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'I he Latest Special Dispatch vo tüe oltizens of Ann Albor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! ITundreds waiching (he progresa of ' Daily Events I I TLe Federal Army agaiu Victof íomiI ; , , , [ "The Union must and sjiáll j be Preserved !" . ) t " There was a man in our fown, He was so wondrous wine" c But with all liis wisdom, he wan not o wise : [ as thut 'oíher man," who when be i td to buy tho The cheapeal and lest C L O T H I N C! in this marhít always jumpedinto O ü I TER MAN' ti HEAD QUARTEES! For tliore he knew he always got his money'g worth. Sceing is bulifving and yju that wiali to ere conté íti and believe. Tliuse that can't i,Bee can fkkl, tT Ds we always raaks sur cu? tomers fee! guod over good bargains, Lliey are ospecially nivited to our auxious sc-at,tliftt they loo raay realize liow "good it is forthttn to be witli us," and how inuch pleasui'o can be obtaiued in the eujoymmt of SPLENDID BARGAIW8 ! " me all ye are -svenry and heavy lacle"" - with Koks and we will do our best to relieve vou - givinr yon in relurn the Jineal kind of Goods al thc lóicestfigvnes. Great battlcs are l.ourly tafcing place in tho C'.othing line - whrle regiments of Cnsaimeres, Vestinus, te., are being slauglitf-red by Gn. Soxdheim - to fit i he rash of rtcruita that are pouring in fror.i every direetion, all anxioua to have tlieir ñames enrolled for a NEAT AND TASTY BUÍT ! - 3Uch a3 cfln only be had nt tho Quarters Af Guiterman éc Co. Oneofthe firm, Mr. il GuitermaN", having just retm-ned from Europa wich a largé aasortaaent of Cloths, Casimeres and n niee lot of fine Vestings, alao a few pieces of fine Beaver for overcoats wliii h we will make up to oruer in the bitest Btyle, we feel coufident that wecan satibfy all. STXJJDE3STTS í We are happy to greet you ngaTn in our City.after speuding your vacation ■with the 11 dtar oíd fdlks' nt hnnae Be aaanred we wish you a )lea8ant term, aud shall tver be glad to ineit you at the Oíd Hend-Qnnrters, ]ro. 5. O Our fornier custoniors, we feul nssured, will cali on r.s again To vou who come aa strangers we would say a few words, we wish you to culi nnd look at our fine Coats, Pants, and Vests we e:in do better by you titán nr.y othr h ihe City, and if yi u etill .inii examine íur oods.and try tlieir fit.s, j"ou will purchuse nowhere else. DON'T F Allí TO CALXj ü -3? C3r. 'EL. Q, DR. IIOüFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, , Fur the speedy cure of Covghs, ColJs, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, a Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the p els, arixingfrum CoLd, Incipient Coa $umpton,andfor the relief and if at allpossibl?) cure of Jatients in adcanced stuyes of tis ' latter disease, , rnïlF. Balsamic Conliül is entirely a Vegetable produoX tion, coin-bmng the healing proporties ol the BalBaxn, with the mvigoratjng qualitiea vï a Cordial, i dueing a combiuatun so well adapud to the pur] uses Entended, that there but few cases of disease which irill not, at id earljf peruil, aucuumb to its hcaliugand lile giving piop-ii-ties. Kor ags, has the treatment of pulmonary diseases occup:ed the grmtei pmtion of tbe atttntion of the scienliiic of the medical world, but nuiïe ucquired more eminence in his treatment of these üieast-s, than the. celi;bralel Prukm. Dr. Houfland, the orignatoi of the Balsámic Cordial. Hislifewas devoted to the production of remedies that wöuld stan.l unriralldd. How well lie lias uceeeded, the Ainerieati peopleare able to judge: and wc poskively assert, that do preparations that have 8VW li;en placed bíl'ore them, have conferrdl the same amoant oí benefits on sufferiug huraanity, or have elicited to many commenrlationg from all classes of socittv,an lhere;:;t;iles uf Dr, Boofi&nd, prepartd bv Dr, C. M.JutkRon tCo., of Philaddphia. ïhe Cordial is dosigned for a class of diseases more general and moie fatal 'than auy other to which the people of this cmintry ftie subject - those spiïnging from a "slight culd," That eminent authuriiy. Dr. Bell, 8; s: "iwiJl nutsa tfaat (Wlus are to our inhabitants vbat tbe PlagUM aud Ydlow Ftvcr are to those of other countrit-s; but I can av#r confideottv that they usher in disea?e of grojiter Jcomplieity and inortality than thosu latter." Entirely Vegetable. lío Alcoholic Preparation. DTC. IDOFLAND'S CELEBKAIBS GERMÁN BITTERS Tic a red by DP. C K. JACKSON k CU., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Wffl etfectuall j cure I.1VEK CUMI'LAINT, DYtíPEPSIA, JAUNlUCEjChroaïc or Xeivou.s Debility, Distases of the Kidueys, and all iseasefl ansing trom a disordered Liver or Stnmach. Sucb as Coustipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to lbo Hear, Ac;dity of the Ötomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, FulneaS or weight in the Stom ach, :our EructaUon, tftokiag or Pluttering at the PU of th8tomaoh, Pwimmiog ofthaHead, Üurried and Difficalt Bn-athing, Klustering at ihe Heart, Choklng or Sufiocating sensati'.ns ir ben in a lying posture, Dim dcbb ol Vision, Dots of webs beforetbe sight, Ktver and Dull l'ain ia tiie Ueail, K'ii(_-ier.ey of l'erspiration, Yollowness of the Skin nnrt EyeS, Pain in the Üile, Back. Chest. Limljs, bc. Buddec FluXheeof Heat, Burnlogin the (Ftech, Co&stant bnagiaiDgB of evil, and great l)epressiors of Spirits, and will positively prevent YKLLOW FEVER, BILLHKJ3 FKVKR, kc. . rhe Proprieior in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, doea 10 with a l'eeling cf the utmost coniidencein its v;:tueu sd adaDtation to the diseases for which it is reeoisxaeiided H ia no new and untried article, but oni that ban Ü0QÚ tbe testof a twelTí yeaxa'trtol before tbe American people, and its reputation and saie are aarivalled by any similar preparfttloBB exfeaat, The teattmon; in its !avor fiivcn ly tliO BSOSt pruniintnt and well-known l'hysiciaii.s nul indiTiduala in all pnrtsof ihe country is immense, j. nd a ful pcruial of tbe Almanac pubHshed annaallj by the Proprletors, and to be bad gratis ofanyoftheir AgeniR, canaot but satisfy the most ikepttotl that tati remedy is really deserving the great cnlebrity it basobtained Kead tUe Evlilen5 TromJ. Newton Tirmcn 7. D., Kditor of thr. Encyclnptdia of Religión. Knowltdge. Althoufh net AUposed lo farvcx or recomradnd Patent Medicines iu general, throngh dlltrQst ol their lagl. dirnts and effect, I yet knnw of no suffloteat roason why a ncan may not testiiy to the benofit he believes himself to have rt-coivoil trom any. Imple preparation, in the hope that b m;iy thui contnbute to the benelit of otben. Ido this the more%WMilly in regard to ':Iïooflaod's Gerninn Bitters,'1 prepared by L)r. C. M. Jackson, o rhis city, bpeauRo 1 wai prejudtcei againat them for year , onder the impression that tliey were r.hiofty an alooholi- mixture. 1 aio iiuVMeü to myfiiend Kobart Shoemakcr, Ksq-.for lh removal of this prejudice by prorver tests, and for encourügenient io trv them, wlit'n eqlleving from great and long confcta'-to debülly, Tlu Ut "f three bottlcs of these Bittn-, al the h{Jinning of the present year, was followo'I by cviih-nt rolfef, año restorat ion toa degreeef bodUy and mental vigor whicb I had uot feit frTsi:; montl;H hefure.ftrtd had almot despaired nf regr.ininíj. I thercfore thank God and my friend for dirtclinameto the use uf them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Read what tbo eniinnnt Glass Manufaotnrer, JOHN H. WHITAIX, wya uf the IÏALSAMIC CORDIAL. Dr. C.M. .TAPksov- Rospectnd Friend: Having for a long lime boen acqaintrd uilh Hip virtues of tiiy Balsamic Cordial in Coldt, Intlammation of tbe Lungg, kt.. I thus frccly bear tesfimmy to iís eflit-ncy For severalyeays I hav pevpr been without it in my family It alsogives me ploasure to state that I have sed ït with entire suoügss in the treatmept of Uonel CompUint-j. 'l'hy fi-iend truiy, JOHX M. WIIITALL, Fifth Mo. :7,1853, Race Street, above 4th, Phila. TheMjnedi4tnnrfor5&4eby all reBpeotabla Dnijfgintii RfftTtcalern in ihed'clhl h tl United State, Hnti&h Prftvfnfip, od West Indios, at 75 cents per bottis - ' Be Mire and get tV.o f nuiuo, with the signattire of C. M. : JaQKSOn on thf wrapficr nl mcb ïKittle; all others ave , r.otnffrfu. Principal (tmr -tí fa.nafftti[ïfy,18 áraS , : lrrr','V;i]:.,'';nii. I


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