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] j MW& GOODS, i. Seasonable Goods, . CIIEAP GOODS, For Cash, BACH 3c PIER$Oft lïnvc jus; openod a ehoice stock of Winter (íyuus, Bought for Cash ANTD TO j BE SOLD FOR CASH :it siicli (irios ns wil! mnke the buyei'8 UtDgh at tlie don of Hard Times. Tlie stock includcs acTioice lot cf LADIES' DttESS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTII3, CLOAKS, SnAWLS, üROCEKIES, &c, e. Now is the time to bisy your Win ter ' 8Uplies. BACU ds PIER OX. A:in Arbor, Nov. 15, UG1. TSIJE1-X7W Gr O cTünEr. WLES &KNIGHT have just reccivcd a full stock of .FALLIMTERGOODSI wliich tliey OFFER FOR CASH! Prices very Low, WÍífES & KM GUT. November, 1861. PATENTED November lst,1859. - -r THE MEASUKlü PV .. A, the distance -'5wb{'5Íí rounl1 thü N(!olii' 'u j i ]) to D, distance f .1 around the Body UM _, J= qS OieArm-ijits. Tj T"hB EtoE.the J Patcnted Improved Frcnch Yoke SHIRTS. PATJ'NTKDKOV. lst, 1850 A New Style of Shirt, warranteci to Pit i;v M'Miiïng the nixivc moasorea per mail we cangoar antee a perfect fit of on r nefw Blylo of Sliii't, and rrl u: n by fexpre-s to :mv part. of I . BtflteS, at $12, S15,$18, 5-4, ÍLc, tVcor Honn. X ordet forwiirded furli'ss tbfto haifa-dnixi Shirts. Alao.Iinporterfl and Dwlen in MEN 'S FUKNISHINa (OOIS. 43 Wholesale fcnuïe upplied ob the usual torma. BiLLÖTJ BROTHERS. iiOötf JÜD DioaUwav, New York. 2LOOMIS & TRIPP, Sóocwaore to Chapín A LoomisandChapin, Tripp tfe Loomis THEabcrfo Brra of Loomis & Trlpp hvinf purclmsci 1 1 j eotüre Interest of the fortaer comp&ntea wil' cocthnte the burineas at theold ntitnds, wKen they wil! be renrly, on the shortpst notice, to fill all ordtr ia t!ie line o( Castings and Machinery, in the moifl fforlonanlïko mftnner; anti on utlb6ftt tennfl as a-oy otlior shop in the Stut'.. Aniong the vari ons firticlepmunnfncturi'tl bv ds, we woultl onumoisiio STEAM ÉNGJNES ! nf alt kinds; Mili Cea ring and Ftxturos VPOtiffhtftHd ' e&stj (Ülthfl v;'.ri.j.i.-; for makiiig and r-pairiujf Horee Powcrs & Threebing Machines such as are at presont, or have formerl; been in vm is tuin Hrt of the Stte, as wjll aa ill tlie rtttioui kindL ■■: éastingfl and machtne work callcdfor by farmers and ilie couiilry. ut all the v;u-ious pattenu, up lo Bises and jmces.wil] bc kopt constjintty un h&od, got the most modem and ir.iproved ityloA. ' Iijankfiil for formar patronage to tbc okl Örms, wo ■ lïoit a continiiuncc from old friendsand a trial ' by all vishing foranjthing ín our line of bosuii i LOOMIrf & TRIPP. 1 Ann Arbor,May 18th, 1859. . 697tf ] Important National Works, PublUhed by I). AITI.ITON .V Cö., 346 AND 348 BROADWAYKEW YORK ! . t The foüowïng worka are sentto Subsci Lbord in any part 1 of tho country (aponroceipfc of i'etailprtcc,) by mail or expresa, prapaíd: THE MiWANKRIAÜÍ CYCLOPSDÏA; A l Popular Dictionjiry of General KnowLedge. Bdtted bjf Gbo. lïu-i.Kv and tiiAtti.Ks a. Juna, aided by :t numeroui ■select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art and Citeral ure. Th is orh la being publlshed in abbut i . "itavo volumcs.eacti contalning TóOiwo-columa ï ,:. ' Veto, i., ii-, üi., iv. v., vi., 'vu., V1M..K ix. J uro qow riM'iy, each contalning near 2.fi00oriLinal artj ' sleftj Au ji'KlitimKil volume wül bo )ubll8hcd onccin ' about three mónthi I'rice, in Cloth, t,$3; Sheep, S3.50; Half Russia, $4.50 each. '; The New Anerlcan Cydópsdia is popular wtthoal ber.'i superfieial] Learned without beiug nedftntc e tiensive batsufflcïently detailed, Preefrom personal pique a ml paríy prtjttdico, Rresh, and yet accurate. It la a ( omplete statoment of all tliat is bnown uponeveryïmpnrtaut topic vrithin tïio fcopo of human lateüigence. - lviM'y iinportiint Article in it has been Rpecinlly Written v. i"or its paj-fsby inon wlm ui1 authorities upo the topic m whlch they speaki They are requircd to bnntj tlie subject up to the present moment; to state just njw it ] ttands vnw. All the stat stteul information i. from tlie ateti reporta; thegeographioal aocountfl keep pooa with the latcst explorttloni; btftorical mntteva im-lucly the f ust vii'ws: the blogVapbicAl notlceR edg ak not h'e'dead tut alaö of the uring. It is a ubrary i of Uelt AlïKIDGEMJENT OF TUE DEBATES OF CONGRESS Being a l'olilicol Hintory of the United ttatoa, !i"iu feha organltaiaon ofth0re1 PodfurmlConr rrènu L781! feo 1856. Eriitedand oompilod by Hon. Tno. e Jakt lïKr(!N,tïom tlie (iilicinl Records of Congrua. The work will beoomplsted ín 15 royal octiv miutnee i of 750 pagos ciich, 11 of wlii'-h "ure now rfady. An aó% litiaiiiil volunie will be puhlished once in thi ■(■ inonths aoth.SW; ímw sht-ep, Half Hor., fï; ïl.yïi 'uit'. W.60 eaoh. V WAV l H? l'KOCURIXÜ TIIECYC'LOr.KPIA OR DBATKS WöTW i olub of faur,fttnl mnit tfaftprioOOf foOVbOOkfl, and live copies witl be sent at the remitU-r's i-vpcns" lm tortiage; or for ten subscribas, eleven copies wiU l tent ut our expense for oarrlage, To AtMiis. Koother.mork will so Itberalïy reward ihe exertlons ï -!ii-ii1s. .N',i;!:'TWAVrni) tv tuis ('ot.ty Tftrin i;.ii' kiinu ti mi appUcatlon to the Publishcrs. AllO Arljr, Marcli. 1S5Ö. O'.lOl'a.ïit e. THÓa. WrioBT, agont at Kinnf ft Smitlis look Store, Ypsilc mi. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. I


Old News
Michigan Argus