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GREATBAliGAIHS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilscn's. WE HAVEAGAIN RKTI.F'N'IBIJED OUB STÖtó tV'lTIl thoinual splenihdslucl. of ;haf "WAS fv.-r 0iTiroi1 in ; ny one etablibinent h ll;e blalü, :ill ut' lú'!i wë offer ibr (3 Asco Ok OOiSrbi aslüw as cali be foiind ia the Union We want Moaey ! iw will loahe Grcai Saerifices on ánytfiíng wi'_].iivc to obt&in it, nnt cxcepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOlSTTS We cordiaUy invite ■ ' ALL CAS II CU STOMERS 4 to cali And examino our Goods and Prtces. Wo alf invito our Prompt Payïng Custou-era to cmo and bu v theïr Bnpplies frr tlio Wlnier. ']' thoiH BoBbfnl 0Q6K tii.ii iu'u afrara to c&Hj we s;.y to Uk-ui, t(ik courage withr.utlon-T vaitii g for h ie. lier prícP; come ia, Old scoresj and tln-n at bucIi prieefl as will n );■ op rill losscs It ia hftrdlj nocceséiary to enumérate our Gouds, for We have Eïvery thing ! A large ansoiímcní of CARPETING, CROtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, &c,, &c. (715if) MAYNARD, STLBP.I.XS & WII.SO SCHOFF & MILLEK A RESTILI. ON HAND at tbeiroM Stand, Fo. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortment of Books and itatioiiery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, EOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS. IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever ollercd in tJiis Market 1 and they wouUÏ suggest tothosoiu pursuit cfanythingin SANTA OLA US' LINE thattbey can soctire a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing frnm iïiis stocli, a1; earli purchascr getï au additlonal proseot of Jowelry, 8rc, lïanging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. tni Thpytrut that thetrlong oxperieuoe In selecting goods forthül ittarket. nil strlot ftttention ► üie want." of ('ii-i"mers, maj ontitle tbem to a likcralshare O Patronage. Aun Albor, Dcc. 5. 18C0. 77"tf Conwny Fire Snsnrance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid np, - $150.000 00 Asscts (Cash), - 269,963 12 Linbilities. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Ja8. S Whitney, Secrelary. 'President. DIRECTORS, J S.WTTITNKY, 1.. 3ODMAN, W RT.T.IOTT, ASA WOW I, AND, D C. McQILVHA J,E.D. M()!:(;N' WAIT BEMENT, JOSTAH a;,i.[s A II Hl" i.i:N W.H. DIOKINSON, W. T. Cl.AI' P, I). -'. ÜUGBKS. Aun A rbor Rrfprcnce s! Dr, K. WELLS, L. JAMKS. L. DODGE, BNOGHJAMKS. CAPT. C.S. OOODIÍICH J. W. KN1GHT, AKaut. Ann Arbor, Michigan. IjIFE ÏJSTSUKaWOE. Tho Connecticixt Mutual Life Insuranco Company. Accuraulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WILLINSÜRB LIVES int iiny ainonnt not Gxoeedlng S10JN0 :cr the whole tona ot'Liio Oí ftr a terra (f q tbo most fnvonibU' torran. N. li. ïln.' Compaagr in puroly mutual and the policy holdera get all the surplus over tlie exaöt cost of Inauranco It aooomodatM tho Inanred In Ibe BOttlombtti of th ir premiumH ON UFE POL1CIES, r deaired, bv taking a noto for one lmlf the aniount, bearing interont at six percent, peraniium. Dividends are Dcdarcd Annually! and since they noiv amoout to niTT por cont on llic preïMiiim, cash ;tin note, and uit tnoreasüig thi-y ïuay be applled to cancel QÖt ; . jflÉÏ" The ratea of pEenilunu arens low as nny other rosponnible Oompany and the largè Acomnal&ted fiiod of $tt)00,000 ia socurcly iiivi ,.ti-il, u nirty ï"1 BOOD by wferv-Hvn to the Btatem4 ai na & ncoordiag '■ Utw, on filo in tJioofilce of the County Ck-rk, jii Ann Ai 1 ■■.■ v. i JAMKS 00ODWIN, Prest. CuYR.PnKi.PS, Secy. ForpartionlftMftppirto JAMKS C. WATSON', 76a'l Agent at Ann Arbor, Midi . EVV. M O B G A N , Agent for MutiialT.irrTiisur.TnceCompany, New Vork. AecunmlatdlAswis, .... 5?350,000. the Leading Iiift.' Insurance Company in the U. S. Snlcj [nsura&ce Company , New York, - a íirst clasa safe Co. - terms reasonable. Qombold] buurance Company , Xevr York. Capital, nithalaimaiurplaa, ■ - - $200,000. Poria UuiDO .V Flre imui-anoeCo,, Peoria 111. -rlinlb iK'o. 1 Fire Insurance Co'. 707tf Capital, - - - t500,0P0; Money Wanted. Who will LeiuIMoneyi IUJBEQtrKTED RY SEVERAL l'ERSONS to obtain money fur them at Ten Per Cent Iuterest, (OrMore.) Foranyone willing to londj I oau t once invost on guod unencumbcreil abundaut REAL KSíaTI') socurity anysoma of raoney and neo that thetitlo and security are ai.l RiOfiT, The borrowcr payïng all expftrupR,inplii(lïn(fr cording. E. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7, 38ñ9, TIGtf


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Michigan Argus