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Letter From Hon. B. F. Granger--the Arizona Bill

Letter From Hon. B. F. Granger--the Arizona Bill image
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I Washington, i), C, Xpffi 3j 1862, To tlic Editor of ih ,u-;. Sin - I observé that in the Tribune oí the Slat uk., you expresa surprise al my vote on t;io bill to organizo the Territory óï Arizona. 1 remorded my vote, as you i ne rejublicaii8i to table lbo bil! ; hut not as you suppoue, with any wiah or intention to oppose tlio pïincjj Ie oi non-estensión oi' elavery. Ha. i you known tho charaeter and real objocis oí the bill, ."ui undenstood the motivfl wbich prompted me to casi my voto agafnst it, you weuld,, I b, havo feit neither surprise nor . tfeelwarranted ia aayiog tUat the primo object of til ti bill is tfl créate a lew good íor a '■■ bpecial friepda óf certain m irhbera on this floor. And, to render their " calling and electiOQ sure," tbe '; Wilmot Proviso," with n aweeping repeal of di pro-slavery laws in' tho Temtoncs of the Tuited States, was "njéoted into tbe body of the bill," upoB tho BppposUion t'hat do republioañ rüetiiber of citlier Ilouso could resist the dose wliun thiss admirabiy seasoncd. In this, as tho result tbus far shows, t[,o triendn of tho i soeieri havo been mistaken just nine times. 'X ho lato coosua shows that the total white populüüoo of the Terrkory, for wbidb the bill would próvida a irovernmenl, was, on the lirst day of July, 1860, no moro tban two thouarul, and recent and authoritative reporta frora that región disclose tho fact that since that time they have all boon drives out, and that there is not, lo-day, witbin 'all that ïonitory, a siüglo white man ; be-ules, evei'y foot of the Temtory is already under organizerfgovernment, with u lawfully elacted delégate in this House, The organizaüoQ of tha Territory of Arizona, s, therefore, wholly nnnecess_ary. and svould involvo, for tu incéption meroly, without incliiding tho oost of national lcgislation, the expense of ereoting governmeht buildings, and many other extraordinary expenses, an entirely usolegs expendituu of not leas than üity-tiireo tbo'llsand dollars, estimating the cost by the expense incurred m tho organization of the Territorv of Colorado. LTnderstanding these facts, aiid believing that it is the duly of' the govornrnent to hnsband its resources in thisita hour of trial, and especifllly th;:t,it oéght not to créate without occa-ion a swann of' Territorial ollieers upon whom to pquanderits reven ue, I feit it to be my duty to vote, as I id, to labio the bilí. I leained the facts abovo statod from arepublican metrSber 9ï tho Committee on Terri lories, who sought in vain for an opportunity to state them to tlu House. Had not my informar:: denied the Hoor under a demahd fó'r the previo US (uestion, the cloven loot would havo been uncovered, and the real objet$ of the made manifest, and there would, I atïl sure, havo been many moro iban nine repubüoan votes recorded in favor of ths motion to tablo. AViien tho bill is aohed, it wil! receive a tree disoussion, ani the niño republicana will, I have no doubt, fully vindícate their aotiou in the -ijs. Until then wül you not nd your judgment and eoaseypur atrictures,


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Michigan Argus