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A Good Move

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-At iho recent meeting of tho Board of Regenls ol the University, provisión 'as iikkIo for keeping the University Library open for general readin ten honra each dny, Sunday and Monday excopted, (Moaday ifternoon being devoted to cleaning). The Library honra provided by the new arraogemont are ; írom 8 to 12 in the forenoon ; from 2 to 5 in tlft afternooo; and frorn 7 to 10 in, the evening, The Library is to be immediately lighted wiih gae, and we trust that many atudents wil] soon learn to spend their evenings there wlio liave been. accustonied to spind thoni i( places, to say the least, of qaestionable resort. If this símil bc the resn't the Regenta will have done a good vvork. t" Liite9t:!dvice$frrt:n Port Roynl si'.y ihat Fort Pu!a ki is completely invested, and tbut lbo anïson baduffersd Ülfi li;;:ic,rs of war, but that G-eö. ShêVijftan demanded au unronditional surründer. Il waa thought the Fort could not hokl out lnngr- Great patin; pievailcd ut botli Cliai-lcstcn iiid öavannab, t1 lï:.'v. II. II NoRTnROP, of Flint, l'i' s!iv(eiian. lias beenappointcid Obnplain to tho Thirteenth Michigan Infantry, Col. S.Hoemakee, and left lor bis field of duty on Tueedny. Tiu Tbirteenth s probnbly in Tennespee. U7 The April number of tlio At lunlic is on our tablc with a readable list of papers. Tho continued seríais are Agassiz's papers on Natural Hiatoryj the Bigtlow Papers; and Agnea of Sor rento. '■ Tiicn and Now in the Old Do miuiou" ís tbe first of a new serial by II. D G'ünway. Emerson eQutributea a paper on " Ameritan Civiüzaíion," and anothor paper port'uient to tho times is cntitled " What shall wo do with them?" In coming nuwbers new storics are promsed by Mrs. Childs, Miss Presuott, and Miss llosc Terry, and uew Poenis by Mrs. llowe. Thu Atlantic claims an acoeasioD tbc present ycar of 10,000 subsorlbers. ?;5 a ycar, two copies $5. - Address Messrs. Tickkor & Fiei.ds, Boston, Mass. IÉIW Ui E'-if Pond says " let Fanática and foo'o Lear Phillips if thoy will.'1 Süine men liaven't smartness cnough about them ovcu tu becomc fanática. - state Neus. If "smartness" is a constituent olemeiit of funaticism thcre is no danger tliat our nciglibor of the Nturs will ever becomo a fanatic. He possibly unay re tain a placo in the ctber clasa named without laying hiuisolf liable to a charge ■ of ''sniartncss." %Lir Parson ÏJnoWNLCrw bas aeecpthc propositiou of Geokok CJiiii-ds, of Philadelphia, to publisb in book form i the narrativo of bis doings and sufterings for the Union cause. Mr. Chii.ds publislicd tho of Dr. Kam:, wbioh is a guarautce tkat Parson Bro.wñlow 8 work wilt bc got out in good stylc. IW The Loconioiive House of tin; Michigan Central Raïïroad, Detroit, wns deetroved by lii'u ou Wedncsdny afternoon. Niño locomotivos were in the building ut tbc time, but wc presumo weru inostly savet), as Iho Trihunc puts tho loss on onginos at only .$10,000; lossen building 15,000, fully nsurc'l,


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Michigan Argus