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Occupation Of Washington, N. C.

Occupation Of Washington, N. C. image
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Wasliiii;!,.!:!, April 7. Gour. Ewno bata fbrwarded to the Navy Departujcnt a ootnuiuiitcaöot) from Licufenai.t Coavmanding Murroy, datcd on United States stcaraer Lon . ■ V;is!i;i);.'to:i, N. G), March 26rb sayiug that n obodiërto t orders lio ha i ceeded to this placo, meeting with obstructions five miles baloiv. The espeistod of threo vpsscls and a transport naving abuard cilit conj] of tbö MasaacBusetts Twjp li. It peí no reflistawA nd i'.innd the BatteVi&s abindoned and tto aruwwent removed. ]5y blastiiig &.. tjjey furood a c! tl.r nigii Ihi ven in a triplo r w. Om Bfr'h'ing at Washington tliey yerp niet by thé auilun -iiius a;d iüany ertizehg, v. i.i-:i t'u' (;bji'(.-( uf thovi.-it WfiS lii-'.ol'. V cxplained to tlicm. A f ter thu military had Iaüdéd tl iy prpcoeded to tlio cpurt house atid ho'stod the American (lag. - The troop?i tlU-ii rcturned on board fclie vcssels. ïbe ftúthoritics i.-pro.-cd a dtíep ailccliun for the old liuiuii, and animosity to pocially tovvarda tho trböpa bfouglit tlire froiïj distant Status, Tliis feéling had oauscd tlio abandon Dient of the d'efonee of thé plo ed by t lio destruction of Confederaré propurty by thu pe,oplo. Tlio vJs ai:d awajnps i:i the ucjgbborUood are ipce1 to bo f'ill of rufugces froin ttie druff, and many Iiavu ahwidy c.ome in. - 'J'hcy aro dorp and bitier in tlnMr dcimneiation of; secession, and promiee 8 wtsinciit f calkd to aid in the rostoration of the flag.


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