewa. 61EAT : lHMIOinST-SPKilHUS PREMIUIttS and REDÜCTIOjmS. L. SCOTTS; CO., NKr YORK, continuo to jybüsli Uia füllüwing leudiiiji BrltUh Perodlcaï-s. vu: 1 TIIELOXDON (JUARTERI.Y (ConssrTativo), 3 THE EDISEÜIiGH REVIIiU' (Whig), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Churtli). THE WEST1IK3TER REVIEW (Libera!) 5 BLACKWOOD'Í EDIXBURGH MAGA7INE (7r,). The present riticül state of Europoan affain wtU render Üiese publications unusually intensttllf during ihu fnrtlicoming 3'o;ir. Tht-y will occupy a midtll ■ ground botween tlie hastily writtttl] npw. itms entda ■pecuUtioos, and flyiog rumora of the daily Journal, . and the ponderous Tuqio of the future historian, wriltau. afu-r the living isterest and excilt'inent of the groat polilical event-sof the tiine .shall have pjisseü away. It is to these ÏVriodicaU t'.iat tendera mut lnok for tba ouly really ititelligiljk' md reüablts history o! currfiii cvonts. and as such ia nddition to thaii n-aü-i-siablithoA Uterary, cie:.iiiic. and theotogical character, we nigi. tlu'ni uptin thj.'consi('.erationof the veadinp public. The reccipt of Artvanet! SUcets from tie BfUkbï publishera giVM additiomil value to these Reprint, iiKLMmieh as they oan now he placed in tlie hjü.d..j subscriber.sabjut as soon as the original edilious. ÏERMS. (Regular l'i-icca IVr ga For any one of the four Reviews, - - $3 90 For uy two of ihefour Reviews, ' . - 5 00 For any three of 1lio tour Reviews, - - 7 t o Foruli ftmr of the Reviews, g oo ForBl&ckwood'a Bfacaziuaj - - - , - S OJ For Hhtckwood an(PFne Review, 5 0;) Fur I'.lackwoodand livo Rerievrt, - - - 7 00 For Blat-liwooiiand three Peviews, - ... ö Oü For Black woud and the fon r Reviews, - , 10 00 Money ctirrent i?i the Stalt whrc issued will ba rêceè&ed cit par. PO STA tí E. The Postjge to any part of the l'nitoú State wrll be butTwenty-fourCenUa year for " Bla-kw,)oi, and but Fourtceii Cents a year for ea-ch of th Review, At aboye prices the Perlodicala will bo furaiclied for 1SC2. AND AS A Premiuin to New Subsoribers, tho Nos of thesiimcl'orloiiicalsfor 1800 tril] hu firnbed complete, without áddiíional chirge. Unlike the mora ei (romeral .Magazines of the-dar UiesePsilodlcaleloselittlö hy g, lence, a fèU7r of the Nos. for 1880, may be'rorded ucarly as valu'abl as for 18b2. Bi)bacrR)ra wbhing also the Nos. for 1861, will ba Bipplied ;it tiie lollowlQg extkuoelt LoY katks. Splendid Offers for 18G0, '61,fe-"02 Together. For Blftdkwood'l Slagazine, the three years. 5 00 Kor nny oiie Review, . n 5, Forali.v tiïoltovirws, . . "8 00' For BlackwoodandoneKeview, " 'i tui1 ForBlackwootl and two Reviews, t( " 12 00 FortfarM ííeviews, i n ij'oo For Black -ood and three Kuviews, " " 1.V00 For the four Rovlewe, - - (l '.' 13 00 . For Blackwooü and the inur Reviews, " 17 00 Any of the aboveworks wil! also be furnishfcd tö Nete Subscribere for the v in' 185fi-,'( , , and y, At One Half thy Regular Subscription Pricös. Thus o Nac Sjibscribcr maj obtain the Reprint of th Four Reviews and Black wood. Seven Cansecuiive Year for $37 ! ! ! Which is hut Mttle more tlidu the prioe of the original jrorkfl foroue year. As wc hluill nefver again be likuljr to offer such fQduct meuts ns tliuse liere ju-cseutedj Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! flTjp51 Remittiinces mnst, in all ca's, be made direct to the Pubinkeren for at these prioes no comtnission cao beallowedto ageoLs. LEONAilD PCOTT ft CO. No. 54 Gold stroot New York TO WH0M IT MAY C0N0ERN. OüvHsTIBXJS T?A.3m&, TUI ■ UN'DERSlRNEn, Hotel Proprletors in thi city ( Ann Arbor. respoctfully aiin.tur.ce to thp public, that on and after the lirst day of .J.iuuary 1802 TEN CENTS F A RE. ■nill hp chnricel to each and evcrv 'on carrifd to from the cars, to the rcspeotive Hotels, by the Omn V Line. S.COOK, fooi' Hotel. II. IURSTOW, Frank lln Honc Ann Arbor, Dnc. 24th, 1861. 8S2fcf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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