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NEW GOODS, Seasonable Goods, CIIEAr GOODS, For Cas li, BACH PIERSON TTuve jus; opomd a chulee stock of Winter Goods, Bonght for Cash AND TO RE SOLD FOll CASH at snel) pnrea fis wil) mate the lwyers !nugh nt the iilen of Ilnrd Tinics. The síock nelodei a choioelot cf LADIKS' DÜKSS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S OLOTES, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÜUOCERIKS, Ac, ie. Now is the titue to buy your Winter" fl'.i[plies. BACH 4 PIER ON. Ann Albor, Nov. 15, If6t. XST3ï3'W 3r O CZ 23 m . WINES & KNIGHT have just receivea fullatock of FALLiWERGOODSI which they OFFER TOR CASH! Prices very Low, WirVES & KMGIIT. November, 1861. PATENTED November lst,1859. r _ TIIE MEASDRES BBJkJ . A, the (ïistauce -L-1-n W 5S round the Neck. N. fT k BloBtheYukc. I ' f.X.J.gjljgf C lo C the Sleevc. r tip"" f "yT D to.D, distance .fil urourul the Roily MJM ri V1 l tlie Arm-pits. Tjjl "ï"fl EtoE,the b longth of the Patenled m preved French Yoke SHIÜTS. I'ATENTEDNOV. Ist, 1859 ANewStyleof S irt, warranted to Fit ]ïv Bénding the nbove Dteaanros pOF mail w cao guw anU-e íi [icrfect lit of our new st)rle of Shirt, a ml retal ti by expreu ti my prt of Wm Qolted BtÁlu, it $12, $lí,$18, $'24, fcc. , itc, per dozen. No order for'inleí for less than haif-a-iUiKf n Shirts. Also.hnpiirters nud Ucakrs in MEN'S FÜRNISHING ÜOOD8. ijcjL VVliolesale tradenippHsd od the usual terms. BALLOU BROÏHEES, SOötf 400 Uroiidway, Xyw Vork. LOOMZS & THIPP, Succtdsors to Chapín fc Loomis, nntlChapin, Tripp A Loomu n ■ ■ ■ i TUK abovp firra of Iomis & Tripp having purchasei the entire interest of the fornier compauies wil! continue the bustnOSfl at Ëheold st;ui!. when thoy wil! rr.i'ly , on the shortest noticc, to f ï 11 all orders in the line o( Castings and Machinery, In the mofit trofkmnlflCQ mannor, and on a libera tenns as imy ui her shop in thft Síatí. Among the vari ous articltifmivnufactured bv Oñt we wuuld enumérate STEAMÊNGJNES of all kin'lH; Milt (leariTig and Flxturet, wrotiphtand cast; all tliP vartous castings fur maUing and repu i ring Horse Powers & Thresliing Machines su eb as are at present, or have fonmrlj been in ose in tbifi part of tbeiState, as woll as all tlie varlus ktnásol castinsrs and machine work ca Ucd for by farmers and mecha nies inthis seotlou il' the country. of all the varíous patterns, up in sizesand prices, will be kej-tconstantly on hand, got the most modera au. i improved styles. Thankful for ftomer patronage to the oíd firms, k wou ld solicit a coutinuance f rom oíd fncndfi,and atrial by all wtehtog foranything inour line of business. LOOMIS íi TB1PP. AnnArbor,May 18th, 1859. GÖTtf Important National Works, Published by P. APPLETON k CO., 346 AND 348 BROADWA.YNEW YORK The followinp works are sentto Subscribers ín any part of tho country, (upou receipt of prïce,) by mail or express, prcpaid: THE MiWASíKRIAN CVCLOPiEDIA A Popular Dictionary of Genoral KnowleJe. hnüi-i'i by Gko. IÏiit.kv umi CltAUt-Bö A, Dan, akied by a luijiicrous select corps of writcrs in till branches tf íciences, Art anl Literaturo. This work is beitiff publishod in about 15 largo octavo volumeH,ench containlnff 750 two-colunin pitaos Vota. i,, IK, ui., iv. v., v)., vu., vn.,fi ix. are now rcady, each coatAining iwnv 2.600orlgiOft) arti o!h Au iil'Uiim;i! vuluHiu will be published once in about thr66 monüu . I'rice.iu Clthjk$3; Sheop, $3.50; Half Russia, $4.50 each. The Xen American Cj'clopffidia ïs popular without being supcriifial, learneil without beiug pedunttc, coinpreIhtisíví but sufficicntly detAilcd, freefrom iM?rsonal pique and party projudice, l'toali and yet aomiratc, Ii isa computc stiiciricnt of all that is known upon every important t()ic withiu tho soopeof human íntelllisoiice. - ÏSvry important nrtirlc in it hns boen speciully writtt'ii for ii-i pagdsby men vhouoaiitiioriUefl opon tWttmlo on wliich tlu-y speak. They are required to bring the Hithject up to the prosont moment; to state Jast how it ntandfl nme. All the stntisticalinformation is Trom the lattsí reporta; Irhe Greographical accounts leeep paot iitii 1lic lati'st explorations; historicnl matter includo tho frt'shfst, just viens; tiie biograpliical noticea oda alt not onlv of tliodoad but alno of tho living. It is a libra ry of 'tfielf AltíiKMKXT OV TFÏE DEBATES OF COX RKSS Bein a Political History o[ the United States, from the orgnntzatton of the firnt Feloral Coni prress in 178 to 1856. Bdltedft&d oomptled by Hon. Tho. Ubi BsnOK.firom the Öfflolal Rsoorda f OoograA. The vork will be completad In 15 roya] octavo volumes of 750 pages cach, 11 nfwhichrare aov raady. An adlitional volume will be publUhéd once in thrcemonfhs. Clotll,Q$3; Iaw Shasp, Half Mor., ft; II, ,1) Caf, 4,5 u.tdi. A WAV OP l'KocriïING THECYCLOrEl)TA 0BDEBATK8 Forra a club of four, and remit t lic pricc ofonrbookl, and (ivo copies will bo .sent at tlie remitter's expenwfol axMagftj ir for ten subscribern, eleven cupies will bu ont ut ouc expense for carriage. To Agentfl. No othor work will so tibi'iüUy reward the cxertïons f vgentH. A.n Aof.xt wANThu ix TinsCouvTY Tcrms i.iilc known □ applloatloD to the i'ublisher. Aun Arbor, Mareta. 1859. f902&.nt "$M Tnw, WniufjT, agent at Kinne & Suiitlm i.juk Story, Ypsllanti. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. GREAT.GREATER OREATEST BA KG A] NS EVER OFFEREI) 1859. JLr 1,859 I n Uiis City , are no w bt-ing oíTereil U (lio CiíKAI'.CLOCE.WATCU, & Jewelry Store 1i II K Sribscribor ouldstt? to fche-c1thsiiïi.ol Ann Ar bor.i:i particular, nvt tfco rest of Wnhtenaw Cmintr Infrener!, thfti hnhnsjuat IMPOKFKD DlRÉCTtY from KI ROpK.a Tremendo us Stock of Watchcs! Ah of whieh lm bind blmself to Mil CHEAPEB than eau be bovgbt ww of New York Oty. Opcnn Ptec Cylind Watcbee trom 66 to Eno rto do íít'ver d1 do fl to 21 IluntingCunn iio lo do 14 'f o 35 do do Cylindcr do do 9 to 28 Gold tVatohei from 20 to 150 I Lave also itiG CEIJSBRATËD AMELGAN WAT CHES, wbich I wlll sen ttr $:i-. Evfïry vatch warrar.tud to perform ivcli, ortbts moury refundud. Jcwclry, Piatod Wñr, Fnncy Grioda, Gold Pens, Musical Instruments Rnd rftrings, ííntlcry, Síc, and in Tuft n varirt.y oftiVtM y'hirir uuwnlïy krpt 'o y Jcwelwl con be boughtfortliR oext uinnty daya at your O W N TRICES! Peraoire buyinir niiythin;; nt this well linown estRblieiime ut can roly upon inning goods exact'y as repreasufe d, ortheiaoiny refunded Hallearly und secure the best bargatu.eror ofiored In thii City One word in regard to Repairing : Wp nrc propftrmï to mnltc any reunirs onfine or compion Waii-hcti, ovph a in-kinirc er thn atcb, H ? ■' --snry. Rcpalrtnf; 'f Clocka nrri .lwriry b tienal. AtaOtfae rriHiiiifacturinfi' o-I K1NG3, BROOCïIS or nuythinp rfe tred, Oom California Gold on short notice. Enpxtivirie i ailita brenchesoxüentcd withncal nciss and dispatch. J C. WATT?. Aou Arbor, Jsn. 28thtP3!i. 7J4W IIÖRACE WATERS, A O E N T 333 B r o a d w a y , N w Y o r k Publlsllcr of "lu-lr nml Iulc líooks AND DKAI.Ki: IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated tndottier GuiUirs, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violinoellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Fl utes, Pifes, TriangleSj'Clari "inütts, Tuning Forks.Pipes andHnmmcrs, Violin I3ows, bcstlta!ian Strings, Basa Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, aml all kinds of Musical Instruments. S lx o o t OVE -u. S i o, Prom ftll the publishfrs n tho V. S., Bertini's Ifuntin's, and Modera School und ;ill klnda of Instrnctúm Books for the above Instruments; dnirofa Music liooks; Music elegant!}' boand: IfAflio paper, and all kiuds of Mumc tferotattdifto, A t t heLowcst Prices. Xew Planos, At $17, SüO, $'25, $260, and ap to $&00. Secoud Band Pianos trom S-;5 up to SIGO; Now Wëlodeons, J4.", $60, $75,5100, and up ío $200; Second Hand Melodeuna frura S'.íO to $80; ■Uexiindre Organs , wltfa D ve stops, $180, ninostops $1S5 and $'25; thtrteen stops, S'JÖO, $278 and $300; ftftccn stops. $390 and $:i75; A Uberal discount to Clergvmi-n, f hurebes, Sabbath Schools, Semina ríos and Teachers. The Trade suppticd at the usual trade iliSCOUDtg Teatiiuonlnlsof tlie Horacc Waters Planos end Melodcons John ITcwelt, of Oarthagé, Now York, who has liad one of the II o race Waters Pl&QOS, writesaa fotlows: - "A friend óf mino wishes me to purchase a piano Tor hor. Sho Ukea the one yon sold me Ín Decembet, I85fi. My piano is beeomfng popular In thls plaoft, and J mitik I c;tn introduce one or two morej the will be inore popu lar thaD any othor make." 'We htivc two of Water--' Pianos in nse in ourPcrninary, one of whiih has been sevc-rtly teflted for thrpe yenrs. and we can tetfy to thcir good qnalitv and durabitity,"- Wood & Gregory, Mount Carroll, Jll, "ít, Waters, Esq-jjSftB Sil'.: Hftviug OBd oneof your Piano Fortes for two years past. I hve fonud it a very superior Instrument. Ai.onzo GbaT, Principal Rraohtyn Hêigku Sf.xninary. "The Piano I received from you continúes to glve ntisfaction. 1 regard it as one f tho beat insíruracnts inthe placo." X-UdÉBl CuSRB, Charleston, Va. The [(ílodcon hü safely arrived. I fe el obliged to yon fory our liberal discount." Rev. J. SI. McCoRMick, YarquescillcS, C"The ptono was duly receivod. Itcamo ín excellent condtionf and is very much admired by my numeroua fjvmily. Accept my thanks for your promptuosa," - Hobkht Coüi'kb, Wárrenham% Rradjoctl Co. Pa. ''Your piano picases os wfl. It u the besi one in our COUnty.'V-TnOMaa A. LaIBAX, Camphclllon, Qa. "We are vry much obUged to yon fornavinK pent Kuch a fine instrament for $2o0.w - Bka.vk,Hki.d & Co.; Biijfnlo Democral. 'Thc Horace W;iters are Vnown asaraonj the very best We are enabïed to speak of these lustra monts with confidence, from personal knowledíje of their excellent tone and durable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. ílWe can speak of the infcnts of tlie llnrace Waters pi,-iM' sfr mi personal fcnowledffO, a boiuj the very fintst quflliy." - Christian ïntcüigenerr. "The líorace Wiiters pimíos are DQfH Of the besi aivï most thoroughly seasoned material. We hato no doubt thatbuyers can do a wcll,perhaps bettr, at thistliHii at anv otherhouse tn the l'nion." - Advocate ad Journal. Wátnv1 pianos and melodeons challenge oomparison with the í made mywheie iii the couutry." - Hom Journal "Horaoe Waters' Piano Fr-ries r.r of fulT, rich anr even tone, and powerful -.Y. Y. Musical Rcvew. "Our frk'iuls will Bnd atMr. Watera' stnre ihe very best aasnvítnent of Music aml of ríanos to be fonnd ii the United Statestand we urge our sbathern and wwten fi-;.nds to jíive him a cftll whenever they go to Xew York." - ftraham%$ Miifazine. WarChouse 333 Broadway5 N. Y SabbathSchool BelJ, 100,000 issrred la ten Montlxs. Tlie unprecedented sale of thisbook has induced the pubüsher to add some 30 ni'W tunesand hyinns to iía present sie, without extra charge, except on the cheap edi Umi' Áinong the man; beantlfal tunea and liymna adde may be fonnd: - "I ouglit to love my molher;" "O I'l be a good chiUl, inMeed I mil." These and eight others from the lioll, ipere ftunrkt the"Kunday Sehoot Ahniver sary of the M. E. í'hurcli at tiie Acadnny of Ruftic, wUl great The Bell eectains nw;ny Í00 tunes aa] hvmns,anil tsons of the best collections ever issueil. Price 13c; $10 per hundred, postage 4c Klcgantly houtni, embossed gilt, 26c, $20 per 100 It has bcen iutroducoi] [nto i:,;nv uf the Public Sehootei The is publishedin small numbers entitled AnniversaiT and Sunday School Music liooks, Nos. 1,2, 3, k 4, in order to aooonunodsste the íníllion; price 52 & $;ï per hnndred No. 5 will BOOnoe issued- eommenuenient ol another book. Atso, ReTlral Music Books, No, 1 k 't pnce $1 & $2 por 100, postage le. More tha; 300,000 copies of tho above boosa havo been Easued tae past eighteeu months, and the (Iemand israpidly Lnoreaatag Published br I10RACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Uroadway, N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters Ko. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Wordscan noverdie;" "The Angels told ma so;" "WlMi of the Wrst;-' "Tlioughts of God;" "iiivo me back my Mnuntain Iinmc;'' "Day Preams;" "TJandy Cock Robín;" ltVm wíth thee ■ttll;'Pet nasaesj" "Tbi.iru's no darilng like mine;" 'fflatafa June Lee;)1Ever of thee;" "I'm leaving thee In Soitow;" "BIrdof Beau' v; uHom0 of nr birth;' "rave of Kosabel, and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each. 1 IsstiU'mkxtai., - ' 'Piiluco fiarden, or fiinepng Bird Polfaú' 4Oe: "Siviniiicr Schottiseht-v' 'Mir0el Pcliottiach;" 'Thomas llaker's Schot tisrhe:1 'Tiec.olomini Polka, S6 cents each. Tho abovepieceshavebeautiful Vignettee. "Welmor Polka;" "Arabian Wni cry Harch," the vory last; "Yassovianna Doniclls Mazurka; Rea-l. injt Polka;" "Crïnnlino Walt?," and "Innccrs' Qua drUIe." 25c each. "Tin' Empire of Raleh's QaadrÜIe;1 a n'v dance, and "The Hibcrntan Quailnlle," Süceacl). Many of these pioces are playeil by lí.ikers oelebratod orohest ra with greyvt Mailed f ree. A largo lot of Forelgn Music at ii.ilf jjï-icePlanos, Melodeoiis and Organs. The Jlorace Walers Pianos and Melotleons, fbr dppth, purity of tone and ilurability , aro ussnrpaúod. PncM vtry low S-ccotiil Rand Planoa and Klelodeoiu Oom $25 to $150. Husic and Municcl Instruoiions of all kinds, atthe lowest prices. HORACR WATERS, Agent. No. 333 Broadway, N. Y. Testimoniáis; - "The Horace Waters Tiauosare kaown as araong thevpry bost.' - Evangelist. "We can spoak of their mcrits from personal knowledge. ' ' - Chrisiian Intrlagcnetr. "N'uthinat the Fair displaycd greater excellence -"- Churck'Mcn. Waters' Pianos nnd Meloflcons chal1onpcorr,parison with tho ftnest made anywhönin the country." - Home Journal. 71Ötf Irving's "Works - National Edition fpHIS Fino Kdition of tho Workl of Waphkcton In L vixc (including tho lit'e of Vaiildogtc8 willbe pub' ished for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY Ia Moutbly Volumes, Price $1,50 Payable oa Dclivery. Beautifully Printed on heavy Boperftns paper, df'thf vrrv best quality, and Hub.stautially boimd in heavj bovollod b'iaüls. O"lüaoh Volume illustrato! with Vignettot on Steel and Wood, j Kntckerbocker'fl New York, Hluitch Tlook, Cloth. ('olunibus. 3 voN. Bracebridge Hall, Aatorio, Tales of a Traveler, Cray on Ütsoellaoy, Capt. Bonnpvilc, Oüvor Goldsmith, Mahomet. Ü inij. Orensaa, Alliamhra, Wolfcrt's Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vols. SalrnaKnfi. Thisfililion will ho sold BiciüinvKi.v to Subscriborï ! nl -11 tM grcatly superior to any ever bcfore issued,- j i very Üaödiorae sot of theso nniverRnliy popular work. t tlm placed vrithlfi tbo nvans of tul. o p. PDTNAH, A(?t.tPub11nliPr, 115 V' " ■ ' , Net York


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