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; PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE AliGÜS OFFICE. I i I WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT TUE HOST REASONABLE RATES. We hayo reeeutly purcliagd a RUG-O-LES ROTARY CABD PRESS, and have adiled the lafst styles of Card Type, wliich cnables us to print INVITATION CAKDS, WEDDING CARDS VIS1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the nentest st3'lcs, and as cheap ns any othor house in the State. We are also prepared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, L1LL HEADS,' CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, BOOK BINDERY is in charge of PUIST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in best sttie at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds ROUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Boiind. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop"r. BOffice and Bindery, cor. Main t Hurón Sts. TJ SB ZES S.A_:Ft A.T O O-A. EMPIRE WATER FOR Indigestión er Pyspopm'a, Conttipntion, NervoiiB 1'. ïiiiity, Loss of Appelite, Common Colds, diseaKus of the I.ungs, Headacbe, and Fererish tato of the Bvstem. Sold br MAYNAHP, STEDBIN3 k WILSON and EBERBACH4C0, Ann Arbur. Ij828. Oval Picture Frames AU. RI7.ES, STVI.ES and PRICE9 jut roceived and fors4le cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. 1800.Bec.25, 78(Hf special notice to gust o:m::e:r,s_ AI.L accounts over six montlm mtat be icttled at once. Calla the office and pay up. A woll selectedt stock of New Goods Cheap for SSHf MAYNAKD , STKBUINS ft WILSON. Caution. A IJL pcrsonii aro hcroljy fcjrbid.lcn to harlior or trust ft penon on my account after tliin date, without a-written order fioin me. nagylvan,. 17, l862. mWA 8" Ayer's Agüe Cure. jP BOOK STORES ABENOWOPEN1SG, DIRECT FRGM PUBl.&HERS AM) Mauufucturers, a New aul CoinnU-ti' 8tock of LAW & MEDICAL liOOKS, School Boelts, Misccllancous Books, Blank Books, Jan Wall and Win.'.iw P&jor, Drawing aud Hathematícal Instrumenta. Muslo, Juvenlle Librarlos, Euvelopos, Inksand Cards. ' [pi ■ -''■-feiaaftgL-ilif ' '---rr'Ti' GOLD And all otlter kinds vf Pens and Pencüs Win.lrnv rir:iioo, yiniOos nnd Pixtare, POCKET CUTLEEY Amleverylhinpr ;.,rt:iinir,T to the iratle, and ïrnro t whichthcy wpuld Invite Hit? fttteíitíon ol' Ihr couiitry. In OOnAocüng oar bostnesa, w shnll tlo all tlmt er d meBfi tliüt no rcasonablt man, wohuid qb ckilJ rfha find anv faun . Te posnosfi facilities wliich will cnaljlc us to suppl our stomers at the Lowebt Possible Figures. Wr proposetoseUforREADYAYtaaiwaiadTanii '. ejtp&ot a proñt ou our Lools, but Cash Salos will Admit of Low FIGÏÏEES. We hare engllgcd th non'icr-s it JÜIES F. SPAI.DINT hereforeare prepared to fiu'iiih Visiing, Wedding and all other Card writlcn to order, with neatness and dispatch, by mai' r otlierwise. The "Emhbk Book Store." is raanned by n zatu] 'crew nd they wfll alwaya le round on the "qimrter deck, reafly aud wilünji ld atieudto all with pl6Mur6pwlM wi favor them with a cali. Ivomember tho "Empire Book Store. JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, Mar,lS60. 7Ji ANTOHER fe d ARRIVAL AT THE vfÈÊ f OLD AND RELIA BLE Jrafil CLOTHIWC EMPORIUMü 41&Jb. 3ST O . S PHCBNIX ELOGIÉ, MAIN STREET. hasjust returned from the Eastcrn Citïes, wiíh a larg and desirable stock uf F ALL AND WINTER Gr OODS! wkich he te now oiïciiug ;it unusually IjOX?V FHJOESÍ Among his Assortment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESK1NS, & . VESTINGS, of aM Jfacri[itlons, capcc'Hlly for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which h e is cutting and mnking to order, in iholatr-: AuA best RÍyles, togeter with a superior asüortnient of READY MADE CL0TR1NG! TRUNKS CARPET BAÜS, UMBREIJ.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numoroua other art"'cles usuülly found in siiuila; e.stublirthments. As ANEMPORJÜM OFFASHIO, the subscribcr ilattfrrs himself, that h is long ex per lonco and general 8ucc88S,wiU euuble him to giro tlie greatest satisfnetton toall who may trust him in the way of manufaetui'ing garraents to order. 769tf ffM. WACN'Klï. T1IE PEORÍA MARINE & PIBE INSURANCE COMPANY, O F PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 one of the HEAV7E8T, SAKKST and BKST Insuranc Co's. n the U. S. Insures on roa.sonable trrnis, stud a ffaj-R pay promptly. Tbeie ís no betíer Tire Jusuran Companj. Rifle Factory! A. J. SUTHERLAIVO HASremovedhU Gun Shoptothe New Blockon Uu ton street, south olthe C'ourt House.ontucaecond floor, wherehc is preparcd to furnish Guns, Pistols, Amnvunition Flasks, Poisihes Game Bags, and Evci'j otlier article in bis Line. On the moBtreasonablc ttjrms.íindto A o all kindfi o hbpaihiwg the shurtBst notice.and In the best manncr IHH BTÍ 1&'7 BSbS m full assortment always ep On hand,ond made to or dcr. BOOTS SHOES 2 iÍiKí fe MOüHE & LOOMIS Are now roceiving a largo assortment of Boot-s and Sbocs a 1 BT7BBERS! Wliich thoy propose to sell 50 per cent below former prices for cash. Men'e good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Mn's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladieg' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 [radies' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 Aml an cndlcss variety of Snial ShoeH from Fancy Balmorala to Infanta' Croeping Shoos, 1V are alsoDIaimfncturliig all klmls r WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine French Calf Boot Pegged and Sewed. o give ns a cali ljcforo piirchasinfr oIsoiTliprc, as wo arn boiiml not to tic undcrsolil. tSP'Iilil'AlKlNH DONE ON SHORT XOTICK .r MOORE & LOOMIS Main St,, Ann Arbor, Stioh. 820tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. GREÁTBARGAÍÍS A E Maynard, Stcbbins & Wilsen's. yv n,vr acaix i;iti.kni-iiki ötr store WI(B i V the must sflcuthil Mock ut !?"" ff"""t. x" Ttf1! fJTi 'fe-SET L- i- J? J,j? ESO tint V.'.VS owr atférvA ín hny onti e&h1ttoent n ilic StuU', itll of which we ittffr for islvn ,ts ou bc fonnd In tïie l'nion "We want Money l Grcat Sacriiïces on AnyHiin" wethavo to. olitain it, not exccpting OLD NOTES AJÍD ACCOUKTS ALL CASH CUSÏOAIER8 to cali amï examine our GuoIh and Trices. We alar luvilü our Prompt Paying Customers to cnnic arM boy Ihelr i uppliöa for lbo Winter. Tn thOM Bíisbful oue.sthiit are aírala to cali, wc sftj to thsni, t.ü. courage isi3i.,x. Tour -sri-xasua-T? withuut longer waitiLg far liighcr iiriccf eome in, old scores, and tlicn ut suèb [trieos as witi in ke ttp all losse lt is hardlj iiccce,s.sary to enuincruleour (iuods, for We have Bveryihingl A largc ass-tirtmoní of CARPET1NG, CROtKEHY DliY GOOJJ8, MEDILVES, 6E0EEIES, TAINTS. 01 LS, ÍTAT, CAPS, BOOT, SU OES YANKEE N0TI0NS. &c., &c,, &c. O&[L[L O[Id OS (715tf) MAYNAKP, STMiBIXS i: WII.S0 SCHOFF & MILLER RESTILL OXH.iND it thciruld Staml, No. 2, Franklin Block, wiíli oornplete assoptmont of Books and Stationery?; PERFUMEKIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GIJ.T CORNICES, I CÜRTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in tliis Markct ! an'l they would suiíK't tothose in pursutt cfnnytliÍDgiD SANTA CLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present by purchash'g from tliis slock, as each puroha.ier gei ;ui addltfootl preBint of Juwelfy, &c. , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50 Thrytriist thnt theirlon:; experience in selecting goods for this market, an stricl sttentios to the want of Cutnniers, moy eutitle tbcm to a liberal share o PEtrotutge. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 18G0. 7T7tf Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid np, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilitics. - ■ - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogcrs, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WmTNKY, L. BODMAN, W. ELLIOTT, ASA HOVW.AND.D C. MiC.II.VUA Y, K. I. MORGAN WAIT HHMRNT, JOSIAIÏ ALI.1S. A. H. BÚ.MEN W.H. DICK1NSON, W. T. CLAPP, D.C.KOGKKS. Aun Arbor Keferences: Dr, E. WEI. L8, L. JAMKS. L. ITOPOK, HNOCIUAMES. OAPT. C.S. OOODI11CII J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. UFE WSUKaNöB. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. W1M. INSLKK UVES for any nmount QOt ttXOeadteg the whole term ofldfe orfor a term of reara, on tbc most favorable tonas, N. B. Th Company s pure-ly mutual aml tho pollcy loMfrs get all the surplos over tbe exact oost of ídhutancc It accomodiitcs the nsurel in the Ketticment of heir pn-miums oN I.Ili; POLIGIES, If destred, bv taking i lur uno half the amount, beuring interest at tsix ►er cent, perannum. Dividends afe Declared Annually! and since they now amount to kipiy per cent on the pre.liiiü). osab and noto, anti aro íncreasing they may be iiiiii I ti oatioul the notes. #3r Thfi rales of proiuíiims aro as low as any other repOQBible Company ant thelarge aocumulatod fuad of ii,.r)ü0,000 is securely invosted, s may ha geen bv rcfcrnce to the statement r.i.'uk' acconling to law, on lilo in heoftico oftho County Ann Arbor.-ïEft JAMIÜS ÜOODWIN, Prest. Gut R. PiiEi-ijSecy , Fop piuticnlaiaapply to JAMKS C, WATSON, T68jl Agent at AnuArbor, Uloh, DISSOLUTION. NOTTCE ld lieroby given that the partnership heretoforc jcxisüng uiulcr lirm of Dalton aud Gauss has ofn Iíisolvcd by mutual confient. MATHICW PALTOK JOHNGAC38 Am Arlwr, llich., January 15, lgO2. 837v6 WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYI 1 IE Secretar j Tffll be atí-tmk's Hoto!, in the City cf L Ann Arbor, onThursdny of eaoh week, until furt hei' otise, rvatly to receive new mpmborjs. M. ivtNNYjSecretaTy, October 23d, 1861. 824tf A GIRL to do house woilc, one wlio will gívo saíÍRH. (ketion, wfllhear of a plaoe on appHoation to ttifl 'itliing Store oí M. Campiña. Aon Arbor, r-'b. W lö.', ÏMtfj


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