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G REAT. GPvEATER GRE ATE5T. Í ! VJ '. ,V 1 X S E V E R O F FE 1 K D 1859. JL)185 l In tlÍ3 City, are uow beingoffered at the CHEA1CLOCK,WATCH, & T,o -K7S7 olry StaxerjHIHñri'jEcribnr niildsny to thn citizncol Ann Ar L bor.i'i partlcxilnr, niut tfco re?t of Wnhifinnw Cmintv in genern). thai hefantjoat ÏMPOIU'KD Dl ÜKCTI.Y "rr.iii EUEOPE. Tremendous Stock of Watchesl I Ali of whlch hfi bindíhimsplftoscll CHEAPER tbnu c;tn be liuuht wís' of Nw Vork City. OpenFaea Cytt&dar Watcheft Irom 6 to $]0 do do Lover d do h i o 21 nuntingCnsfi do do do II to 35 do do Cyündcr du do iï to 28 (uld Watolicsfrom 20 to 150 1 i:avti also trui. CKLEB11ATED AMERWÁN WAT CHES, wbfch I wl!l sf:ii ttr 935. Kvriry Vvntch warrantbd to pcrtorm well, ortbe mtmoy rQipnded, Clociis, Jêwelry, Pinted Wnr?, Fancy Qooda, Gold Pens, MusittulItidtrumcHta aDi Siringa, ' CTutlery, dtc, and in fact a variety of everytbfng utually kppt a y Jewelrs can be bnughtfor tho next ninety days ut ynur OWN P RICES! Perporií bu v i n ■_'iin at thia well known estftbHsiiinH tit can rcly upon ijntting goeds oxactty as rtïpresented, ortbemonéy refunded. Callcurly und secure tho bost bargaius ever oiicred in thif City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prepared to mttke any ropairs onflno or common Watchea, aven tomaklnpoer the entlre watchf lf neeemry. RepaWng oí Cloeks and Jeweiry ns usual. Also the noftuufactarlniz of líINf ;h, JiftOOCTlS or auythlng destred, fromCallfornia Gold on short no' tíce. Enpravhie-in alliia branches excented withneai nctjs and dispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jnp, S8thl859. 7L4w IIORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 .1 B r o a il w a y , N e w Y o r k Publlshcr ofltluslc niicl Afuelc Books ASI) DSALSB IS Pianos, Melodüons, Alexandre Organs Organ Aecordéoïïs, Martinas celebrated andother Guitars, Violius, Tnor Violti, ViolincellüS, Accordeons, Flut i ruis, Flutes, Fifee, TriangleSj Clari jnetts, Tuning Forks,Pipes andHarmnera, ViolinBows, bestltalian Strings, Base Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. L3 Zx o o t TVX -u O i o Trom all tho pubbsUera In tho U. SJ, Berttni'g Hontin's, and Modem Sehool, ;uni all kiada of Instrnction Books for the aboTe instrumenta; Cbarch Uustc Books: ifusic iitly bound; Masic paper, aud all kinds of 3Iuic lercb ■ A t t heLowcst P r i c e s. New Pianos, At $17'', Í200J Si'-'á, SüO.andup tn $800. Secoud Hond Píanos f rom S-5 up to $lnO; New Melodeons, S4.r, $60, $75t$lt)i and uji to $200; Becond Hand Melodeons Erom $30 to rgans, v,t)i flve stops, $160, i i $225; tlnrtoíMi stops, S"J50, 5275 and .èeOanJ $875; A liberal flfscóunt to Clergyióii b, ' hurones, Sabb&tb Schools, Seminaries and Teachers. The Xttma sapplled at the usual trade; dtaoouots Tcstiiuoiilal of tlie Tloi-ace Waters Pianos Rtid lUclodcone. John Hewett, of Oirtliage. cw York, wiio has had on of the bloraccWatera Pianos, vnteeas follov. : - "A frtend of mino wishes me topurcliasea piano for lier. She til B you sold me ;n december. 1856. Jly piano ts Becofnüig popular tri thls place, and í i hink I ran introduce ono or fcwo more] iLty will bü more ioj-,ular th.D Biny ofther meJte." ['i! have two pf Waters' Pianos in ase ia ourSeminary, one of whhh has been gévetciy tested for Lhree rears. and we can testifyto thelr good quality and duralilily." - Wood íc Gregory, Moant Carroll, Hl. "H, Wateis, Eet}.- Dea Et Sik: Raving mwd oneof your Piano KoirteB for tvbjéara past. I havt fooad itaVery superior Instrument. ALOXZO GkiT, Principal fírooklyn Htifkts Seminar?. "The ï'inuo I reccived froui you continúes to éïre tsfttIsfaction. 1 regaf' . ■ be beet instrumente ín the place.' JiafKSÏ CÏarkk, Charleston, Va. "The Uelodeon bas safely arrtved. J foei ohliged to yon fory our liberal dipcounüf' liev. J. M. McCoiuack, YargnesvillcS, C. ''The piano was dub' reeeÍTed. Itcamn in excellent; condition, and ís vri much admired bywy numerous fumiiy. Accept ony thanks fot jrour promptness - &0BBM COOPBB, Wárrenham, Bradjoed O. Pa. "Your plann pleaftes us well. It is the best one ín our ■ _, ,.■:;,{ A. LaTHAK, Cnmpbelllon, Ga. 'We are rery ntush obiieed to you for havti BHofa a fiue Instrument for $250.' - BRANKHraU) Co#) Buffalo Democrat. "The Horneo Waters Pianosarelinown asamong Ibe very bost We irc enabled to Bpeak of tlie.-e ïnstrunjeijts with coufidence, from penonal bnowledge of thefr excellent tone and ilurablu qualitj ." - N. Y. Evangtlist. "V'f i' the lüontN of tlie Tlnr:ieo Watera pianrsfr n peritou&l knowledge, os belng Üio vory linèst qualitjy." - Christian Inieilïgtneer. "The Horace Waters pianos are ouIH ot the best and most thoroughly seasoned material. We hnv no donlrt th. a buyi rs can do a wcll,perhaps better, at thta tlinu at nny etherhonse id the unton." - Advocate and Journal. Waters' pianos and melodeona challenge comparisoo with Ukanywnere in the country." - Home I Journal (lHoraoe Waters' Piano Fortes are of fuIT, rich and ovan tont, and powerful - N. 1. Musical Review. "Our friemla will ftriB at Mr. W'alers' stm-p the very best assortmeni óf MnMo and of Pianos tobe fouud in States, and we urge uur southern and western friends u jive hini a cali waeticver they go to Xtw i'oj „.." - Grahaiiïs Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. ' SabbathSchool Bell, ; 100,000 lssced In teu Months. Tlio unprecpiïentod sale of tlilsboolï bas inducel the lubUsherto addsome 30 uew tunesand hymnstoita presint sio, without extra charge, except oa the cheap eliion.' Among themany beaatiful tunes asd byninfl added ■ be founi: - "1 oajrfií t love my muther;" "O 111 )o a wod ohild, indeed I wiU." These And eight othors v.mi the Bell, were nuoff at thaSunday School Annnvr. siry of the E. Chmtira ;tt the Aoademy of Uusie, iritjj preat apphuse TOie Belt cor tabu aeariy 200 tones and lymna, p.nñ i one "f the best collectmus uvvr issue.]. '"rico lüc; il" !'-'1' huodród. poatage 4c EUeantly; bound, embossed jjilt, ác, $'20 per Í00 It has been introtluced ay of the Public Schools. . o '. publishedin small nwmbera entitled ( ■ersary and Sunday School Muslo Books, Nos. 1, 2t 3, & , In order to accommodate the mlUion; ]rice $2 & $' per hundred No. 5 will soonbe issued - comraencemont of another book. Also, lïcvival Music lïooks, Ko, 1 & 2, prioo SI & $2 per 100, postage lc. More than 300,000 copies of tho above books have been issued tlie past eighteen months, eind the deittanaUrapMly increasing. i'ublished hv BORACE WATEKS, Agent, ÖU3 fioadway, X. i'. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 BroadTvay, New Yorfc. Vocal, "Kind Wordscan neverdie;" "The Angels told r mo bo;" "W; pfthe Wcst' "Thoughts nGodi" 1 -Hivo me back my Mouritnin Home;" "Day Dreams;' 'Indy CockRobïn;" 'Tn with thee sflll;uPetnamosj" "Tliere'sno darllug like miue;1' '.'Sarah Jane Ijee;""Ev - i 1 1; lt áVidg thee' iu Sorxfltfit" (1Iirt! of . Beauty;" "irnmc of our birth;11 "Groyp of RosabelJ and [ Wake, lady, wake,,,1 price SEficeaeh. ' InstrOMI m :. - 'i'.Lhirc Garden, or Sïngïng Pird Polka.' tóe; "Swingirig Schottische;" "Mirabel 1] tiach;1 'Thomas Bakex's Schottische;" "Piccolomini Polka-, o.") cents eaeh. The abovepiecehftyebewtifu] Vignettee. '-U'Inn-v I'ol3:a;" "Aiabmn Wai cryMafch,' o the very last; "Vassovianna DonioUs Mazurka; fRealf ing Polka;" "Crinolln Waltz," and "Lancers' Qua urtUe,"26o each. "Tho Empire of Iïeich'a Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Ilïberninn Quadrille," 35eeach. Ifetty of these píeces aro played by Bakril celebraU-d prehet ra "th gicat Applruse.jQ9' üailed fi'ce. A lareelot oí' Foretgn Ua1o t half price. Planos, Meloíleons auA Orgaus, P The Horac dos and Mèlodeons, Tor deptb, puxity of tone and dunibiiity, are unsorpassed. Pricefc o. ow becond Hand Pianos and Melodeon from S'-ÍG to $150. Music and Musioci Instructlons of all kinds, at the lowust prieee. ICK W'ATKRS, Agent. O Xd. 333 BroadwT,N. V. ai Tbs i iH0Ni.ii f; - LTho Üorace Waters Pianos ure known asámong thevery best.' - Eeanfelist. n. "Wecan spfftk of thelr raeritsfrom pereonalknowlai edge." - Christian Inlcliigcncer. "N'othingat the Fair Jisplayed greater excellfince -"- Churchman. th Wafcora' Pianos and HB]o4On0 challen; c om pan on with tin1 (tnest made uuvwhoruin the country."- Home th Journal. 719tf ,. -- ■ ■■- - in Irvingi "Works - Sfátídñal Edition L rpiTIS Fine Edtiton of the Woxn of WABHifiOróH Ib pt l vim; (iuciuding tiic Ufo oí Viishíngttu ■ will be pubïshed for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY Tn Montlily Volum.os, Priee $1.50 Payafeta on Delivery. J BcaTitifiilly Printed on heavy sapérÜne paper, of "the very bet quality, and substantially bound Iu hoavjj ' bevelled boards. O"Eftch Volume tlIuRtrnted with Vignettet _ on Stool and Wood. j[$ Ktticherbocker's New Vont, Sketch Book, Cloth. Colunabuo, vols r Braéébrldge Halï, M Antoría, Tales of a Travelír, Crayon Uisibellany,, Bon né vi He, OUrer Goldmíth. Mühumet. y voiy. Grenada, Alliambr-i. - Wolfert'a Koost, rr l.iif of Washington, 5 vols. SaiBiagundt. yc Thts edition will be sold BXCiWivKtT ia Sabscrlben o ind ill be grefttly superior to any over beforé issticd,T ',lx) ■ pfliy bandspmc sej m1 these nnh onutHy pi 'miar work aih thti? placed uitbin Uo nins of all. f '■ PVTH VM, :rt..r.ih1ti'T. ,.n 1 1," . ■ ■ ' . ,U


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