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I GftEAT.GKEATER 0EEATE8T BATCGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. 11859. Mí Iu tlii:1. City, iro uow beiiig fí'ere! at llio, (MIEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & T o spit o Jl 3?y StoroM"UIK Subscribir woulilaay to the citizf.nsof Anh Ar 1 bor, i.i particular, wni tin; raat ';l vv.. ■'.■ r.i!. thni hohnsjust IMI'ORl'Kl DI RECTLÏ from KUROJPE. Tremendous Stock of Wat ches! Ah of whicbhe blnda binúélf to sell CHKAPEH (han o&u be bought weat of New York cuy-. Opeo Facg Cyliader Watcbea trom fO to fio ild du í,cv(;r do do á to 21 Tlunting do do du 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do B to 28 Gold Wntèhea from 20 to 100 I J.ftvo also tho CELEBRATJED A)! EROGAN WAT CHES, : srlli m It $35. ftveryWateh ttarranttd to perturm well, or ilie money rehinded. CIocíís, .ïnwfjry, Ptetcd Wara, Fancy Goodi, Gold i'en, Musicallnatr urnen ts and Btringg, CutTery. &c, :iiid in fact a varii-rv of evorythicg uaually kep( iyJew dura can be houghtforthe Ooxt i:inety dayi nt vur OWN TRICES! rvrfions buying rmything at this well knovsn ostblillimo ritc;ni ■ -■■! ling gooíN o:nr0y ns rrjresented, orthfmoney rofunded. OaUriirly and secitro tlie begt bnrgaítjs evrr oíi'ernd in thif City. One worclin regard to Rcpairíng : We nre preparad To ranke any repairs onfino or common VVntchf b, even to makjnyc er tbe cu t f re watcb, if neceeenry. RfipsJrlng of docks and Jewplry iis usual. Alio tbe manu fact orine of IiïNf;?, BROOCHS, or ■aytbtng di-tvir'-il, ti'fKü Culifrmn (oíd on short notice. Enuravii'u in alHtsbranchesexeented withneat tiesa nnd disp&tch, J C WATTS. Auu Arbor, Jñtj. 28th!PÍ0. ?MW ÍIORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 R y o a d v a y , !f e w Y o v k Publlsíici' ol l'lUilc ail AIuslc lïook.-i AND DKALSR IN Pianos, Mclodtíons, Alexandre Organs Ürgan Accordeons, Marti ne oelebrated and othor Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincelloe, Accoi'deons, Fhitinas, Fkites, Fifes, Triangles.'CiariDnette, Tuning Foiks, Pipes andH&mmers, ViolioBows, bostltalian Strings, Base Instrumento for Bands, Piano Stuols, and covers, and ali kinds of Musical Inytrumcnts. JS lx o o t 3VT i. S i c, jfrom all the pubUahers intheU. S.,BertÍni'fl Elunitn's, riri'l IVÍottera School i and : 1 1 1 kinds of Enstrnction Books for tlie abov iostrumonts; Churcli Uasic Boöks; Múslc . bound; M-i íc papar, and ull kiads vi Music UerchandUe, A t t h e L o w e & t Friccs. New fíanos, At $173, $200, $225, $360, and up to SSOO. Secoud Band l'ianoa from S25 up to SIGO; New Síelodcons, $45 coad Hand Mclodeons ■ $226; thirteca stops, $350, $276 and $:i00; Si ■ 30and S37&: A liberal I i mtiíti, Churchcs, Sabbath Schools, Seminarias and Teachers. The Trado upnlied at the usual trade ■ i. counts Testimoniáis of the Hornee AVatcrs Planos and 3ï'loiï-ons. John ITeweít, of C3arthagej Wv Tork, wlio has had one of tne HoraocWatera Piano, writeeaa follows: - A friend f mine wishes me to jm reliase a piano for her, Sfa ' - me n DecemlM My piano beooming popu&x In ihU plaeOf and I tunfa I oan introduce one or two more; the; will be more popn lar thau uoy olher make." 4iW(; ' Waters' Pianos ín nae En oúrScmt . ■ a ] ■ .'-!y !;■-(, ■! for threE yearfl. ari'1 w? their good quíility and durabiiity." - Wood & Ui . ■■' Carrott, tu. "i, Waters, Erj. - Orar SiR: paving ased oneof jroui Piano Fortes for two yenrs past. I have funud it :i vorj superior lusírumn.t. Aionzo Geat, Pr'.tripol Broahtyn Heüfkts Se.minary. líTho Piano I received from you eonttnoos to eiventn, 1 rgg&i ■) it n one of the bes) tnstruménts i Uk place." (.'. -, Charleston, Va. " ' ■ ' afely arrlved. I fef'l oblfge4 to yon fory our liberal difeoont.'1 Bev. J. M. McCoKMick, YarquesvillcS, C. "Thfl plitno iv'is 'l'ily receívéd. Itcamo in excellent oondition, and is very much admired bymy nameroua fiLiuily Acwpt kiv thanlts for yoor prompi i EtOBKBT OooSb, H'-rrrnkam, Bradjocd Co. Pa. Your plano pica ea us well, It is the beftt uno ín our . LAIBAM, Camphellton, Ga, We ae Tery muob dbligeötoyon ForhaTlng sent Bttch a Une ln8trameatfor$250.V - Brjixk,1Ihli & Co,. fíujfafo Demoarat. (The Horac ■ VTatera PianoBarefcoovn asamnn íhe very best We aro enabled to speak of these rnentii vrith confidence, from personal knowledse of their excellent tone and durable quality.'3 - N. Y. Evangelht. 'We can speak f tho merits of (he Horace W anrsfnni personal bnowledg, :ls bding the very fin est quality."- Christiah Intdfámcer. "The Horace Waters planos are ouiH of tho besi and most thotoognly Réawnea material. Wehave no doubt tbal buyeracando a wclljjerhapa better, at tbiathan at :n:v otherhouse in the Cmïon." - Advocate aid Journal. Waters' pianos and melodoooa chauenj with Iho ftnesl madé anywhere In the country." - Homt Journal ■[: race Watei ' Pían i Fortes are of and even tone, and powerfnl- N. V. Musical Revev. ■- will lind at Mr. Waters' store tbe very ortmentof Music and of Pianos tobe found i:i the Üniïed States.and we ur our smttbern an I wcetero frlenda to give hlm a cali whenever they goto New nr]i."-Grahamts Magarlnc. Warehoiise 333 Broadway, ïf . Y. Sabbath Sch ool Bell, 100,000 Iss'jcd Ín ten Months. Tho unpteee'lentM ale of this book haa Inducodthe publiühei ■ 30 new tnnesand bymns toita presn uliiiut rxtru charge, eXQpt ón the cheap edition- Among themany bea utiful tunca and hymna added found: - "1 oughi to love nty mother:" "0 111 I child, indeed i will.' Ihéseand eightothew fróm ñie Bell, ivcre rtung atlheSunday School Anniversaryoftbe M. K. Ohurcbt,tthe Académy of Muslo, with BTcat applaose. TI ■■ Bell c n taine nearly200 tunea and ai I is one of the beat coUections everïssned. Price 13c: Í10 porhundred.postageícElegantly bound, 00 it has been ntroduced Intomanyof the PubHeSoJtooIs. ■ .Un small numbiTs entitled Annirersary&ñdSnDda Sohoo) Hoslc Bookfl, Nos. 1,2. 3, & ■ iiii accommodate the mjlJlon; price í- & L;í peí huii'lrcd No. 5 will poon be lagued - commencemein i# ant.ther book. Ateo, Revival Muslo Boöksj N'". 1 prici' SI & $2 per 100, postage lc More thau 300,000 coplas f the aboTe bo ka have been Issued the past i monto, and tho demamd ia rapidl; inoieasjg Published bv HQRACE WAT] RS, Agent, 3ü3 Broadway, X. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Jïroadway, New York Vocal, "Kind Wordaoan neverdie;" "The Angels told me so;;' "Wllda of : of God;" t4OiTemeback my Uonntatn Home' "fiajr nream;" i1 n;" lTni with thee BtlU;'Petiiames) "The iv 's no darilng like mtnej" "Sarah Jane LO r-v of thee;" "I'm leayingthee In Sorrowj" "Birdof Beauty," "Hoinfl of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel,'1 and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 2öc each. 1 TxritrauNTA!,- ' Talace Garden, or Siniing Bird Polka.' 40c; "Swinging Sehottwche;" "Mirabel SchotÜsch;" ■ ifcara Sohottisohe;" "Plccolomtnl Pulka, oÜ oenta each. The abovepieces have bea utiful Vignettee. "Welmer Polka ;' "Arabian Wai cryMarch," the vevv bufa "VassoTtamia Donlellfl Bfasurka; "ïU'at: Ing Polka;" 'KSrlnoline WaHa," and 'lancera' Qua drille,"'2öc each. "The of Reïch'fl Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Ilibprnian Quadrille," 35c each. of these pieoea rn played by ï!aicer?s celebratcd orch'-t ra wiM Iruse-Ji Mailed free. A largelotof Forèign Uuaioat half prioej. pianos, Melodeoïis and Orgaus. The Horace Vr.ters Tinros anl Melodeons, fbr rtepth, purity of tone and dorabültr, are nnsnrpassed. Prices vi'rv Iow decond Qsjid Piajaoa and Melodeona from $25 to $150. Music amd Musical ïnrtructloïM of all kinds,atth lowcst prloes, HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 838 Broadway, N. Y. TbshmoitUIS; - "Tlie Horace Waters Piauos are known aiamnivj thevery best.' - Frtiitelist. 1 i can speak of their inrita from personal knowledge."- Chrwim Inteltigcncer. t'Nothing at tho Fair displayed greater cxcellenoe -"- Chttrckman. Waters' Piano and Melodeons challenge comparïson with tUo Anest made anywhere in the country."- Home Journal. -1''11 Irving's "Works - National Edition rpIII?: Fine Edttton ofthe Worïa of Washikotom Ih 1 vim; (includin the life of Washington} ■ willbe pubIshed for STJBSCRIBERS ONLY In Monthly Volumes, Price $1.50 Piiynblc on Delivory. Beautifiilly Printf4l on henvy superlïne paper, of "the very bost quailty, and subatantfally bound in iieav_j bevelled boards.' O"Each Volume illustrated with VignetteE on Steel and Wood. .L$ Knlckerbooker'B New Vork, Sketch Book, Qoth. Columbas i 3 vois. Braccbri'lLítí Hall, Astoria, Tales of a Tsftveli ■-, Cray on Miccll-'uiy, Capt. BoniioviUc, Oliver Goldsmitni Mahomet. 2 vols. Crinada, AlhambrA, Wolfcrts Koost, Life of Washington, 5 toIh. Salmacundi. This edltTon Will be soM FïCfüSïVKT.v io Subscriher? -,n. wül he greatly superior to any ver beforv issiu'il,- A vey handsome eet of these universally popular work. Is thug ylaced withln tlie nifans of ali. C p. PITNAM, Act.,Puh.i8her, 115 .Vassau Street.New Vork


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