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Estáte of Patrick Hoban. S: f)F MICHIGAN County of Washtenaw, sW n of the Probate Coiirt for the Couotj ol Wttshti-naV; liuldtt) at the Pmhate Office, in tlieCItyli Aun Ai-i-iT. mm Mdii .i.ty, Ihe 'fiuli ilay ei' Kebruarj.j . thouxand eiglii hundred and -ixty-tWo Preñen 1 , Tboma Xmde, Judgé of Probate. In i, Matter oí the Bstate of l'iwrick Hoban, late of sai.J f Couol On 'm ii in;' ; ii 1 fUing Un petition duly verifled of Patrie! 'lor of Miid deceaset', i'uijin for l In aafd petition, for Oio the debU of the aaid deceased. Thereuponit U Ordered, That Fridav, the twenij. 1 eighth dajrof Slurch uext, hI oneo'clo i. in Ihe afteruonoj ■ tlti '.-. and that the ■ ■■■■'■. ■ ■ ceaeedaji . I e rtate are rtqaJred. tarata neasioi ■ '. ten tobe holden at l);r iv j ofAnn Arbor, in saldCoQn [ tr, and show caune, tTanj therflbe,why (hepraysiof inted: And it is lurthtr the per ;; , b tale, ■ i che pondengy ui satd . by CMusiuc 8 copjr of hi8 prder to be pu lishcu Eu the Michigan Argui, % . nd circula ing in said C'ounty of W&Ahtcnaw, Tour ducc-L1Vu Areelta prerioiu lo j-aul day ■ of heuring. (A ti ue copy.) THOMAS NINDEj Jadgo of Probate. . OETGAGE SALE. DEFAULT haring been mndc in the payment of a certainmortfi itetheSWta daj of Outo. u . 1 -..- 1'. (üllet lo AlmoDi] II. M. Pratt, and llecorded in the office of the Register of Deêdg and Mortgagesof WAshtenaw c'ounty, on tbo 9th day of NoTember, a. d Ifl58, at 10 o 'doek, A. if. and reeorded ip Liber25of Mortgages on page 92, said mortpniTf waa duly ftasignedon the 28th dmy of October A. I). 18$8, b,. : oadH. M. Trait to SallyPratt, which Aid asfiignment wás duly reeorded at the t=aine , [ing of said mnrtgage,m wiiich mortgage there clajmed to be duetat the rlaïe of thi notice. tin mhh of Ihree hundred an'l twentv Sre do lan ( 026,00) principal, und M.veuty-tln:eaod 03-100 dollars i$73,63J iuterest, making in all the sumof three hncdred and ninety-eight and 63-100 (lfilarB, ;$3Ö8,ea),and nosuit oi proceedings at law having lf:eu instituted to recover the same, or any part thereof:- Nutice te lüTibv t,'ivt'n tli;it by virtue of i 'power of sale reto, on Thorsdav, the 24th dajf of April, a. d. 1862, at tïrtlve o'cïoik, nodñj-of eaifl day, at the front door of i i i - Ci o tui "City of Aun Arbf-r, (tliatbeinj? the plucc. lor holding the Circuit Courtforth s:ü'i County,) tnere wffl be solo at public aüctJoo to ih hlghest bidder the mortgaged pismlpea aforeaald, oro in uch thereof as sha U beneceasary to satlsfy umount duo on e wtth lotereat.and the cost and expenses allöwed by law. for the foreclosing tbeönmejiiaid premi . tllows, tb-wlt: AH that tract I or parce! "i' land sitúate in the townnhlp of Manchester, County of Washteaaw, State of Michigan, toa Uomig on the norl ■ rof the south p&rof nórth west fractional one quartef of fiection six, towncliij) foor soath of range three east. thence on the line east 'in said lot to thecentreofriverRaislo, thence upth ! centro of suid river to the centre f Maréh Brook, thenc along ctfntröof nid Marsh Brook to the centre of 1 Territorial Road, thence west tb thefaouth east corner of UndiOwnedby Thomas Gunn north of the Territorial Road, thence nni-'th totho ccutre of said rirer RaUii, thence ap t In centre of thesaid river Raisin to theCcunty nocsupposedto bethe place of beginning, contain;ng twó (22) Mi'u-sof land, be the same more or less, i tgage Veing given to secure part of thepurchue price of the said land, SAIXY PRATT, Asfiignee. Cranb k Armstrono, Aitnrneysfor Assigueo Dated.January 20, if ü- S36wl2 Mortage Furcclosure. DEFAül.T having been made in t'ie condition of % morlgage executed ty Calrin T. Flllmore aad iXaranda, Kis wife, to Luther James, dated December lit, f A, U. 1S57, and recorded the next day at fifteen minute i past two o'elock P. SI., in Líber 24of Mortettges, atpag 157 in the Rfgistei'a office in WashtomiW oounty, by defaalt Ihe power of sais contained iu SHid morl. ',:i becam operátíve,and no suit or proceeding loen instituted at law tr recover the dwbísecureíi by said mortgage or any prt thereof, -and the sumof etix hundred and forty dollars being now claimed tobfl reoa, Noticeis therefore hereby giren, thatthe said mortgage will be foreclosed hy a sale of the mottgagod prem'ses, to-wit: liï!ie North -west quarter of section Xo. twf-nty-thrcp, In Township" twci SotttltiC .o Ma-t, inïrcn, in nhl county and State, excepting the Kast Bixty acros of land of said quarter sectmn,"' or Bome p:uts tbereof] at public vendue at ths Curt House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty sixth dy of April next, at neon. IXTIIER JAMES, Mortgagee. E, W. Mobgas AttV. Dated, Jan, SOth., A. Í)., 1862. 837tf, Mortgagö Salo. MICHAELM. IHCKKIÏSÜN bvaoindentnrcof Hortag bearing date the Eleven th day of December, in the year One thousand Kight hundred and lifty-eigut, duly nortKaged í'j WilliamD. Vansickle all thosetrucu Mul parcela ol land lying in the State ff Michigan, County of V:i;ihtt navf ■ and Tüwor of Pittsfield aoa tí, known and i the East half of tbs Niirili East quarter of section number ono o ïownhip ■ three Soütb, ol Range number six East (PiUoñeld): and alsq the West half of the Norlh Wwt UAtter o( ion numheï si In Township number three ÖoutbjOf Raügc number seven East (Yjisimti). The sal i . wïth the power of sale thereín contttiiu ied on the llth day of December, A. 1.. 158,at 5o'clock, P. M..ot that day, in Liber 53 of mortgages, at page 174, in the office oí the Register of Deeds for the County ol Wnhtenaw. On the 16th cay of I'eccmber, A. 1'., 1S61, said ftlorigage was duly Ij by ni i [.trument in writinp, ütily executed", i 'i andacknowledged by naid William Vaosickle, and by him then delirered, to Ijcusurel. Kimmel, whieh ftsuifiinieni waa reeorded on the first dnv of Jamiarf, A. t., ldE2, t 12) o'clock, 1'. II., üf that óijin Liber 25 of Mortgages, at page 175, iu the office oftto aforesaid Regí The Bum of P'our Hundrod and fftventy-four SMW Pollars. I and expsmes of foreclosure as providi 1 in said MortgAge, is clnimcd toU due on said aioragtt, and the note aeoompanyiog the same at the .■ ■ Uce, and delaolt havicit been Diade i.: the w odition vf Baid morton ge by which ■ r of sale, thfereth c iccnsie opett tivc and no snit or proceeding at law liaving bwa . by sirured, traDF part thereof - Noticp I "rtgigi Coreclosed by a describí ■) landí, which sale wil! take place at public venduo at the South door of tli Couri House (üeing Ihe placo of holding the Circuit Court) in the city of Ann Aroor, in the said County, on tbe thirty fist diy of March A. D., 1662 at ] o'clock 1'. l..of that day. LKA3DRE 3.. KlMMEL,"Assignee of Mortgage. Dated, January, 3d, 1SG2. 8C3tf. STATE OF MICHIGAN.- Snit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Wasbtenaw- In ChanöSry, Before Hon E.lawrencej Circuit judge at Chambers, ■a. Complalnant, vs. Ueorge Everett,Defendant. It satisfftctorüyappearing to the uiifiirsigoed, bjaffidavit, that the defenÖant in this, roisides oot of ilus Btate, oo ta Uonof l. 1). Non Is, Holicitor for Complainaiit, it. ft ordeed that the said defendant tia appearance ín canse tobe entereil within1 thrt'o niunth.-j from the date of thia order. And it itf further ordered, Ilirtt witliin twenty dayi thecotnplainant cause thin ordo f to be publisbed in the ilicUigan ed in Bftïd countj", aad tlist such publication bit continoed in said n spaper f at least once In each week for six weeks in succession, nr of this order to be personally d said defendant, at least twenty days before Öie fii" prescribed for his ajtpeaiance. :. i.i!-.-!. :;.i, [802. E, LAWREN'CE, L. t, Nurius. Circuit Judge. ComplainanfsSclicitor. 6i2w6 Coramissioners Notice. STATE OF MirnicX. County of Wajhtenaw, u The '! baving been appoiotOd by the Probate Court ftr said Coui.ty, CommfosIonefB to receivc, examine and adjust :l 11 claims and demands of all persons against the esti inc Pitzgoraldt late of the Township of aaid Counly. deceased, hereby give notice that six months from dato, aro, by order of the said Probate Court, allöwed for creditora to presont their claims againt ■ ■ ' i deceesed, and that tbey will meet af the resldeoce of the undersigned, John Ryan, In the township of Hortnfieïd, in said county iforesajd.on Paturday, the fuurtcenth day of June,al Monday tho lifttenth il;iy Of Hcptomber next, at cn o'clock P, M., of eaoh dayto receiye, examine andadLid claims. UOTKKOTNSO?, } Commiinner,. HMf-l, Marfil II. 15-62. 8f4w4 Dissolution of Copartnership. Kotice is hereby given that thecopartnmhip of the undorsigned under the name of Buakes (fe Abel, is dissolved. AU persons indebt'id to said eopavtnership, ■will please eall at onee and adjust the asme by cash or note. HIRAM J. BEAITES, SYLVJ5STER ABEL. Dated, March 15th, 1S62. 6w844. Ann Arbor Marble Works :OLM;cl3LOlcaLer TT AS on hand a ñue assoriinent of American and 1TA L 1 A N MA B B L L which heis prepared to manufacture nto n all their varieües, audln a W0RKMANLIKK manner liaving had consiilerablo oxperience in the busioísí Lio flatters himseli that he will be able to pleaM i ill who ma y favor me with their orors. His prieel j L 'O W AS THE LOWEST, s Ihose vlshing .iny tliiui! !n my l'.ne ure rospectfnlj i 3-lvJtr,;i. D.C. BATCUELPi.U. Ann Ail)or. May 20, 1861. S01I1 ] New Remedies for SPERMATORRHOEA HOWARD AbSOClATIOJï, PHILADÉLPHÍA. A St nr.i-olnpl Jnt-Mution eelabUthcd by sprr.itiUvdoKmcn' for the rilUf of.lkeSlckand Dhtrarud, ajflicted uu t',r.'t and Chronic Dimattt, and aptnally for M Cure ofDiscasis nftlie Snucil Orgtne, -MKÜICAI. ADVICE given gralis, by the Aoting Sur peon . VALUADLE REPORTS on Piiorma'orrluca, anl othor Dluuiesof theáexualürguns.inid'OB thf NEW RUMBnvelopea frye of charri-. Two or tlirof stimp" fT . Dr.J. SKILUN' H0U6H tOX, Ifowird Associaüon, No 2 3. Sinth St., l'hün,P. Iyov5TO WH0M IT MAY CONCERN. O3VL3STIBXJS T-ïtE. -,. ■ ■- . II,t,l lY,,.nHr,vM In Uil city ' I Ann Arbor, respw-tfuHy announce to tlio public, tnav. ud Httd aftcr llie llrst dnv "f Jiinnavy, 180S, TEN GENTS FARE. will !p diare"1! to oarfi aml ovc rv pi-on carriel ironi efc can, to the rwjctive Uotcüi, !y the 0mnr S. COOK, Wooii'a II. b I. II ÜAKSTllW


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