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From The South

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FonfRKSB Moxkoe, Afaroh 24-. A fiag of traoe went to Norfolk to-d;iy but brought back no news. The JJay Book of tliis morning has tho following : Richmond, Maroh 23. - The House of Representativos have adopted a resolutiou to apply a portion of the money of the contingent fund to the aid and relief of tho captured troops now in the hands of the onemy as prisonors. Heavy reinforceraents are being sent to Old Puint Wciearn that fourteon Federal steamers were at Old Point on Sunday, loaded with troopp, supposed to be Burnsido's expedition. Rioiimom), March 28. - The new Cabinet of President Davis has been formcd : Secretary of State, J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiami . Seeretary of War, Geo. W. Randolph, of Virginia. Secretary of the Navy, S. R. Mallory, of Florida. Secretary of the Troasury, 0. G. Mem minger, of South Carolina. Attorney General, Thos. Watts, Postmastcr General, Mr. Regan, of Texas. The new troops are pouring into the city. Sis or seven of the new regements nrrived in this ueighborhood on Suuday, by railroad. President Davis has deolarcd martial law over the counticsof Elizabcth City, York, VVarwiek, Gloucester and Mathews. An account is given in tho Xorfolk Day Book of an engagement near tho Warrcnton Station, on tho Orange and Alexandria llailroad, on Saturday of last woek between 200 rebel cavalry and 500 Yankee cavalry. Forty of the latter are reported killed and 100 wounded. - We are said to have lost 6 kiiled and ISO woundrd. We toko the above from the Lynoh bu rg Yirginmn. Sixty-sevcn citizens of Loudon county were sent to Ilichmond on the Central cars Thursday night and committcd to ouo of the military prisous. EP A single firm in St. Jjouis sold twelve tboueand ikgs - largo ones - for tho Washiogtou'e birthduy eelebration. f3F Partios in Memphis, wh refuse to tako Oonfoderote paper at par, aio immodiatoly imprison '.


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