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Sugar Coated, Or "improved Indian Vegetable" Pills

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'"or Intcrmittent, Remiuent, Bilious and i matory Fevere; Headnche; Indigestión; Dys peeia; Heartburn; Pervened Appetite.' Co tiveness: Diarrhoea; Dysentery; Bilious'Colic-' Worms; Pin in the Head, Side, Fou'l Stomnch; Scrofnln, Scurvy, or nny Inipuritle. of the Blood; Obstructions, andFeniaJe Complnints gencraüy. JIHKRE hns never appeored a medicineX wlnch. wh.le it con do no harm. calcúlate 0 doBomuch good. They excite a healthlul r piraiion, and open all ilie natural drains of tl e iysicni. The obstruction of Insensible PmSP, iation is thecnuse of a great pioportion of hu non suffer ing. These pills pissess the oufr n an e.xlraordinary degree, of removing M itruction?, nnd restoring a heniihful circulntion l'hey must undc.ubtedly supercede all oiher pur-i ative medicines, as they have a fourlold aciion- nz: a discharge by the boicels, lungs, kxdntvs nul skin. s Children will not hesitateto fake them; and liey mny be relied on. boyond any other rerreriy ia on efièctunl nnd safe medicine for WORftjj ind all cotnplaints incident tochildren. Mor' jhildren have been cured in New York the p esjnt year, by the use of Dr. Smiih's Pills, xhtrt il I oiher medicines combined - as there s t.a leod oi forcing Uem doten, like other medi-' ;ines. Öne.imporiant advantage tn tnking thstt ?ills is, they do not eri e, ridr produce notudn nor nny o her unplcnsont sensation. Pil8 have'in thousands ol instance6, produced Piles 8n. other consf quences far irorse than the diseaaé' tor which they wcre ndministered. This is vartkularly guarded agaivH in the combination of the many ingrediente of which Dr. Smith'a pi 11 firc composed- tlius rundcring them HARiML.ESS. Theie pills are made of the purest matei als; and we have the satisfaction of hoving provecí to the Medical FacuJly, they possess uncommoi? virtties. The directions and trentment of diseafrs, cccompanying every box, in a circular of fcur' pnges. No "SUGAR COATED PILLS" can be genuine without the signmure of the soie inven-" ter G BENJAMIN SM1TH, M. D-, Presi-dent of the N. Y. College of Healtk," upon eve-iy box. Office devoted exclvsively to the sale of thiV medicine, 179 Grenwich street, New Yoik, antf No. 2, Water street, Boston. CERTIFIC ATES. We ore not in want of certificotes of a high chorncter, coming from the most reepectable so urces. [From a Nepliew of the late Judge Thompson. J Ni.w York, May 15, JS44. Dr. Smith's 'lmpioed Indinn Vegetable Pilla have proven valuable to mvself aiid family, ia the cure ot' violent hfadchk. pain in tbe'sidtf and stomnch. For children, no better medicine can be produced. In the case of our linie girl, two years pldj the most hnppy effectehave re?ulted from their use. I hnve never knuwn a medicine which J could so coutidentlv recomn;eud as these pills. R. THOMPSON, 56 NorthmoreSt. The following lady is too well known in New Yoik for her intelligence and philanthropy tobe doubted: [From the Matron of the U. S Naval Hospital:] Accustomed as I nm lo ndminiater to the sick,1 can npprecuite ovnluabie medicine. If there be n medicine ndiipted to ihe numernus ailmrntn of mankind, it is Dr. Sbmth's Sugnr Pills. ] hnve used them and secn them used with the mort ogtonishing results. in seveial instnnces wnhin niy knowledge. restoring the pnt.eut from fXtri'i' lowness and suffering 10 stiength and healih.- For ladies duiing pregnancy. tnese pill.s are a' sozenign bulm. 1 recommend them to all as valuable family medicinv:. SARAH A. GOüLD, Mntron of the U. S. Naval Hofpital'. Brooklyn, June lüih, 1644. [Fróm the Deputy Sheriffof New York.] Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable ViUr'r have been used in tho Eldrigde-St. Debtora' Pnson with uncommon sntisfnetion. I have never heard a medicine spokfn of with more interer by the sick who have taken these pills. JAS. J. BÊtlNS, Deputy SheriP [AN EXTRAORDIÑARY CÜRE.] T have to record nn insta nee of uriparorfelcld so fering. which must hnve teiminnted my exist tence. had not Dr. Smith's ' 'Sugerid Jndinr Vepemble Pilis"' con' e t o my resciie. In the fitl of 1843. I had a scioíulong affect ior-j which nearl covered my body with, sores, i'ind ïer.dered me unlit for life. Jn the course of two months I was at'acked with fevpr, whith rugtd with greot viov lence. I tok mony réscriptions, but without relief. Mt suffering was grent. Mrs. Goulcl (whom I shdll evoi retncnibcr with esieem) odvi6ed me to use these Sngared pills, which I look in large dose6 a few dnys. when the fever nnd pain ?tboied. I continticd these pills in srnall doses, about five weeks, when my fcver und scrofula were cured, üiy llood conpletély purifitd,nnd niy general henlili iiiiproved. I nm certniñ I owe my life, under Providfnce, to the u of these pillisE. M. PARK, New York, [From Jas. M. Turner, Esq., late of the Ü. S. Navy.] I have been nfflicted severnl yenrs wjth a weakness in the breast, costivene6S and a ílifficuliy of breothing. I wnslately more than ever tronblfd, thoueh ï hnd tnkpn mony prescribed remedias-" Tbrotieh the advice ol n Iriend, I ppocured Dr.Smith's Potent Sügored Pille, which I used. and they hnve not only relieved, but entirely cüred: my complaints. My wiíe has olso used them with the most happy effects, I believe them thé best medicine irt the world. james Si. turner. 5S1 Greenwieh St.. N. Y. Refers to Hon. Silos Wripht, V. S. Scnate. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Our little girl', 6 }'earï old. hns suflered all tlié worst stages of worms; nnd we have never foundJ i ,an ifFectunl cure, un'il we administercd Doet. ; Ssiith's Sugar Pills, which our little girl took without the Least resistance, in dosea of tWoat'4 i time"; and we nevf r witnessed sucH ta chnge in ■ so 6nort a time. The pills brought owa} n rtnï I of wormf, and she at once impröVed. Site is now in joyous hedlth. We have also ibund the - greatest bnncfit from their use. i JACOB CARLOCK, RStajJle at., Ñ. Y. 1 We hnve many certificates of cüieff in case of WORMS. ' [From a lady v'ell known iri Ne York.] Ihave been troubled for" yeqrs withrdizzine i and pain in the head, attended with depreesion,c dimnessofsight, &c.. which have been entirely cured by Dr. Smith's "Sugnrtid Indian Vegeta- il í ble Pilla-" I prize this medicine other Í SARAH DOUGLASS, ' Conef oí Ludlow ond Wálker-St. [The foiJowing is from one ol'tbe oldesl aní f most respeclable farmers in Madison Co.. N. "í. J Cazenovia- , July 28th, 1844. ' I have used 40 boxees Brandreth'ff Pilis, nní as many more of difl'errnt Kiiids, nild i Have ' never found that benefit from the use of the n wholc, that I have from the use of two borfea o 1 Dr. Smith's "Improved Indian Yköetabl" ■ They seerh tö strike at the fouridation of rhy disense, which is of a bilious ch'aracter. IRA AÉVORD. [Mr. Alvord a8, ith onothcr, the firet néttier of the beautiful village of Cazenovio, about i 50 years ago.] '; OLD MEN nnd YOUNG SIEÑ have, with out number, given their tistimoriiri's foi theo 0 excellent family pills. Atíd MOTHERS 1 Wo lt wieh we coold lay before the -Woild all' the ei L pres6ions of npprobation which We Hnve from them in New York. They WOilld dlörte lili thi page. The foei is, tHere never vviis siltíli a medí cine for the cörhplaint of ChildjIén.For sale by G. & J. G. Hillt Oetwitf;' thorf May, Jr.f Plymouth: Perrin & Hol), Northvillei Lund & McColVum, F. J. B. Crane, nnd W. S, & J. W. Mnyrtard,&nd G. Greuville, Anti Arborj nlso in Ypsilonti, Dexter, ond throughout th " United States. Office devoied' exclusively iO .these Pillï, 17 9" St., Nw Yorlr. CAUTION.- Bewre ofimitatione. I , 20-Jy


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