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Who Sustain The Government?

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ïlje Detroit Tribune nud Adva titer and sevcral "country" republiean papera aré : just uow ongaged in a ridiculons fltfeaipt to ïnake tho people believe ilmt democratie clubs oxist n vafioiis cities and towns in this State, having for tbeir object couibined opposition to tlic Federal Govofnment ind tlie extendiug of both syiiipatby and materia] aid to the rebels. NVc nood hardly assert that this is all "bosb," atd is designod Bimply to actupon the coming loon] electioug,and, yet, such is the case. The democrats of tliis State are all ( loyal, and thero can not be found iu the ' party as many seeessionista aa co opcrato i with the rcpublicans. The rank and ñlo of the democratie party ol Michigan ralI lied early to tha defense of the National Government, and to-day stand the de. elarcd opponents of dissolution and secession iu all its forms, in favor üf us'mg every constitutional means to specdily put down tho rebellion, and iu favor of preserving thü old Uniou widtr tlie old Comlitution. Can this bo said of tbose Michigan rcpublicans who nynipathizo wit'i the radical abolitionists of Now Eiwland, and hold that a dissolution of tho Union with an acknowlcdgmout of the bogus Southern Confederacy is preferable to a continúanos of the old order of tilinga, and that cithcr tbe Constitution and the Union must be repudiatod or the " domestic iustitutious" of the South crushed out. The democrats stand by the I dent in all constitutional mcafn to close j this war, and give him a múcb moro ! erous support than Charles Sunmer and all that class of püliücians who look for a ncw Union and a ncw Constitution ; a inuuh more zealous support than ABRAiiam Lincoln, as rnember of Congreas, gave tho govcrnment during the Sdexican v;ar. And even the most ultra democrats.wbosc views are icpadiated by tlio party, oecupy a higher plftïn of patriot ism than did the New Engl ukI oppoai tion party in tha war of 1812. The Tribune cry is of the " ttop thtef kind, and will bo droppd as soon as the Spring elcctions are over. GP" Nbttbbbn, rccently captured b}1 Geu. BüRNSipB s in Craveu Couuty, Xorth Carolina, at tho confluence of the Neuse and Trent Rivers, 47 miles from Pamlico Suund. The Neusc is bere 1 miles wido, and the Trctit 3-4 of a milc wide, with sufficient dopth cf water fur steainíjoats. It is also on tho railroad from Beaufort to Raleigh, 26 miles From the former and 100 miles from the latter place. Goldsboro, an important railroad center, is about eqoi-dirtant betweou Xüwbcrn and Baleigh. In eommerce, capital, population, etc., it is or.e of the first citics of tho State. Population about 5000.


Old News
Michigan Argus