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Insuline lutftnq. CARDS! CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! Htihr pHrc!ias?il :v lirci.i Hotakï DIAMOND Card rress,'ith a ftneu'sortment of Cutí type, the AuGrs OfficeH epaTCJ tn print nf all kindh in tlic oatst possible style nd at a gre, reduction from priceB.inclnding Bosines Crds funnm of :ill "ocatiOTiandprofesioo, Ball, Wmldtag.and Viing Crds etc., etc. Cali, give U3 yours orders and see how'iti dne. W. N. STROÑG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., WHOLESALE and BF.TATL dealers in Dry Goods, Car" petmgs, Floor Oil Clotlis, VMthcrs.l'apor Hangings, ad a general assortmcnt üf Furnishing Goods, No 74 Woodtrird Avenue, Corner of Lamed Ht., - - - DETROIT, Mich. (Orders soliciteil anfl piomptly attended to"S 8O9yl EAYMOND'S Photograpliic and Fine Art GALLERY Nos. 205 and 207 Jtfferson Avenue, DETROIT. PhotoKraphs.LifeSize, colored or plain, calimet, Imperial, felainotypes. Daguerreotype, Ambrotypas, Z -0AED PlClüKES by the Dezen orlhou"Ï7o7o. f. WASHTEN'AW I.OHGE No. 9, of the Independent order of Odd Vllo%vs meet at tlicir Lo.lg Room, Iverv I'riday eveninir, at 7% o'clock, E WCHAUDïiON, N. G. S. Soxuheim, See'y. L. BTÜBBS. TTTnotESAlE and Retail Itailer in TobacOO.aglin &c., W Main t.-sisn of '■ B;g Indian." Franklm Btodt, Ann Arbor, - - " ' B. G. SÜTHERLAKD & SON, ITTHOLK? I.E AMH RETAII. Grocersand Commission VV Jlerchants, East side Main Street Ann Arbor. TWITCHELL & CLAKkT" ttornevS and Counsellors at, General I.ifc anii Firo Insurance agent. Office in City Hall Dluck, nHurunSt., Ann Arbor. Collecüons -promptly made jMreraitted, and special attention paid to tonveyancing. D. S . TW.TCHKI.I, P4Stfl 1. CLARK. J. M. SCOTT. Srotyíe & PHOTOGKFn Artistc, in the rooms form.Tly oocopia by Coidley , over tlie store of bperry tMoore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed WINES & KNIGHT. DiAlERsinStaple, FancyDry Gooda, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c', Main Street Ann Arbor. eisdonIThknderson, DEALERS in Hard -ari,Stoves. house fnrnishinggood?, Tin Ware &c. &c, N'ew Block,Main Street. A. P. MILLS, DKAIER in Staule Dry Gomb, Grocerics, Boots n(J Shoea and Beady Made Clothing, Hurón átrcot Ann irborl __ ___ BEAKEÖ & ABEL, í TT0RNKY8 & COÜNSELI.ORS AT I.AW, and Solicitors !n íl Chanecry. Office ta City Hall Block, over Wolu i i Co's Büok Store, Ann Ubt.r "KÍÑGSLEY & MOítGAF, ttors'evs Cuunsillovs. Solicitors , nS Notarles Futo He, l.ave Bouks undPlnt showing titlcs of all lana Ir the ounty.aml altend tci conveyancingandcollecting emands, and to paying taxes and üchoul interest in any wrt uf tlie State, 'oöice east siie of the Square. Ann ArTaes e. oookT" JQgnoa of toe Teace. Office near the Deuot , Ypsilanti , Micliígan. _ - "VVk. LEWITT, M. D., PDTSraAX & Scroüos. Office at his rosidence, Korth side ofHnron strtet, and 2d houso West ot División itreet, Ann Arbor. __ O. COLLIEE, IV ■axcfactcrer and dealer in Boots and Shoes. 1 LVL door West of the Post Office, inn Arbor, Mich, MOOEE & LOOMIR. TiN-rKACTURKiis al .lealer !n Boots aud Sboes Vi Phoenix Block, Maiu Street, one door North of Vafhington. . M. GÜfrÊRMANTO,, ITTuoLESALEandRetail dealers and manufacturers of VV Ready Made Clothing, Importers of Cluths, Cassioeres, Doeskins, &o. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, __n Dentist. Office corner of Hain Fr' VK nrl Huron streetR, over P. Bach'B store, TLPSBERh Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wm. WAGNER, Dealer in Ready Made OMMng Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestinga, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c. Jliun lt., Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. DKAÍ.KÍ.B in Pry Qood, Gro-erio5, Hardware, Boot k Shoes, te. , Main Street, Ann Albor. MAyÑARDTÍ'EBBINS tfe CO., ■ealerb ia Dry Goods Groceries, Drugs k Medicines, 'JCIioats &Slioe, &c, corner of Main and Ann streets, iKt Oei w the Kxchange, Aan Arbor, SLAWSON& GEEE, 1 rocers, Provisiox & Comraission Morehants.and deaJT lersin Water I.ime. Lasb Tlasteu, and Plaster of Rls,one door Kast of Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, DKALERinClocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at thesignof theBigWatch, Xo. 27,Phteni![Block. TC. WATTS. Dealkr in Clocks, Watches , Jcwelry and Silver Ware No 22, New Blocfc, Aofl Arbor. T. B. FRÈEMAN. Barrer ana Fasliionable ITair Drösser, Mam Street, Ann Arborf Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kept mstantiy oñ tiaiid. SCHOFF & MILLEE. DEAtEUs inMiscullanoous, School, anti lïlaok Books Sta tionery, paper Hangings, &c., Maia Street Ann Arbor. ' - D. DeFOREST, WHOÏ.ESALE and Rctail lipalerin Lumber, Lath. RliinrIoh, Pasli,DooTs, lïlinds. Water limö, Grand River laster, lUaster Paris, and Nails of all sizes. A fulï fcnd perffett a-iBOïtmfijjt of the above, and all mlier tínds of building m&teriais eoastantty on hand nt ibe Jowest possiblerates, on Detroit Street, a few rods frora the Railroad Depot. Also operating extensively ia the f ateat Genjent Roofincr. WASIITENAWCOUNTY B1BLE SOCIETY. r'. EPOSiTORY of BibleK and Testnments at the Society pricQS atW. C. Voorheia'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., STTSCESSOBS TO MANUFACT'IHKRSOF Print) Hools., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, AMV ARKOli M1CH. Summer Hill Nursery. THEODORE R. DuBOISr pllOPRIETOROFTHf: SU.MMEKHII.I. NURSERY, AKN JL Arbor, Mich.,is now i-efly toruceiv.eordrsfor Fall and Spring Setting:, Ifis 'orders for Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Víiiok. W#rubs,etc, willbr 6113 f rom the br:st Eaatern Nur i Hui his personal at,te#hon vill be given to the pplfictiiin Htiri fiihngtliesamo. Having benacgularl edij,catel in Is confiflent Ojat with prompt R.n'1 close atteotion, &n Bttici hor.esiy and int fUi be uble to fave satisfactjon to every oce coniitling ORiöfsto hljn. AUfarrnüH'f er Fruit (rrowrR wil! do well togive him a callbefnreofWing throughother parties. He wouldrfiferiomanycitixenBof yiaCity and Coi:nfy wliopurchaFedofhiio tliepast Spring lor the quajityof roughton by iff:. well foi tfte good order in w):..,h th i ■-■ worerei "vi d nl ■''■ I SO4#n3


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