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■A.Y:rR'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Auil for the speedy cure of the fultoVlng romplabit; SScrnfnïu níl í'trofu]niis AfYW í i:,s mh nu Titmors, Ulcers, .Sores, Kr tipt lont. Pini[lt-H, Putulesf BEottlies, Jioiis, lii.i;is, anti aJl 8 b. til IMitcaseg ÍXD, I t,ï.. Ctti mie, J. C. AYER A Co. (. in! : 1 : il -..y .!.i lüi.iu i. tlge what yom i ' . Httvlng Milierítwl i ia M'ulou - lul j fioill il mmkiiis w:i, fur )eVS. Som ■ I out in Uloera on my I turosd Uiward uiü ■ l i : ; - .---■_■. i ment Ihastoumcli. %'vo years figo ii 1 1 ke i ui on my 1 ■■ vvbfcli n ■ ii rol : ti i loftUiri!e peyoutl di sci Ij i physlclaus, bül without inti ttny thlfig. In , factj the U lint yon had au alterativo (SanuipuirlltaJ, Tor I kn tlon that iitiy thtug jon mudu mi . I -.-ui to Clnchinaliaii i red me. I t -k . itf as yon udvlse, n otiihII d se ol a UvMpi nftol mOJlthj :,:. ] . :' fcliu bood uegnu tu Rinn tiudur Uu &c&l, vrhich u f tri a whlle (bil off, Hj ekin i-. now clmr, :wul ] know by iny ui. ÏOU cao v,.][ belli re thai i foei tvuat I ani saylug v.. jou, that I Ii ild ] n tobeone of II ; tlieage, and reiuain erer gratefuUy. Youre, ALFXtKD 1!. T W,u;v. St. Aniliouy's Pire, Uoe or Eryslpolas, Te t ter mul Solt tllieum, Scalcl JJUnd, Kinuorm, Sorfl üycs, üroiisy. Dr. Robert M. Preble irrites frona Salí m, N. Y., ]2th Pept., 1859, thai ho haa cined au Invetérate ■ Prqpty, wblcli tlireafciiöd to terminale fatally, by the perwTorizig iWDofotH1 hjarsttpHi'iila, Aud aleo u utuigerous Maliynant. Wrysipétas by larga dosêa of the mine; saya I he cures the common i tantly. Bronthot-cle, oltre or Stvellcd JVcclc. zpbuiou Slo&u of i'i : ■■ Ttiwe bot tlesof your Sarsnparilla cured me Drom a 6Wrc - v hi-lj eoua swellfpg on the Deck, wliicli I had milFcied iVoni OT6T two yenrs." Ijrucorrhr."!! or "Wlilí es. Ovarían Tumor, Uteriiie Ulccratioi, Fiinnlc Discus es. Dr. J. Tï. 8. Clianning, of New STork City, writQB ; " I most cheorfully couij.Iy witli [m roqiicstof your agent, in saylng I liave fbuna yor SoiviijKirlHa ;l most excellent nlh-i.itive in tbe niimerono cohipininls fur wbtch we employ Buch a remedy, but eimeolally i FhjiáU Viseases "■■w)riiltns dinuiesiSi J bave cnred innny invetc-ruto enses of Ceucpri boen Iy it, ntid uomo wlicro i ' pialo t wa eau Bed by ittccratwn of the uiirus. Tbe nï it-.'-lf wa , - Üilng witbia my kuowl&dB oquedi It fur these femitle demngenienta?' Edward B. BJarrowj of Kewbnry, Ala., irrites, "A dnngerous orarían tumor on one of tlio females iti niy Runily, Tvhioh hal dcQad all the remedies wo conld émpioy. baa at lencUi Been completely oüred bj Bztraol ofSarBaparlUa. 0r pbyaiciau tbongbf Dothlngbut extlrpation coulil alforg relief, bat ho advjsed tlie ti;il of your Sacwparllia ns th" last mort before ruiling, aod it pioved cfít!ctiiftl. A flor Uklnsy úr remedy tigbt weeks no symptom nt" tho dlenm ieiii;iins." Br pil lila anl JHerciirinl tIscnso. New Obixans, 2ülh Aagnst, 1860, Dn. J. 0. Arnn : Sïr, I eheerfully comply ith the refjuest of your agent, and ronori i" yoo aoiuc uf the cflecta 1 have reallxed wlth your SorFaparilla, I liave cnred with it, in my practico, most of tho complaints for vblch it ís recommende i. and have founij Itfl effocta truly wond--rful In tin cnn of Vènereal md M-rcurial Wsrase. Ohn nf my patlenta bad SypbUIUp ulcera in his tb roa t, whiili wen conmoalng his palaté nnd tho top of bla ïiiouth. Your Saraaparllla, tteadlly taken, cured liim in fiveweeics. Anothor was áttncked by Becondary byuiptouia in hf nose, aod tlie uleoratton bad enten away a considerable part of it. to that 1 belleve the disorder tvuuld sooit leucli his brain nnd Ie til hlni Kut it yieldecl to my admluietration of your BanaparUIa ; the ' ulcera bealed, and hè is well agab), not of oourse withoat Borne dlsflgilraUon u his fiice. A womau who had heen treatcd for Uio same disorder by merenry was BuBerlng ffom iliis pfttson In hor !: uoa. Xboy had bocome bosodsitive to the weathor (bat on damp flay Bbe suflered exeruclatfng pain in ber jolute and bones. Ëhe, [■ o iráa cured entlrely byyour fe'arsaparllla in i few v, know ft-ora ir-: fi -rinul.t. irblcb your agent gare me, that this Preparatton from your lal tratory muat he a great remedy; consequently. these imly romarkable reeultó wiih il havo uot surpiiaed me. Fratcrnally yours, 0. V. LAIUMKIÏ, M. D. Rlicuinutism, Gout, Liver Coinplaint. Jxdependkncj:, Preston Co., Va., i ti, jnly, 1S59. Dr. J. O. Avrn: Br, I have beon aflll ;ted iih a palnful chronic Hheumalirm tor n long time, wbldi haflted the skill ot' phvsienns. and stuck to me in spfte of all thé remedieálcout'l iiud. ni.til I (ried yonr Saieaparflla. Ono bottle cured me in two weeks, and reatored my general lionlth so much that I nui fox botter than belbre l wftB atUcked. I ihink it a wonderful medicine. J. FiiüAM. Jules Y. Getcholl. of Ht. Louis, wrltes; "1 liave heen affllcted for years wfth au offectionqf the Livcr, vhich dmtroyed niy hralth. J liied erery tblng, tmü every tblng fiUled to relieve me; anü i liave boep u brokendowj man for some yéars from no otber cause Iban Ücrang the Livcr. My beloved paator, the lti-v. Mr. Ëepy, adylsed me totry your Sarsaparf Ha, becauae he eaid kcew yiu, and any tblnjï yon made was vortb trying. ■ üy the bleeoing of Ötxl it has Gured me, mul has ?o purified my blood as to maUe u new man of me. 1 feel youns agato. The best that can be said of you is not liolígood tnougli." Scliirrus.Cniicci TmttOMj Knlnvjcfcmciit, l ït t ia; ion, Curies anti Exfoliatiou of tUC iilUH-S. A great rorlety of cases have been reported to ns irliero onres of these formidable oomplaiota have rosuited from of ibirt remedy, hut oor space bere wlll not admlt tlicm. Some of tbem may lo foiind in our Anierirnu Almanac, hicli the agenta litlow uamcd are pleased to fuiriirih gratis to uil who cali for Ui Dyspepsln, Hemt Di?cne, Fits, ExjUcxisj-, Itlclauclioly, A cura ï 14 ïn Mnny reuiaikable euros of these affections have heon made by the alterativa power of tnls medicine. It sthnulatos the vital fqnclians luto vigoróos actlon, and thus OTercomes disorders lilch would ba sopposed beyond ita reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the necesslties of the peoplO) and we are confidt-nt Lhatthis will do für tïi fin il that medicino can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. roii the n.vrn) cure op Couglis, Col ils. lnfl m-itxn, II oarsencss, Cronp, liioiJit'liit is, Iiicipieiit Cou suinptioii, and for tlie Itellcf Of t'oiisuiuptivc l'ntitriits ii advmiccd Stages of the JDisease This is a raseáy so DnfverHdly known to snrpaM nny other for the euro of throal and lnng complafnts, that it is uselcss here to puhlish the eridenea of it vlrtuw. lts nnriralled excellenco for roulis and colds, and lts truly vonderful cures cf pnlmonarj dliroiMin., have mude it known thrcitghout tho civilized uations of tbe taith. 1'i-w are tlie commuDitJes, or even families, amopg tlu-ni who ïiave not soma personal experienceof ltsetrocts - flome living tropfly in thelr mldst of its Tlctory over tbe subtle aml danerous disorders of tho tbroatand lungs. As all know tho dreadful fatality of these diflordets, and ns thcy kiiow, ton, the effects of this remedy, we lueil not do more than to assure tbem that it haa now all the vb tucs that it -lid have when maliiug the cures whiih have won so stronfijly upon tho cniitidfiice of inaukiud. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK & CO., Lowell, Mass. Ao 1 toj taie by Kaynard, Stebbms Ëc vison, FAHRAND, SJIKLKV k CO-, Detroit. SOOyl J n. BÜRRIIX, TrareïÜng Agent. SECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L. W001) & CO., HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE & WELL SELEOTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL cfe WINTER Trede, Having purchasod thoir stoet at much less tlian the usual prices, thcy fti'u prepared to o (Tor GREAT IXDÜCEMEXT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors thoy will te ever ready to show their Goods and by fair and liberal deivling hope to reoeive tJic-ir full sliare of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Dcc. 1861. General Land AgencyPERSONS wantlngf.irDn.orrcaldencoiinorneat Ann Arbor , can by callingonnieeli;ctfromaí&t oforor 1OO Farms ïor Sale! Ofvarioue slzeB trom .'í, te 12C0 acrcpüach (some at goodnganv' ruhiaConnty.) Morethan 5O Cweling Houaes nthlCity,fromtwo Uuadred to fourthouBaDidolarfioach;aud ovar 2O EÍÍIIDIKC tiOTS! AmobgtbsrarlUI are the Iüshcpstarm, lMOncres' tbe l'ntKT l'nrm, In GvonnOak, the IMaccfarm , auj 4ÜJaorcs.;hoBlun(lunnH(l Jonks fiu-ms, in Webster; th Ptul 's, Mh-ii -ir.l Newtnn SeeghD, aiid Fallaliai farms, in Ann Arbor; J . Klnu'slny'4 fnrin, ínPittsíiedthe Hatch and Hick tarm in Lodi;the PatnrkClayufnrm In Freftdom; W. S. Bariton, B. O. Bakor s and üucIc'b farms Intíylvan. Mostof these and many others can bo divldüdto suit PUrChaeer' E.WHÜ.1OÍN, AnnArboj. Jnn lat . 1B5K 63 TJ S 3ï3 EMPIRE WATER FOK Tn'lifffstion or Djppcpia, Conftipntion, KexTOUB Doblllty, 'f óf Appetit, Comraon r,,!,is, dUesiea of the Lunga, BudKhe, and Fovoriali sulooi the bir MAYNARD, STK1SBIN3 & WILSON and EBEKB ACB & CO , AnnArbor. Ij828. WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYriMIKSocrcturj ÍÚ bo at Cook's Hotel, in tho City cf Í Aim Aiiior, onThutada; ol li weki unttllttfiher nuti=e, ready to recéivfi new memben. M. KIONXV, Secretan. OctoberS3d, 1861. 8MU Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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