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Gough Is Coming

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Junx B. Gough, who haa a worldwide tame both as a temperance leoturer nnd a lecturer upon general subject, will tnlfill an engagement before the Sttidents' Leiiture Assoeiation, on Saturday evening, ICarcfa 29th. The subject is not anoounced, bat whntever it is ho 11 miko the lecture interesting. L3C" The April iiuinber of Godey's Ladis Book comes to our table profusely and elegantly illustrated, and witb a readable table of contents. lts "Spring Fashion,"with the article on "the Scieuce of Dress Cutting," accompanied by diagrams, our lady frieuds will find unusally attractive. 3 a year; two copies 85. - Address L. A. Godey, 323 Chestnut St, Philadelpliia. ii -- - X The Animal Medical Commenoement is announccd to tako place on Wednesday next, in tlio forenoon, ánc the Annuul Law Commenceraent in the afternoon. We havo not been advisec of the order of exercises for either occa ion. 1 ■ i mm t 23ËT The April nutnber of Frank ' Lcslie'a Monthly and Gazette of Fashions Las a tablo of contenta iutorosting and instructive, and a large list of engravíngs, including síeveral portraits of Generáis and other prominent public men, with war scènes, etc. $3 a year ; two eopies $5. Addrcss, Fbamk Leslie. 19 City Hall Square, N. Y. Lsf Tho February number of tlic Tfoj-th British Review is on our table, and presenta fur examination the following ' papers: 1. The Writings of John Ruskin. '2. Tho House of Savoy. 3. Our Single 4. Sir Williara Jiookliart of Leo. 5. Peasants and Poets of Austria and Scotland. 6. Guizot and the Papacy. 7. Sauitary Improvemeut in the Army - Lord Herbcrt. 8. Iïecoat Progresa of Photographic Art. 9. Mr. Martin' Catullm, 10. The American üepublic: Resurrection through Uissolution. For terms, &c , of the JS'orth British and othcr American rc-prints sce prospectus of American Publishers, Leonahd, Scorr &■ Cj,, in anothcr coltiiBD, L-■L" We ;iro iufjrmed that. considerable Jam igc wis dono to fruit tren in Sharon and viciuity, by tho gstorm of Friday last. Trucs were literally stripped of all the smaller limbs by the aocuraulatcd woight of ice. f3g" Tlis Seoond Exhibition of the Junior Clasj of the Uuiversity is put dowu for ïuesday cveniug next in Union School Hall. T M. Si Co., Iüivo just received a larga and choice Stock of Spring Ooods, new and fksliienable Styles, which are goins ofi like hot cakes. Go and get Sondueiji to apply the tape and you will come out a ncw man.


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