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War On The Union!

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New Foiík, April 9. peoinl to ttío Heraïct, Í?ttgburg, 'i via Port Henry 9lh, :J:20 A. M., "One of the groatest and bloodieat lutiles of mo! bas just closed, resulting in t!. ■ I ite rout of the enoiny, wrbo attaoked U8 at dav-break Suiulay. "Tlio hattlo Instcil without interroiesion during the enlire day, nul was umed on ftïonday morniogj and oorrtinued üntil four o'ölock in the afternoon, u-hen the ènewly coramenced their retieat,and arestill flyingtowards Oorinth, pursuod by a larë forcë of our w he Hlaughter on both sidos is iir. ;; have lost m killed, woundsd and missing trom 1,800 to 2, tb at of the erfeitij is eetiinttttd at trom 0,500 U4 000. " the figtot wtis bro't on by n body ui 300 "l the 25th .Missouri pegimen', General Prentiss' División, attaeking theadvance guard of the rëBels: vvbjefi were suppoaed to be tbe picketa of the enemy in frout "i our camp. " The rebelti immediivtely ndvanced on Qeneriil PreVities' División, on the lift iviog; pouuing volley after volley of !tryf and ridtfjing oer eamps witii grape, eanilistev awd shell. ')r foreêssoön fonneU into line and retiirosd tbeir fire vigoroueiy, and by tiiü tiiiiü we wltc prepared to rcceive thetn hadturned theirlreaviest on the left nnd center of Bh'eVman'a !i isioii, and drove them back fTom oamps and bringing óp a fresh ferce, opeued lire on our lui't wing under McGlernand. "ïliislire waa retiirtiod with terrible effeci and determiaed spirit by both Infaritry and ftPtilléry along the wholé line íor a dial anee ot four miles. ''Gen. li división yvasthrowd for.ward to .support the center, v. I desperate cooflict euuecl. the reBèla riven back wiih terrible sla.dghter, butsoon r.ailied and drove back ommen in (urn. "FrotD about 9 a'ulock, tfte time your correípondent ottwi ! on the field, until niglit closed on the blocxiy scène, there Vas no d of the reult of the Mtruyglö: ' 'l'lie ihibited remarl good Q-eueraUbipi ut times fengáging ihe lelt with aparently their whole utrength, they would sudctenly open a heavy and cestructive fipé oa the right or t:entc.T. " ooi bjaaviest nnd most destruolive ÍJre jii tlie enemy did not appi-a;- lo discourage iheir uolid colamná, "Thefird of Major Taylofs Clii arttllfti'y raked Chciii down in aomx-, tliau tUe breaeh wou'd again !.; The va ratc tightiiig Éook pli 0OD. f' The r, ' i lint if thov did not suec-eed in whipping theu that their chsñ. ie e-xtreiu ful, as a p ■ !'.',■;:. liuell's forcea had by this time arrived on the op] ; r' the rivcr, and tH' other portion was coniiug ttp the rirer rroin ; ' Thoy beoamo ajr'are that. we were bei ould sec Gen. Buell'a tr i the river bank, a short ■' e ns on the 1 wbicb ppiat they had forced their way at " The rebels had foroed our léfl io occuj)}' fuily tiiivds Óf our camp, and were r way degree of i the me tiiüe heavily cn..- cigbt. ■■ i ;. ffé had receiv 11. Lew Vvall;;. iug to come to our support until tb ;■'! the wrong road to Cru;:.;. transporta than those used for qti iry stores, whieh wère . aay col,. . . ■ Gen. Baell's uii-ce v rivcr, those tiiat. wer ig the troops ftoio Saíváai air. We were, thetefore, contes;' g 38,■ wanls. of 60,000. " O m at thi.s moment uunibers ■ ■ worn oi hard ii;!it: .0 per : 'i, tn" Gen. (raut and Btali, who had i the entire day, i of bullets. Lrrai" from right to left ineiting the men to stand irm lüitil our reiníbrceiwents eould ■ the river. 'CM. Y ' ' ' iato positiflB 'he heai ' rightj whüc: i:,1 éntiro litic firóia : ,nk, and to our exl b une two and one-half miles dii "AboUt an beforo dusi vas opened upori the encmy fiotn along our whole line, with ïi -,l :-;;í-!í oL masketry. SueU a ruar was ent. :■ a short time the rebels r with ir aöd tíffei í. bal their retuín , frequent :i'ii d tro ■ ra [lid and more terrible. ■■ The gunboal I ;tori and T whicb lay a short distanee off, ing sheUs OTl l!i" the enemy, and he fiving had nekfly eeased, i ■■ on. all the rontcstants r l from Iworl blood " Our ii! oh their arras i Wáillace arrived and t1 !.:.'■,■ liet Bucll' : . now converted to the b ikI. :- Tiie entire right of Gen. Nolson's dirm ou tbe riglit, and tbe I I ron. !ri( were . i liis support early in the momiiig, ond dayV' batí ■■('..;. Bu II hí}' ' '1 was ■y by Moj. General Wallaee's división on the ■ " Geii-". Nel ' opened a and advanced rapidly a (üieniv i'e'l b;u-k-. The fire soon becttme ral along the wkol line, and began " Generala M I !. Siiernmu aúd Hurlburt-8 mea, though niaiui Fort Donlíut the bel fet ■ ;i:nl worthy ber cause, büt tliey were not enough íbr ílauntuJ ! .1 the dr tioñ pródi ■ artülery whidh liko chalí before tho vind. But knowing that a dcfeat hcre would bo íi death blow ti) tlicir boges, ;ü!'1 that all d ded upou this fill llTged thcm on id ; ion, hoping by nanking the right to turn the tide of battlo. ' Their ;in for a time cheeri ' i andón ed, but our left under General Ñatean -n-.-is drivíml' t'neni, and wiih wonderful rapidity, and by ele' Gen. Biiell's forcé had succcodcd in nanking tlicm and captuiing their batteries of artille " Tliey liowc. -allied on the id re-crossed. and tlic right forccd fonvárd iu another de i from G ,-yl Thomas weró e in regis . er regiment, whic! ■. BueffJ wlii had ; dril e the ■■ AV.ut 3 P, M-. fs liad . J to I i'" h ' ñ Jim acroig the field, h I ,'ís hii;i. ed thtm on lo the crywning vidory, ulule the cannon balk vuerefdtting liho mil ar'ound him .' - The men foll h a ehout that ■and din of artillo"Gen. Íjui.ü followed tlio rctreating rebela, driying in splondid stylo, and by : tne whol v na u Full retreat, to Corinth, y iu bot pursuit," with wbat furtber r's;ilt s not known, not havÍDg return ed ap to tiiis hour. " We have laken ;i large aouut of ■.rtillcry, ;; large nantber of prisooerft We lost ;i large numbor oí' our forcea priboners yésterday, ainong whoin ís Sen. PreVitlss. The oumber of our forcea taken Las not bepn asoerl yet. It, s reported to be scverl huodréd. Gen. 1'. artcd woundrd. " A was thi uey Johnson, wUo wis struck by a oannon ball u t!ie afterm nday. Of this tlicre i (vt ia eorroboratpd by sevcial rebol offieors takeu to-day. " It is furtlier r üteíi. IJüiuircgard l:ad iiis i;-ai Tjbot Óíí this afternooi!. clGens. i láurldge and Jack son were e :,s of the i; in ■ vory liojvy, - iwpossíble ni pr obtain aU tbeir ñames. Tho f.jlluvi::g wcre uinong iibci" '. Wounded. - Brig. Geu. W. i!. L Wallaeo, Qdl Col. Llü.s, lOtb, IU ; Gin. W. [. oí Licut. Col One]-■ te. uig t!;j wounded, Col icralj received twó sh ' in liis only ann, h:iv;t one in il shot .n onc kept tLu öeld until tlie close of the íilit.ond the univcrüul adiniratioti oftlio whulo of our aimy. Col. Daví . Il'inois, Acting I Geaerai, shot' through thc : J.ty - returnod on thtí Cf:iftif, 31st ir .tifg Buigaüicr öerieral, sbot 1 1 ;ht tsboul ; " Títere ! - a parallel t ioejS] . : : ■ .: ) the una stuff wore in tiiü filid riüii tbe thick'.-si of t J j u eutíuiy's li. tliü ciiure two days tú' battle, and ali unday ni iht, duriuiï . f r, tin. Ou :■- total occasion; got in rango i Ljeut Col. ' Uia iiurse sliot íVomi undei; him rflotig aidu of dio ; o. ( ' ■■ '■ ■ i ■ Graut :.. ■ i, vi lien a :.lá liüad and kilicd aad ni'ill: I ■:■.'. '■ Geni S id two borses killed uudcf . Gen. MeGieriiaud shuuéd ingers. Ahso i :;;:;-i. caeh of who'ni received L; i [hi-ough tjieir cloti: '■ Gu. i. ;-oops ihc cutiré day, and, willi Geus. Ci'itti ni, rode continuallj ■ .■!! 1 II 11. "(jen Buollfi advauce wiü ]robably rctuj'i] fcoiu . eveningi." LAT . I ü ■: Land ing ptd lo 1,ded from 3,000 to 4,000, and the rel ' donble that nurub Two ftiH ' ' Gen.' vrere made We fi ar on ■ of tbcm is thc ■ Gen. !■;■ ■!! iI i po ion of !ih. The tho l regard's arm.


Old News
Michigan Argus