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THE M1SSES CLARKS' { Young Ladies' Seminary, k ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. f MARY II. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. I. L. WALTER, Teacher of Musicon the F Piano. ;MMY BEURMANN, Teacher of Germán nnd the Guitnr. LHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile Department. '-. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica and Vocal Music. r. F. SCHOFF, Teacher of French and Clas6ca. ríIIS Institution hos been in operation since ' November 18, I39. Thescholastic year mbiacing forty-eighl weeks, two tem s. , ng tvo quarters each - ivvelve weeeksin a :r - a general e.xaminalirn at the close of each f jrm - in February and Augi sr. fi n'he lost quaner of the present term com lenced November 25. „ of Tumos. - For the Englisli branch b, $2,50 l o $5 per quarter. io reduction made )r alsence, except in ense of sickness, and no upil taken for less than a quai ter. Extra char es are made for niusic on the Piano, with the n se or the instrument, $8,00 French, 3,00 " Latin, 3,00 L Drawinjr nnd Painting, 5,00 FancvWork, 3,00 J Board, including wat-hing, lights, &c, $1.75 er week if yiaid in advnnce, or $2,00 per week rpaid at the close of the quarter. J, Parents ntid guardians are invited to visit the , chool every Friday, when the studies of the feek are revicwed - also semi-monthly on esdny afternoon. at readingof the weekly t ositions. Having purchased a healihy and commodiouis mkiingin a pleasant and convenient part of the i illnge, no poins or expense shall be spnred to icilitate the studies and render the situation of tie vnung Lidies profitable and agreeable. Young ladies desirotis of entering "e schoot nd rmtuiing ihe regular courso of siuuy, would o well to commence at the begining of the liiarter. Belonging to the school are a Library of ween ihree and four hundied volumes, and Phisophicnl Apparatue. Eléctrica! Machine, Globes, = 'cc Scientific lectures are delivcred before the chool at proper iniervnls. The Mieses C!;irk will endenvor, not only to romote the intellcctul culture of their pupils ut will altend strictly to their moral j lent. With a deep sense of religious responsibiliiy. ley would give such a tone to character, as shnll ender it prncticalli' fmeJ for every station - c ig todutybut iirm lo principie. e Among the books used in ihe school are, r rcrombie on the Intellectual and Mornl Powers -Kane's Eiements of Criricism - Wnyland's floral Science - Newmnn's Rhetoric - Hedge'? jOgic - Pnley'8 Natural Theologyand Evidencce ' f Christi:iniiy - Comstock's Chemistry nnd ' iatural Philosophy - Conibe's Physiology - Mrs. c vincoln's Butany - Enton's Manual of c Ju.'ritt's Geogrnp'iy of the Henvens - First, Sec nd and Third Books of History - Mrs. Wil c iard's Republic of America - Pholps' Legal ( íes - Playfair's Euclid. and Davie's Algebra and l irithmet.ic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have taught a Young , lies School for several yeais in the Ci:y of New fork, and are furnished with tesiimonials froir ( It. Rí'v. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D . and John Á, Griscon, M. D., of New Ycrk, Rev. J L. - Jlake. of Brooklyn, and iMrs. Emnm Willard, o! Proy. N. Y. ; also, rcference is made, by ] nission, to the following gentlemen : Rt. Rev. 5. A. McCoskry. D. D., Robert Rumsey nnd , Li. B. Misner. Fsqrs., Detroit Rev. Isaac S. , ■Cetcham. Centreville ; Rev. J. fiudson. White i ?igeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Oeo. Ketch im. Marshall ; Hon. Wm. R. Deland. Jnckeon: ] 'aul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan. drian: Daniel Flixson. Clinion: Gnrdine. Wheelcr. M. D.. Howell;' Rev. F. H. Cumini?. 5rand Rapids: Rev. H. Cololftzer. Rev. A. M. ?hcb. S. Dentón. M. D., P. M. D.. on. Wm. A. Fleichor, Hon. Wm. R. Thompon, E. Mundy, Esq.. Jhn Allon. Es-q.. Geo. W. Jewett. Fsq., Col. Thomas Mosely, Cnyt. F. Perkins. Thomas M. Lndrl, F. Sawyer. Jr., ivsq , late Superintendent of Public Instruction, Professors Whiting. Williams and Honhton, ol he University oí Michignn. Ann Arbor: James rjirdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Araos Mead. Esq., Farmington. Tho followins gerülenicn, Rc-v H. Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rev! A. M. Fiu-h. Rev. Mr. Cnrtiss, Professors Whiting nnd Williams. ■f ihe University of Michignn. nnd F. Sawyer. Jr.. late Superintendent of Public Instruciion. iiave consenied toact asa visiting committeer' fhs school to be preeent when the weekly studie? ure reviewed; hut especially to attend during th spmi-anr.unl exnminations. August 9. 1844. 34tf ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND RHEUMAT1C PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rhenmatism, Fever Sores, White Swellings. Felons, Pain oi weakness in the Back, Brenst. Side or Lunbs. Burns, Bruises, Cramps, Chilblains. Liver nnd Lung afïfctions. Indolent Tumors. Spinal aflectiosn, Inflamed Eycs, S:c. &. Tt is unsuspasser1 in all Inflammatory diseases. either Chrönic or Acute, as it opérales by countera-ctivg and redvcing lnflamation, allaying Pain, Sweating tr.f paris aHected, and by its streng'hening and Anodyne proporties givingspeedy relief. AIko nvaluableasan anti-mercurial plngter. Price ?5 cents per Bx. - For further particulars, see circulating Pamphlet.) For sale ni Museley's Bookstore, Ann Aibor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigtn. 16-1 y THE TRUE PAIN EXT&ACTOR SAÍ.VJS WHICHcureslikéa charm all BL'RNS b) fire or water, and every external SORE, PAJN. INFLAMMATION, ACHEorlTCHING ever yet found upon the human family, to which it has been applied, must always be suught genuine from Comstock and Co., of New Yoik. or their authomed ngents. All o.-e cautioneci against any spurious anieles, which may alwayt bc avoided by knowing the one you buy come? from Comstock & Co , who are now the o.ily proprietorg and manufacturers. Inquire forConnel'8. which is warranied to do all ii ever woulc when callcd by any other name, or the prict shal! be refundcd in any cose if it does not picase. To place it within reach of all, the price haf been reduced more than four fold, and is now sold for 25cents, the formerprice being too exorbitant. The 50 cent size now coniains fou times us much as the Jormer, and the $1 sizc near ten times as much. No family that has any title to humanity, wil] fail to have Connel's Pain Extractor Ointmen' always at hand, to save life, allscars, and reduc all agony from any burn in five minutes, provided thcy have seen it ueed, or will believe thosf who have used it. COMSTOCK &.CO., 21, Courtland Street. [ET Be sure. therefire, and ask fo) Connel's; ,as ourplate with Dalley's naive it hnsberr stolen, dn.d the spurious mny appenr with thn name on it. Know, thercfore, that it comes di rectly from Comstock & Co., or shun it. WM.S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 Agent for Árin Arbor Estray. TAKEN up by 'he subscriber, on the 25th o September last, in the town of Northfield n srnall chesnut colored mnre, of the pone; breed, with n stnr in the foreheod, 6upposed ti be about 8or 9'years oiy, branded A. C. on tin shoulder. The owner i? requested to provi property, pay charges and take her away. NATHANIEL SMITH. Northfield, Nov. J, 1844. 29-8w Black Salts, WANTED by BECKLEY&HÍCKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 26 _______ - - - - - - - - - - _ - - WOOIM WOODÜ WE wam some from8ubscríber9ÍmmediateI Oct 12. 1844'.


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