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Estáte of GftUiarine Fitzgerald. STATE OF UICHIGANT , County of WahtónaWfW At a easitn oí the Probate Court fr tl ■■ Co'u'i tyoi ' ' ■ i:: the itr of Aim Aii.'.r, ou Tuesday t the eigbtecnlh djiy ,f yc ■ti ilic year use thousaod eight bundred m ! sixty-two. Preent, ; : J 'r..l..ate. : ' ' " ri-sdin venfled, o ."'or-cStitton " r ' -■1 I'-"■ mi til.' in niis conrt bo 1 ■ ü and Te, ment oi -. ■ .-.-,. 'trt of m traUur, wiili tUe wHl aooexcd on K.tateof Tüt-reuiion t is Orderod, ThaJ Friday, th fourteenth Marcb tK'Xt, al in aftoniöön, b r the In uring i a! pciition, hdí! dial u,e tl e visees, lega ■ i law of aid decaa4 othtT (v-i ■-■■ n I íi said estafi ■ ; irt-i t( . nol .■;;].! tíourt, tl"n lo b .■', the l'robatu Office, in the City of Aun Ar&or, Uonnty. aml shot cause, [ bc, why tliu prajer of the pttitïoner shmiid not W grao Andft Ifl luribcrdi.U'H'fj, üiat said Petítloner gh '■■ the persona interrsted in said estale, f th ■ nd thé hearing then of t,r ■v of thïs order lo be pubhshed in t& 'jí Ar#n.s.& riewapaper prfnted anï ciiculatin Countj oi Wa hlenaw, three succestüyc week ■ijs tosaidiiay of hearing. (A trueoopyO THOMAS NI Judgc of Probate. Coinmissioners Notice. STATE OK MICEÜOK, County óf Wkinienair, ut TUo Minier.- en appoiofc d by tbc Pro. ■t for: Èaid ( ■ examino and adjust all claimt and deniands of all per' Patriik Hoban late of the ty, deceaaedj herebr . ; six m !:'■.;! date, ar?, '■■ order o"f i ■' present tbal tbejr will PatnckWaU. ia Ibe City of' Ano -'■:! ir. in Bftidcoanty afon?paid(on Satun'nv. tbc twen day of Marcb, and Tuesdaythe. Lirs; dy f July i o'clock r. M., f each day to reccivo, examine and :i jus. MORGAN otïI-.KA', 1 - rt . . PAÏIÜCK McKKRNAX, jCommissionom. DatH, December cO, tóoï, S33 Estato of Patrick Hoban. STATF. OF MICHIGAN Cóunty of WashtnaV, M,A -i sfiflaion of the P;obte Court for Cbuntyoi ÏVatthtonuw, hoW n ;it tlie IVobatcüfTicc, in the -'■imAii' y, thje tonth flay of February,iq it li u ii1 1 rel and süty-twt , Thmnas Nintl-, Judge oi l'robnie. Jn t],t J Matter ■ ■ Hoban, late of said r..i.i:i;. ctoéeaseS. On reacing ;.nl filing the jioiition duly vtrifif( t Patrick TTall, Kvc.itor of said decease-1, ptcing for i uircii the sai-i da; in saiil petition, for the I t ia 0 . Inë x-.veaiy. eigbth d fiernooiL be aseiguod for the hearing of said pethiori; and thal the di visie-, h'fratees, aül li'lr.s it law uï sa i-J decasdranj ail other i aeeona . id reste I i our( . tiltil to holdeatt ■ idCooB I aj il i re be, wliy Kkegrayei of Í: And il ia furthep Orderfid, t 'at Said Petitionct gtvo to the peraona interesled In sid estáte, of rlie peudency of ií i and the bt-a ri ifiing i copy ( tlus ordfr to 1 ■ puil Sned i:i the Michigan Argut, ■ . tnd eircalating in eaid County of Wasbtenaw, í'oursucc1! slye weeks previuus to fiiid daj of hearing. (Atme copy.) THOMAS NINDE. Jadgeol Probau. MORTGAGL SALE. D. i.T lia%iny been made in the payment of a eer: ■ !■ the 2r.iïi daj of j ■ .Unn.n-j II. :,[. 'i tt, ano Flecorded in the office of Register ! f "W ' unty, on the . ■ 358, at 10 o'clock", a. )[., aod Tecerded in Ltber25of Nortgages on page ■ □ - A. D.1&8, by the said Almond H. M. Prátt to SallyPrttt, : - d ut the í&ro -:iiil time and place of the recording of saiil nxírígage, j on wbicli niortffage 1 1. i I to bo due at tin ï late of " ! sum -'i three hundred an tv live '■ LÖ 100 dollars ($73,63) interest, making in aliihenuioof 1 ur.dreO and uioety e gh1 and - 100 oosi it i . proceedmgs at law having twn nu itated to ree rue, ornny pari thereoft. i j giveo that by virtue of a 'power of saté "■i thoi-ëin, on Thurèday, tlie 24th day ef April, a. i 2, al ■■ '■ e (i'clnck, noon , of aaid (ïay, at tlie front doorof the Court Hoaae in the city 'f AnnAfm, ing the Circuit t'durtfortlie ■ald O.i.niy.l thorewill be TOÏd at public aurtiou totbt i ■ ; o satfcfy ihcmonni due nn safd mortgage witb interest, and the cost auö ex■■ . for the foreclosing the samó; qail : Al) fcbat ti-act (ir parcel of land sitúate m tlie township of Man of Washtjcoaw, State of Michigan, vi: Coo■ n the north-wesl èornerof Uu.1 sonth part f northweal fraötiouai one quarter of flection six, tovnilii[i fonr south of range tbr eeast, tlience on the lino east on HtJd lot tothe centre of riverRaisin, thenceupthe centre of Baïd river to the centre ui Marsh Brook, then tbc centre of öald Marah Brook to the centre oí r'alBoad, tbence west to the aonth east corner ..nn north of the TerritoiU hetu norOi to the centre of said river Raisin, tbence p the centwoftbesaidriverRantotheConntj Uae,soppoedto bftthc place of beginning, contaio'ng twenty tw o (22) aciea of land, be tl . said mortgage being given to secare pait ut' theparcbu - price of llie said land, SALLY PRATT, Assigoifc Cu.wt: & Awistbong, Attoróeys for Assïgnee f Januavy 20, 186S. S6wl Mortgage Forcclosure. DEFAT7LT baviog berin made in the conditioneel moptgage exocuted Lv Calvin T. Fillmore and , ïie wüV', to I.i ther James, datéd December lst, A í i57 and recortted thenext day at fifteenurfputw past twoöclockP. M-. inl.iher24 of Mortg lol in tUa U gUiex's offic in WaihtenAW coontr, hj . áull the power of 'ale conlained ín said mortgage ngfitn bocinno f] i[íit:.vf,aníl no suit or procecding having Veen instituted at law to recover the debt secara by said mortgage orany pari ■ the sum of Bix huillín"! and forty 'dollars being oow claimcïtob duethercon. Kotiof is tJierefore heroby giWiL, tlat the will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortj ■ ■ ■-, to-wit: "The North-wesi qoarter of twenty-three, in Township two South of -.inicio, in said coonty and Stat, excepting the East ústj acres of land of fiatd qnartcr ' or ome parte threof, at public vendne at the ■ : bor, on tlie twentjr Bhcth daj of April next, at noon. LUTIIKR JAMES. Mottgag. E.W. MoeGAS Att'y. , ..!■ q. SOth, A. 1-, 1882. rf. Mortgage Sale. MU'iïAKLM. DICKERSONbyantndontiireofMorwii bearing date the Eleventb day of December, Bl it hundred aad Bfi duly mortgaged to Wflliam D. Vansickle iil tbo ■ ol tand iying iu the State f Michigan ioiirtv of Washtenaw, and Towiib of Pit t f field and Ypsil.mti. known and desenbed as t lio YU-t half of the Ncrtb Sast quarter of section onmber 'ne in Tiwnhip tunuer tbree South, of Range nunibor six Kist (PittLfielál:andalso the West. half "of the North WW quarter oí sootion namber sis in Tpwnship nnmber thrtt bouih, of liange numbtr Reven East (Ypallanti). Tho said mortgftge, with the power of safe thercin contalm . the Htli day of December, A. D., 1868, nt 5 o'clock, P. M., of that day. in Uber 35 , ■ of mortgages, at pago 174, in tho office ol tho R i ir the County oi Waehtenaw. Oo te 16 ('ayof December, A.ï)., 1861, said Uoitteage was &vfa !, by an instrument in writinjr, duly executed, witness d and acknoM ledged by said Wilüam Vai andbyhlm Uien deü vered, to Leasurel K-.nmicl, wiiich assignmont wasrocorded on the first day of January, a. r., 1863, at v:. oplovk. '. M.. oftbatdayi I bei 25 of Morigiiges, at page 175, in the office of the aforoaaid Belstar. The sum of Four FTundred and seventy-four 51100 Dollars, besides the Solicito: 's fees .in'l expenses oí provldedin said Mortgage, is claimed tol due on snid mdrxgage, and the note accompanying th same at the dale of this notice, and defanlt baviog been, made in the cendition of said mortgMge by whica the power qf sale tberein eontalned bas beceme opm tiTe.and HO snit or iriceedinff at law having been instituted to recover debí thereby sec u red, rany part thereuf - Notice is benjby given that said MortP will be foreclose I by o aale of töe abore described irhiob salo wil! take place at public vendue at ihe Sooth door of i't ■ Coori Boum fbeing the place of holding the Circuit Court) in the city of Ann Arbor, ín tb1 sn Cnunty, on the thirty tir-t day of March A. D.f 1862 at 1 O'clock P. M.. of that dav. LBAdCme I.. KTMUEL, Assignce of Mortpage. Dated, January, 3d, 1862. 833tf. STATE OF MICHIGAN.- Snit pending in tbc CircèA Court for the County Of Wasbtonaw- ín Chan Bef ;■ II d i .Lawrence, Circuit Judge at Chamberí. Uarguret Everett, Coraplainant, vs. George EvereUjDofendant. ti sat to the un.l.-rsigned, ■ ■ i it, that the defendant in tliis cause, resides out of this Staie, on motion of L. U. Noriis, Soltcitor for Gonplainant) it is ordured that the said defendant oause bis appdaranC4 ín tb)lfl CAQBe tobe entered witnïB Uireo months frora tlie date of this order. AnI it Ia fnrthcr ui-i'.fi-t'ii, that wiUiin toreoxy rtaja tbotfomplaia ant cause fhfs ordof t be published in the ilichigan Ar:ib, ;i aewspap4 r publlsbed Ín ;il county, and that snch publication be continued in aid newspapei, ftt least unco In eftcta week for tix weeka in succesnon, 6f Ëfl7tahacABM4 en of this order to be powonaUy servetl on said dcfMuüint, at least tw( -nty days bcfore the time prescrïbed for his appea ranee. Dated, Marob Sd, i K. LAWREN'CE, L. I. NolU8, Circuit Jutlge. Coiuplainant's Sclicitor. &42w6 Ann Arbor Marble Works. tt AS on hand a fino assortment uf American and 1TA L 1 A N MA li B L & whichheia prepared to manufacture in tu inalltheirTaritti,anliiiiv WORKMAN'I.IKi: mana Haring had considerable experionce in the businfsl ,s liimself lliat he will bc able t. all wlio may favor me with tli onlera. Hi8 pneti L O W AS THELOWEST. Ann Arbor. May 20, 1861. 801tf New Remedies for SPERMA T O 11 R ÍI (E A HOWARD ASSOC1AT1ON, I'lllLADELPHIA. J Bt nmolent Iiistililtion establiskcd by special en(lomr, (or the relief of the Stek and Distrcssccd , affklcilvulk VirulcM and Clironic Piscases, and espccwtly for l!" Cure of Distases ofllie Sexual Orgins, MEDICAL AIiVICK givcn gratis, by the Actin? Sur; " VAI.rAfU.E RErollTS on Spsmiatorrhoea, and "tl'" I , Organa,aiid on the XKV. EDIES employod ia tliv Diipsnaaiy., ent in sealèd lott envclonea, tree of cliargc. Two or threi stan. .coepUble. Addres, Dr. J. SKIU.IX H TON. Howard Asoci;ition, No ï y. nih Yt.. II ' iJjhla,Pa. !


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Michigan Argus