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Death Of Mark Norris

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-Mark Norris died in this city on the o.h inst., ngeil 66 years. He was bom in the town of Peacham, Vermont, in tbeyear 179ö, b.ïin one of a f'umily of lourtoen childrcn, nino of wlioin yot sur vive. - At thu ago Pi 20 ho commenced h:s eminenlly usuful carecr by removí ng to the "Gmiosee country," thcn the very oxtremc border of the American scttleinent?, where-he was married in 1820, nnd reniaincd ti tho business of inerchancii.ino; until 1'827. Then he found th situutioii of tliia villano congenia', boui;ht property, and in 1828 brought his fatnify on, and Diado what proved h is final aattlement. With an accurate foresiht oí tho needs of a new country, lie l.rouglit in machinery f.r carding wool nnd manufacturing clot.h, and in coojuoctiun with Harwood, built the lowcr dam and commenoed improviag the water power of rfiir pleasant Huron. To thishe soon added a stook of goods, and tho earliest buildings oí our city, 6oine still standing. I3y cotnmnn consent of his fellow-oitizene, Mr. Norria held the oöice of Postraster, during most cif tho tino of Jackaon'a two tennh of office. Otber pub'lio donors were urged upon him ; btit thougli of decided politica] opinionc, and ever reudy to bdp t!;o party and promote tho meosure.s which ho conscien.iously believcnl to be l'or the interusts of the country, ho regufutelV dvcünedj all oftii:e,.und wlien eleeted aguinst his own rill as a Justiceof tho lJoace, declinad to qiialiíy. Ilis tasto preferred buy, unobtrii.siv3 usei'ulnesa, to prominence in the DuUlia oye, ar.d ostuntatious play. Tho díf.'iPo oí whicb Mr. Norris died, w::s chroniu illncss, so aflvcting the hciart and lunps that ;it times tho free oirctilation of blood between these vital orfflo was impcrled, and respiration njndored euíremely painful and difficnlt. Hi-5 modioal adviaers years t-ince ;idr.onisl:cd h:a tbat quiet and ivpofc; were to eontipued life ; but he found slriot attonlinn to their advico extremely irksemen Ho continu ed his labora, nntil arrestad by thu hiuid cif nsidioui disease, in the furly piirt ff the winter just past. - Yptüanti Scnlinel, Match 12. Tlie 7íi-.limond Exammer states that the Eov. Mr. Boperman, pastor of the Universatist Churob in that city, lu:s been giT.ested :tiid nöw ín j;ii] for divers aüufjed reasons, especiaily for pruving írom h' desk, on a recent Sunilay, "that tbisunholy rebellion might be cnmhcd out."