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SPECIAL NOÏ1CESFRIZE FOETEY. Lt Chleftaln bout cf deed In wdr, And M'rastrelj tun their weet gultar, A tinMrr ili.-iiv iiiy Acor s flïled - lu praiM oí IIekkii ! pilla. Tlioir euvos are fountl ín every Uuod - Amid Russia'a bhows- Ad Afrio's sanda ; Thi! noodroua works - i papors lili, Leed by Hbbbick's matohless Pilis. Does disease afiiict you ? novor doubt This charming eomppund -wilUearcli it out, And health a ;aia your ■-'. m lili, If you !ly at ouceto HKRRICK'S l'ills. ï'i 'yv siiIV for all - botli olil tnil young - 'l'ii ir praii ■■ : fiTfl on everv tongue ; ... '.'ills. eïr l'"t ui wit'a Boglinb. Stiins'i;. Germán and Krencli direztiqns. :' box. Srigu' Cucucd See ftdvertldement on thtttl pnge. SU4 Seo n woroan, in nnothercohimn, pieking SamUui i Grupea (or fpn k's Vine. It ■ is:u: admirable art iele, nsed in Uuspital and ly firl,-c!ups f:inii]ic9 in P:ri3, Londen, ainl New York, in. prêferenee fco old poit wino. It is worth atrial, is t gives gre;it. .-;t isf&otion. i ' cur d by HoopliAi sAMio Corkial. Eead the adverttsenie.n1 in am ther column, A CARD TO THE SIXFFEE iNG. TIn' Ktv. Viitii-! Cosottovs, while laborlng as s Mlasof Confmmftion, when uil led by ;i :rt I From a learned phyaMytta rt'sjding in tbe greal City ofJeddo. pa uo ere sufffiring f rom L'DUsumptiou, Bronchitis, Sc re Tb roat. Coughs and CoM., anü the Qebiüty andn .! -on'., r; . Dcsiro ' Dg otliers, 1 will iend this rocipo, whicu i hare bcought some witli cit-, U all wto ueedit Addre.s ükv.WM. COSGROVE, S_:',y! 43S Fullon avenue, Brootlyn N. Y. #.? Slight Cotd, or gfatc 5fli.iP-c.cLt, whioh might he checked with a simple remedy, ifnegleated, often terminales serioiLsly. Few are aware of the importante of a cuu.g.i. or faLd. in its first stage ; that zuhich m ihe beginning would yield ío a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attaclcs the lungs. J-ïauinl 's vjere first introduced eleven years ago. It has been preved that ihey are the best artiale bef ore the piiblie for pollclIi.s., faLds., .arLchliis.,, $ aio. h-, the Hacking Cough in fécw-&u.m.ilan-, and numerous affections of the Zth-taa-t, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers Sf Singers will find them effeataal for clearing and strengthening the voice. Sold by all (Druggists and (Dealers in Jttedicine, at SS cents psr box. JMPORTANTtoFEMALdT THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Iü contiouaily m per il if hc Is bja ! eao or njaltreai tb'ose Bexual Irregularitles to wh,icH twoUiii-'ls of her ■: are more or lesa e J1';. CHEESEMAK'SI'ILI, pre;.. ■ : 8 sino formula whích tlie inventor, rORNEUÜS '- MAN. M. P,.of í'íij-Í; . :. . '.;!!)' iuun extCB : ■ ' " . reitere without pain, all dist urbano es oí' the pe discharge, whether arising frevm felaxation er si sion. They icfc üUe a cliarm ÍnreoiOYÍng pa accempany diiRcuIt órimmo ■ n, aml . . ■ . ■ ■ re oedj f03 I : . Back and Sides, Palpita ti on of tlie Heart Nerveus Tri o ■ r unpleasn nt ar of an m - '■xii;U functionfl ín the wnr.-L cases of Fhtor ilbus or Vhites, thoy effeet a speedv cure. #0 W1VES hiiö. XATKOHSTS. D3.CHEB KMAK'S PUXS ar oEfered ae tbe ;n!y safe Lueiitfl of renawlngmterrupted ra IiAOlKS MUST BKAR IS MIVD There is one condiiion of th ■ 'm mhieh the Pilis canvotbr, taken tei'ho 1 i'i'J CLJ IR RESULT. fhêamditktnreferrtdto tsPREGNAFOY- he result, MISCARHÏAOE. Suck ia the trr, ndt n nj of the, medicine u restore the sexual funetions to 1 ti urinal cofitütion, that even the reproducirte power f nature cainiot resist it, Kr.plicit dheciions stating whent nitdv' ót hc üged, with e.ich Box, - the l'rioe Ous Dollar eack ntaining 50 PUI. A vataiAle Pu npblêt. to bO bad free ■ 1 i ; . ÖUJ'1 bj I1!'. : Y. UüTCálXíW, Proprwtor. - Yrr-;. For Pale by MAYN'AIïD STEBlïINö & V, IÍ..-ON , uikI 5RENVILLE i-L'LI.KIÏ. Important to Ladies, Dr. JÜHN" IIAUVKV, lutving for upwards of twentj 'ears devted hia profpssiimal t'ra v U the reatventof ïeinale Uifliculliws, aud ■ 1 . healtb, nas mov entlrtj cosfidnco tn ■ I )lh'.r "GRSAT AM3HÍCAN K3MEDY," DR. IS..TEr'S CHR0N0-THEP-MAL FEU ALE PULS. Wbich hare ttereryet foáled (whea the directioai have bflCD striftily fotlowed,! in removing dOuUiea ariëlog froffl Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, ar in re&toxing the system to peiffcl beftlth, when .■:i f' 'ering f rom Spixal Akfecti ss, PtoLAPSi a U'ílk!. riü orothec wealsnessof the Qïerink Om ixb. Aléo u all cuw ea of 1 'swi rr on ■ ie i'n ei unnera of !]]')!■■■ ' ' ' J7s oi-fi pérfectty harwt:ft ou thé Wíl -'''■■.", r.r Trt? x; ïaffïi 7 delicate femóle without c 1 be saine timo they act ukb a ' . 1 laTigma tiiiir. au'ï n t irin r: I b.e j - w to( ;i healthy condit'on, and by : ■ thlj perioii witb rcgularily, er from v.-lia; ■ ly nrie during tho first four month - at aoy ui Iji'i time, as oaicarriage vould be tbe result, b ix conts ns CO Pilis. Vi'. ■■ One 1 ol 1 lired will be senl by mail prepaid by f; 1 1 tifiad kgeut. on a aceipt of the mouey, Sbïd by Druggifitni Aun Arbor. J. nRYAX, Rochester, X. Y . Gei ■ II. & L. SIUONËAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agení U ■ nn. SOöff New Medical Discovery. Fot the speedy au i penutneiri eureof Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Ciavel, Stricture, unü. ' Affeetiom of the Kichicys and Bladder yhicb . I ■■'': by apwardi üf ONE HÜÑDRED PHYSiClANS, in their Eurivatepxactice, witb eutire sueceas, supereiee oy compound hithei '"bELL'S SPKCIF1C P1LT.S, are Bpeedj t;1 action, often effocting a cure ín a fe lav.s. and vi ben a cure effi ■ 'rnoaïn i r. "- prepAredfrona rgotable extracte tbj i 1 1 the system . and nei er qb .i ■■■ i ach or impregoate the bv eath ; and teinff o ,it"!, ;, [ nawous taete i avoided. Sé chngt f diet ís vecthsary whilst uBÍngütem.' nor doea I e wifh busi1 rsuits. Bacta '■■■■ cootain six lozen l'iü.s. paiOE ONE i ul LAB, ■ ■■ c :n.i il .-' pa '■' i. ■ ;lh A'.'-;.t. od rMtpt of la muiicy. , isi-s ín ■ 1 10 1' . N0110 ;(;ihi i r.e without uiy signa ture on tho sri te , Cí, v.. General H. h I.. SIMONEAi Detroit, Wlná , Michigaa, 80ütf Dissolution cf Copartnership. fXIHECopfirtnership hercí - n tl,( 1 undersigoed, nn I ol Wine and I ís ihis day . ■ ' ■ ' indebted lo the Ufte I W. V. [NE - i, . KMüllT, Ann Arbor, Marcli 1T,1WS. P.P. P;triiel Hijcoi ■ e Ínteres of .1. W. Kníght in the stock of iitinuedbyW. W. Win ea and Dant Fl der tbe n&oie of yiNLü & CU. 81&w4 TREES ! FllEES ! Fruit and Ornamental. OF AI.L DBSCBIPTION5 AND VAKIETT, Roses, Btdbcms Planté, and Orape Vincs of all Idnds. 11HE UNDFRSIGNED la ab .1 itartíng East ti llis U Nurseríes. and will ti . ■, m&y 1 :--!- ' ■ . ■ VpriL . I na ■ in the n .. tions w ith tiiiiï care that 1 a 1 mil planta ine trj name, as well as hal grpvvth.wnd with propercareto a rchnfer. 'ihe gres I !:i-t year. reasnures me thatmytre gfavo general ■■■' íipain invit) piy íi ■ ■ ■ plan 1 , ti 'ji 'ilw-i' wJio tiiay want Tresgroivo ii thía State,cau be futaislipd ívu tli ' ' -■ Nuwi 1 y. ■ ■ ' i, ■ . ■ i o 't at liogers Agricultura! Hafl.-aiiaarl THLOÖOKL XiüBOIS. Aun Arbu', Miirch 25, 1862. 81ótf


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