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ÏO THE ELECTOR, REGSTR Ai Hi JVO ! ICIÍ The Bo;u-,1 of Regis1 rnt.ion "f tli D!t.y:o Ann Aibur will ln.'UI eMona in :li' aevernl wur.lsof suia oity.oii TIlüKSDAY an.l PK] DAY, ipril 3á aiiJ -lli, commencing ut 9 o'trlwU. i in. mul closing :t ; o'cuek p. m., uf each '1:t at tlie lullowing ptnees. foitlia purose f eorreetinj umi coiiiptitini the regis ral on of the qnnlifled electora uf M wiif-l.n! tlu' =' on' nf Sldwson A Geer. 3.1 '■ ■ (. ook"s II '',. :i,l " " of N. B. Nye.Esq. 4tlj ■' " Firemen's Hall 5i ti " " Offiec ofStnolair ftSwñtliel. AU wlio will ;:(, Uu' enauing Charter Klcc tion 1)0 ontii.k'il to vito under tlie pruvisi na o[ S-ft 1. Art. 7,oï the Uonit.ilnt.iun shojW ree t lint tli ir nnmes are registtred. Persona I haTtnsr chínged their retidenoe sim-i; las:, eleotion, must regitUr in ihe warJ in whicli ! !" V BOX l'i si'le. By order of ihe Ronrl of Begristrfttion. r. s. e.iri h ch'n. M II. (", Scc'y. . A ni irbor, Mnich 17. 1H62. tilSll Wanted For The FIRST RtGIMENT! MHlIow Statbned at Annapslis Janction, Mil., Mm 18 ABLE EODIED MEN. Jfi PAY WILL OOUMEXCE FRDM THE TIME OF a CNTIilST M EN T, Now is the Time (er (.11 ulio wisli to enlist in A POPULAR REIMEÏÏ, XJiuler To 1 OfKoprs And. Go Tnto j Office, Curner oí Main nml Wasliingtön ■ SireeU, ocer Widcnmnnn'a St re. Limit GEORGE C. MOOR Ann Arbor Jan. 27, 1S62. 837t{ NEW GOODS For the Spring, 1862. o ■ MACK & SCHUD Woald psspectf uBy noouDoe to Citizen1! of Washtenaw and adjoining Coinitics (hut wc are oow ree el ving Direct f rom the Bastan Marcris, A futí acd e nnplete Boppïy of DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GKOCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. Purfbaced by nne of oír firm for c:ts!i, and notwith staadícg the hard timea weaÈaü continue to Acid Weekïy Addilions Tj uur .stock in order To Accommodate our Cudomrs ! a itb arerythiag they may need to ajk for. wá wc will fijrtnec líltídge ouraelve to wll as cheap AS TIMES WILLPE1LA1ÍT ana which is uhv;tys as -A.s Hiow as tlie Lowcst. At, the s.-itiv1 time wt? Iinipour frientts and cuatomerswiUbAaL' iu miud tLat Uta Llou cuopel us to sull our goods For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arbor, Marcb 28, 1MI1. 845tf DO YOU WANT WHISKERSf SO HOU WANT A MOUSTACliE ! If so, parchase oaa bottle of K.E. Chanipií.n's EXCELSIOR INVIGORATOR ! The world reaowned toilet, - tlic osly .inicio of the kind ever affend tlie peoulo of the United tit &m. Tlio above article is the oaïy one us.-.l by the Frcuch ; m London aud Paris it ia u ur.iversul H86. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKEll INVIÜOIIATOE ! ! ■ nu tl ful, Econotofcál, Soöthing, yet Ptiinu'ating iod, actiog aa if by magie upon tlie roota, c;iuh Inga beautiful gfrowtb oí Luxuriant Bcard. If ap liod tu the Sc.'iN, it. will cure Iïai.d k-s, and if appltea ;u:êording to directions, it trill cause to spring up iu bald spots a íine gruwth oí BOFt PRKSB u.m Tho Oeleln ■ I EXCELSIOR INVIGORATOR ui iivlisi'-ns:ib'r: Articln in ovt ry Gteatiemati1! Tbüet, and al"u uu tlu:y v. ould not, Jor any srithout Tbc above article will, in from Four to Eiglit Weeks, briog uut a tliick set of Whiskbbj or MfOCSTACHH, XJi subscril] I ■ íi!y Agenta Cpx the above article in the United State. They wonld also announce to the public í ha t iy arO ftgentsfor Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The only article over offered to the Ftencli people tbat WOuldCCltX RTRAIGHTJÏAJRJ the abiive Toilet ueing inanufactured for the sole benefit o Louis Napoleon ! whk-h article is now indispensable ín hls Toilei room. Tlie Bubsc ribera t'ee ntthat thie Toilet must . í-í i trtlic the place ofallothers ever offeréd to the public, they take ple&snra 'm e théir tonfl dence ia the article, gaioing itfrom prt%ctioal wte. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Will Criij, Straight IIaie lp Poft, SÜüen.FloTrtng Curia, ihat will remaln in shape for one day r "i. ck If iieBlred iny longar peHod , il" the dtrectiozu are strictly íoltowed. which are very simple and easy . This HLair Toilet does col in nny maBerinterfere with the Natural Stiftness of the Hair. It neither scorebe. uor dyc.-i it : butgives ihe bair a soft, thrifty appearH also preveáis the haii rem CaUlng oü and tuminggray. THE NAPOLEON HAIIl TOILET Ilas luL-n befbee tho pabl'-o but a. sh.rt time, and hap alreany been tcslcd by over ouc thous&nd perpo ! and . stify that th i ir Toilet Es tho g'reatuát lïeautiiitT everoffereu to the American people. Ta préveni thi FoUet Irom being eoa&terfi!ed or hutated by utiprincípled persons, we do nut offtrit for sale at any Druggists in the United States. Therefore any , Kfho desirea Boft, l.uuri:mt ) i;i ir andCuils,and Long, PoW Whiakers or Mous tache, can prooqcre tlie InviRorator ur Tuib't, eitber ouc, for one ir, wiih their tiddreas. Addcess. G.F. SPEXY&CO., Box ]y;t, CoUinsville, Hartford OoM Conn. And t willbo carefully sent by return TREES ! TREES ! Fruit and Ornamenta], OF ALL DE8CRIPTI0N3 AND VAB1ETT, HoseS) Bulhous Planté, and Grape Vines of all kinds. rriHEUNDKRaïGNED about atarting Eagt in mako _1 hia uauaJ sel wt ion ef Trees from the most popular Nurseríes, aod will flllall orders for Trees tha1 wan te throogh tlte nionth ot' April. Mypractical experience Hh rreea for tic last ten years h&8 csL-ihiished mj iu t'no wtiy oí makicg my aelcc Uona with that car thai enablos me to warrant all trees and planta trae to n ■■ ■ i healthy, vigorous ia .L'ro'-vth, pnd witb proper care to meet the expectation oi rchafter. Thegreat sucoees attending iny sales lires mr lh;:i my trees weroftll soumi, and . ; atlcfactiön 'Ihaukful for past fa vors, ] ny Uiends and all otliers wanting trees o r planta, to ífive me a cali. Tbose wo may want Trees grown in tb is State, can be furp'6hi from the Nortb Lake Nuiwry. 1 Irder for Trees or Planta may be left at Hogers' AgncuUiiial Huil, at niy time. THEODORE PrPOTS. AnaArbof, Uareh 25, 1862. eiótf Dissolution of Copartnership, rrHECojpartnership"heretofore exiiing betweon the JL undersigned, under tho name of Wines aud Knighi , ls tbis d ; by mutual consrnt AT indebtedto tb i ited to sottle thasame. W. V. VIK-) J. W. K.NIGÍÍT. AnaArtnrjMarnfi 7. ISfifl. - P.f. Paniftl Hüïcock h:ivini purchfcfed thp iateres of ,1. W. Knifjit in thenTocK of Ooooftthe buniness wiH be '■ontinufdiiv W; v, VVioe and Danitl Hiscock,un der tlio oame oí WINKS ,v (;o. 8töw4 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral TOBACCO AT WHOLESALE! I nm prëparod fco Sell for Cash AÍ.L O KADES OF Tobacco by the Barrel AT DETROIT PRICES ! Merchants in this City and SUR1Ï0UNDING VILLAGES CA.3ST SA.VE Freight and Oartage! BY BUYSNG AT MY STORE, in Franklin Block, Ann Arbor. L. STUBBS. P. S.- -I am also Manufacturing Cigars! A.SSTX3 WILL SELL TIIE3Ï AT WHOLESALE, At Prices that will Demand Cash. liong Jolm's And all oíher popular Brands, Constantly on hand. Ann Arbor, 1862. 886tf TAX ON TOBACCO, 0 In anticipa tion cf a tax uf SEVEN OR EIGHT CTS, PR, LB, being levicd on all MANÜFACTURED TOBACCO, I will sell tbr a few days for Iess than. WINTER PRÏCES! I have on hand a largo stock of the best grade of FINE CÜT CHEWING And Smoking Tobacco and being desirous of Commencing anew WITII THE JNEW riilCES!" and as all tobáceo F cun d in the hands oi the Sell er s will betaxed and Added lo the selling Price ! I propose to Give all a chance To Supply Tliemselves ■ - at the - Lowest possible Cash price, I have received somo of the VERY BEST ViRGINiA PLUG in raarket, also LIGHT OUT PLUG, KILLIKIlSTICIv, and Spanish Smoking Tobacco 200 BARKELS SMOKING! To be sold in Barrels ! And put up in pounds and half ponnd papers by the dozen. 50 Barrels Chewing, F. S.- Any Farmers wishing Tobacco Seed Can have somo by calling at my store. This seed carne froni the Patent Office. I havo received the English Birds-Eye Smoking! A uew article in this market. South sido Hurón fit., ncar Cook's Hotel, Sign of Red Indian. M. DEVANY. Ann Arlr, MhicIi 20, '2. 84ív6


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