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JÈttshtii ílurertDTn. CARDS! CARDSÜ CARES!!! rimn.with mfinniiiiiinTtrmni ai QMè tv'. the Aaorg EXAoftñ preparad to jtrint Card o" all krada ín t li e amfenipoasibleatyta and 1 grea reduction trom ormcr pp1e,lBchiding Buulnps fords formen of al] Ttóen andprofession, Ball, WeddiBjt, nd Vislting Críis, ote, etc.. Cali, gire us vours orders :i i hnw i Ea d' ne W. N. STRONG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., nf HOfïSAI.E ani BETAtL dealers n Dr; O. .mis, fat petinys, FIi r" I thfre.PftperHaBgingB, 4 4d-a general assortmeii ■ bingjOoodp, No 74 Woodxrard Avenue, Corner of Ï.T., 10.1 st., - - - l'ETKOIT, Micli tEOrdcrs solicited and proUptly atteaded to-t SOfyl EAYMOND'S Photograpltic aml Fine Art GALJLERY Xos. 268 abd 'JOT JflTorson Avenue, DETROIT. Pliotoirrniilis. I.ifeSize, colored or piala, cabioet, mperinl, Melaüiotv-pea, Dtgoerreotypes, Ambrotfpat, 3tc. e-CillD 1'ICiUKKS by the Dezen or Tkou I. O. O. F. ■ tTrASHTTXAW U)DGE No. 0, of the Iniiepndenl W ofder of O4d Ifeüow mee( at their Lodg Room, ivery Friday eVeninjl. ut 7 ; o' E. BICHARDaON , N. 8. S BokbhüM, Séo'y. L. 8TLTBBS. ttTaOLEMi and Etotail Dealer in Tol icco, Ctgars Sc, VV MaiuSt. - n ui' '; 13g ludiau." Fmukliu Bloek, Ann Arlmr, ■ - - t!lchB. (3t SÜTEERLJlNT) & -SOU , ntTHOLESALE AND RETAH. Grocers ana C'omnussjon VV Mrrliunl, 1 Ann ArOor. TWITCHELL ét CLARK. Vttiibvkvs mili Counsellon a1 Law, General I.ife aud F!rc Insurance agent. Office u Gif Hall n HuronSt., Ana Arbor. Callections prumptly mail, ■ndremitted, and special atteotion paid tu cooveyancing. D. a.Twm-HKi.L, r74ütn B.F. Cl J. M. SCOTT. MHROTTVE & PHOTOOKPH AlTISTS, in tlie rooms formerl; occupied i.y Cordley , ovr tbe store of Sperry feÚoorfl Pflrfeci satisfaction uarantet'd. WINE & KNIGHT. DEAi.ERíi in Stapte, Fancy Dry GoodaBootBoúShoes, &C. &c, MiuuStreol Arm Arbor. EISDON &HËNDERSON, DEALERS ia Hará i hm r.M-iilshiiiggoocIs, UnWara C te, Sfe Bleek, Mate Street. ' A. P. MILLS, Dealer in Stapla Dry S I ' antl Khoea and Bradj iia'le Clotliing, Hurou Street Ann ark. BEAKE & ABEL, 4 TTORXEiTg & COtTSSELLORS AI LAST, allí1. SolieitOrS in fV CluiiMV. Office inCitj Hall BlocU, ovcr Webster (Vs Boo Store, Ann Vrbur KÍÑGtíLEY & LORGAN, A ttornkys, Counsellor Tt "V lie, liaré Booka nil Plats 3lioing tltles of all Landí ' te the ..ouaty, andaÜend to conveyancíng and collecting emanflfi. fcnd to paying taxea and school intetest ín auy íart of the State. Office eastsUeof the Square. Aun Araor. ___ . TÁMESR. COOK," JrfTin-: op the Pkace. Office nearthe Deuot, YpsiUmti, Michigan. Wji. LEWITtTm. D-, PmimtMiM k Bcbowix. Offlee at Mi resMence, Nor Me of Hurón street, and 2d liousc Vest of Divisiajj itreet, Ann Arbor. . O. COLLIER, yrAXiFACrritKiinnl dealeí :i Boota asid ?!vps. J LVX door West nf the rost (ílice. inn Avbor, Mich. MOORE & LÓÖMIS. (TvNrKACTUKERS anr] .lealcr in Boots and Shoes, Vi Phoenix lïlock, Main Strnet, one door North of Vasbhitfton. M. GUITERMAN & CO-, Wholesale and Ilc-tail dealen asd mimnfaeturers of Keady Made Ctothing, Importerí of Clotba, Casooeres, Doeskins, ho. No. ó, New I1 ck, Aun Arbor. C. B. PORTER,, 4mmm Sur(kon'I)ií.vtist. OfRce corner of Win $$ Mg aml Hurón rtreets, over P. Bach'u store, UTrr9v9k Anu Arbor, Michigan. U-tt7 April, 18Ó9, Wíi. WAGNER, Dealer ín IU:uU' M:tde Clothiüg Cloths, Casshneres and Vwüngi, Hats, Caps, Trunk.s, CarpetBags, &c. Main t-, Ann Arbor. BACH& PIEKSON. DKiLBBfl in Üry Gooda, Groceriés,Hardwai#, Sooti & Shoes, &c, Uain street, An# ArUor. MAYNAItD,.STEBBINS cfe CO., vbai.ebs in Dry Goods, Groo St Medteinas, 'Clioots & Shoes, &c, comer of Maia and Aan streets, st bel = w the Kx&h&age, Ann Arbor. ' SLAWSÓÏT& GEEK, 1rockrs, I'iiinisuj.v ,; Commission Sierchanto,MiddJT lersin Watbk Ljííjí, Lam pLAfllVE, and Í'i.aütkh of RiSjOne door Eastof Cuok'.s Hotel. C. BLISS, DPHUm, In Cloctl, Watchee, Jswelry. anil Foncy Goods, at tbeaign of theBigWatoh, o. 27,1'liKiiix liluok J. ü. WATTS. rVEAjiRnC]oc]is,'U'a1;]j's. Jeweki andilver Ware X'' U --I, Kew BlDck, Ano Arbor. T. B. FRËË5IAN. Barber a,M'l Fwjalonable IIir Draner, Mün Rtreet, Ann Arhor, Mich. Hail Fronts anj Cuiis kejit onHtantly on hanrl. SCHÖFF & MILLER. Dealers inMisoellaneoas, School, and Blaak Books Sta tionery, Paper llangingn, &c, Main Street Aan D. üeFOREST. ITTuolesale aDil Retuil De&lerin huiaber, Latb, SJijn ' ■ gjes, Sa&U, Ifctcfs, lïliii'ls. Water Üune, Cnuul Rive 'Ulster, l'laster Paris, and Nuils of all izes. A ful and perfect a-isortmcnt uf the aboye, and all othe imds of buililing materinls consianllv nu ljan.1 al tl t ourert pfissible ratos, on Detroit "Hrfrt, a few nxls frob the RailrojLil Depot. Alto opeEating exten.sively ín the ratent Cement KonOug. ffi&BTENiW COtiXTY B1BLE SOL'IETF. DWmui&i ai Biblcs and Testamenta at tbe Societv prices at W. C. Voorhcis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., Sü:CBfiiOE8 TO ErrBJx, on.A.:Ex3xr5 oo MANUFACTHitERSOF 3P3ixt5 Boofe., AND - COLOFIED MEDIUMS, AIViV ARUOU MiCII. Summer Hill Nursery. THEODORE E. DuEOIS, pROntlKTOROFTIIE SU.UMF.RHIL', NÍJRSERY,MM JL Arbor, Mü1i.,ík now ready t6i ; fur Fall au tl Spring: Neltïng:, Hi.s orders Tur Fruii and Orüamental Treöi, Vines, rubBjetc.jWiilbeQüodfromthebesi EastemNorsHea ad hinpersooal atteation will be gin ünd RllintUeHame. BHring ;. jte Xursqy lüsi,i. ulident that wjtli proinpl a-in! dofle aiiciitiun, and stricí honest.v and iifogrll j",he will ixt ablo to trive satifcfucüuu tu evcry oae oomfidiiig ithHirnnU'rs tu liii.i. Allfarmers er Fruit jfrowera wïïïdo wa-11 togiv hima, allbüfore iinlcrini? through othfii1 parfies. He rould refer tomany citiaensof the CSty aaöH wli.i purchiiïitHi of hiüi the past 8pnog for tieesbrouglit on ly hiin , as wellas foi the guod order in ■■Uicb theytrcfect'ivcd iui'll'. iivejced éO4m3


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Michigan Argus