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The Eugle Calis ! The War has Be gun ! A War oi Extermination against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, Diseaseü Gums, Toothache, Earache, and Neuralgia. OUR ARTILLERY IS DR. WM. B. HÜRD'S DENTAL TEEASÜ11Y! A COMPLETE SET OF REMEDIES FOR PRESERVING THE TEETII, PÜRIFYIIVG THE BREATH & MOUTH UI Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. o CONTENTS : Dr. Hurd's Ccl-brated MOUTIf WASH, one Lotlle. Dr. Hurd's UncquaUd TOOTH PO WDER, one Lux. Dr. Hurds Magie TOOTHACHE DROPS, one boltle. Dr. HurdS UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTEH. Dr. Hurds MANUAL on the Pest Means oj Preserving the Teeth, induding Dircctions for thrProper Trealmr.nt oj Chüdren's Tceth. FLOSs SILKfor chanin$ betwetn the Teeth TOOTH P1CKS, etc, etc. Prepured nt Dr. Ilurd's Dentol Offij;, 77 Foui-tU St , Brooklyn, (E. D.) Piice One Dollar or Six fjr $5 O" The Dental Tieasury makes a pack nge eight inelies by five, and sent by express. O Fulldirection for use is on cach article. The following nrticles ve can aend separately, by mail, viz ; The Treatise en Preserving Teeth sent, oost paid, on reccipt of Twelvk Cknts, or four 6tauups. The Neuralgia Piaster, for Neuralg'ain the face, Nerrous Headache, and Eüraehe, sent, post paid, on receipt of Eiqhteen Cknts, or six Itimp. The Neauralgia and Rheumatio Piaster, (lares size), for pains in the Chcst, SliouUlei9, Back, or any part of the body, sent, posv p lid on reecipt of Thiriy Seyen Cents. Addres8 WM. B. HURD & CO., Tribnns Buildings, New York. , I &L- Pr. BoHH MOUTH WASH, TOOTH POwnER, fi ind TOOTH ACH E DROPS cannut bo sent by mail, bul they can prolublv be obtained t your Dru or Periodi cal Stonw. lf Uiey cannot, sead fot the DENTAL 1'RF.AáLKY, i'rice Ose Dollajr, which coutaiiiö them. 3sro"W, Aro Dr. Ilurd's Preparationb Good ? The best evidrnce that they are ís, that their firmst (rienda aod bes, patrons aru t lióse who have used ibem Longest. 1 r. William B. HüXD ia an eminent Dentist of Biouklyn, Treisurer ui' the New York State Dentista' AssociiiLion, and these preparations have beon used in his private yractice foryears, and no leadin citizen oí Brooklyn or WilIianMbttih questians léeit, whils emuKQt Deatits of New York rt'Cümineml tb.m %& the koowa fo t!:e piafe ïsion Witliout the aid uf ailvcrUsin, dealers have sold tliem by tbegross. Thi EJüor of the Bmoklyn Daily Thnes ntjs : - í; We are hrppv tu know ihat our frifiid, lir. Ulan, Ís snc ceedlng beyond ;U1 expeetatioaa with his MüUTÖ WASH ana'T-OTH POWDEK. The grèat Rccret of UU Bucceari resta withtht f act th at nis AMuam are pie C1S1-.I.V W11AT ilikY UK EKrar-BMKD TÜ EE, AS WE CAN TESTIFY FaO3I TQEIB LO.G USE." The weil known I'. T Barnnm writes : - "I found your 'lOOTli tüWDER so good that niy fainily have used it ail up. W'k finü ir Tuic Bkst I'owüeh ron ts Tkettd that weiíver OSSO. I shill feel obliged if you Wiü send me nnother bupply at th". Museum at your conveoieoce, with till." But (licir cost is so pmall tliat every oue may test the matter f or bhnttlf tí, Uewave of the ordinary Tooth Powders. Dr. Hubd'C Toom l'owuEii cont;iins no ac d, nir alkah, nor charcoal, and polislies without weanag the cnaniL-l. - Use uo other. What will Dr. Hurd's Remedies EiFect ? Dr. Ilurd's MOUTII WASH AND TOOTH POWDFJt will gíV8 yoiing Indios that finest chaim in uoman - a sweet breatb and puarly tieth. Try ihtm, ladies. Dr. Hord'l MOUTH WASH AND TOOTH POWEER will cleanse themouth Iromall foul cxhaiati'JLS, and if used in the niorning. will make the breakfast tate sweeter and the day begia moee pleasantly. Hundreds Of persons c.'in te.stiiy to this. Try them, geutlemon. Dr. Ilurd's Movth WabH and Tooth Powdbb ate thí beát preparation in the world for curing kad ürüatii and giving firmness and health te tl gums. Hundredd of case.sol' diáoased Blkeding GcMá, Sokk Mocth, Cankfr, etc., have been en red by Dr Hurd's astringent wash. Dr. IIurd's Mouth Wash and Tootii Powper give an additlooal charra to courtship, and make haafeandi more to thi-ir wivea and wivos to tbeirbutb .nds. Tbey should be used by tvtry person having Artificial Teeth wliich are liabctnimpart a taint to the mouth. Dr. Hurd's Toothache drops cure Toothache arising; from exponed nerves,nnd are the beat friends thatparextta can have in the house to save their cliïldren frora torture mi tbemselvM lïom luss of sleep and sympatlietic suilerinii. ] '.mi m kus and MaciiANics I you cannot well afford to neglect your teeth. For a trifling sum, you can now get prenervativos tlian wliich Rothchild or stor can get nothingbetter. Ren mher that DYEPKFSU and CON SL'Ml'nON OF rHK LUXGS oftea origiuiite to Neglect of Teeth. Send for t7i& Treatise on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch's observations on this Subject. If too' latí; io arrest dccay in your own teeth, save jour children' teeth. NEURALGIA PIASTERS. Dr. Tlurd's Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Piasters aro the most pleasant and tuocessful remedies ever preacribed for tlns paintiil di-seise. The patiënt applïcs one,Roon becomes drowsy, fallfi s sleep, and awake- f ree fmm pain, and no blister or uthcr unpleasant or injurious consequences cnsue. Kor Earache and Norvous Hea'lache, applj accorlin to direet;ons,and relief wfli Cstuely follnw. Nothing can be obtaincd efj[ual to lr. Ilurd's Compress Tor Neuraliu, Iry thein. Tliey are entiroly a novel, curioiifi, and niiitin! ]repaiation, and wond rTiiliy sucoe-sful. Tlioy are of t-o sizes, one imiall.for the fj.cp, pnce 15 cents, and the other largo, for application io the body, price 37 cents. It'iil beinaiUd on rcceipt of price and one stamp. Wlial are the Peoplc Doing ? The American pnnpie areintelligent cnough to appreciale preparatinns 1 lm t rontributo O mucli to the liappines of those usingtliem, and thfy want thra. Every mailbringsiis letters, BOme orrlerin?: fbe Treatise on Tecth, some the Neuralgia Flíi-tcrR, and nota few eclosins37 ceuts, for the Mouth Wash to he Bent by mail; but to tluse weare compelled in reply that it is irn pfissihle 1" iend a half pint bottle by mail. The people want these remedies. WHO WILL SürPLY TIIEM ? Now ís tho CHANCE EOR AGENTS. Fhrcwl a?ontfi can raakea small fortune ín ea-rrylng these nrtielea around t" familip-;. The Devtal Tiuuvuky is the B6fctw1 rtible thíii a man or witman can cirry tronad, :-rnd for onr, r. bvtter, b dozen, vbieh we wltl wrtt, M samples, for $7 Agent supplied liberally witb Circdlars. Now ís tlie time to go int.o BusineB 1 to do good, and mnke a profli. We : re ipon'lin thousnnds for tlv benefit of agents. New lnland men or fmn ! liore is nomething nice, and a chance to take thetide at its flood. Address Wm. B. Hurd & Co., Tribune Buildinge, New Yort. That rcnsrttancc; may bc ïtt-lr1 vHB cbnfliKrfW, TT. I. II. k Co. rcl'crt!) Üie Mjiyur (f Beooklyn: to G. W. OiiiFKiTH, Prestdroi i'irracrs' nnd Citi?.eDfi' Bank, Bnioklvn ; to Jnv, Cf:E & Co . Xtm fort ; i" Y T. B' Krsi. r-',: , Y"rl. , tic . Bo. ?11'f


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