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1862. 1862. i SPRING GOODS! We are now reociving a fiu stouk of NEW SPflING GOODS, " and o fier tlicm at the I o Xowest Cash Frices. i i C H. MTLLEN & CO. April lst, 1862. 8-lCtf r J. D. BALDWIIV S OFFERS FOE SALE ATTHE WASHTENAW NURSERIES, Tlie followiog list of first-cluss Fruit and Ornuuientai Trece fot spring planting : Apples, a full Mountain AsU, Ameriíncnt, standard am"; can dwtuf, inoluding :. llorso ChesLnut eood suiiplyof Strawberry Tree Steele's Eed Winter Blaok Salix Villow ICingof Touipkin's Co Weeping Ash 1 Wagner New American f 1',-cii 's Plensant ing Willow Penrs, a general asort Kilmurnaok Weeping ment, inetuding the Willow t Bar t let t WeepingElm s Seckel and Choicc Evirtrreens 0 Virgalien tíorway Spruoe Pears, dw'f. best kináo Am. Doublé Spruoa Clierries, staidavd and Scofcli Pine r dwarf Corsioan Pine j Peaches, a general as Red Cedar íortruent Bataotn Fip Plunie, Api'icoís American Arboritae tídcínrine, FiíJs Siberian Arboritae Siberian Orab Apples Round ïop Box Downing's ever-bear Roses, eonsisüng of ing Síulbsi-ry Perpetúala Hop Tree Mena Grapes, best kinds Bengal Currants, " " Austrian Haspberries, Brinkle'e Bourbon and Orange and others Climbing , Strawb'erries Flowering Shrubs, a i Lawton Blaekberriea general assortraent Mountain Ash, Paconies pean Dhlias, All of which will be offored at my nursery at LOW FIGURES, to suit the war times. J All persons designing to plant trees or sfirubs are invited tú cali and examine tliis l elook. J. D. BALÜ ffIN. r Mdi-eh, 1862. 4v844 ', TAK ON TOBACCO. ! Q ( ín antielpation of a tux of ' i SEVEN OR EIGHT CTS. PR. LB. ; being levied on all ( MA.NÜFAOTURED TOBACCO, ! I will sell fot a few clays for DLess than ; WITTER PRSGES ! L have on Land a large stock of the best grade of FINE CÜT CHEWING : And Smoking Tobacco ■ and desirous of ' Commencing anew WITII TLIE JNEW PIlICES! and as all tobáceo Fouad in the hands oí the Sellers will be taxed and f Atldcd lo tlie selling Price ! Ï I propose to ' Give all a chance To Supply Tliemselves - at thc- " Lowest possible Cash price, I have received some of the T VERY BEST VIRGINIA PLUG ! c in market, also LIGHT OUT PLUG, j KILLIKINICK, and Spanish Smoking: Tobacco 200 BARRELS SMOKING! To be sold in Barrek ! And put up in pouuds and half i ponnd papers !y tfie dozen. 59 Barrels Chewing, P. S. - Any Farmers wishiug Tobacco Seecl Can bave pomo by calling at my ptore. Tliiá seed carne IVom the l'ateut OíHce. I have reccived tho Englisk Birds-Eye Smoking! A new aiticle in tliis inarket, South tíide Hurón et., near Cook's Hotel, Sign ofKod ludían. M!. rflEV-AJSTY. Aun Arbor, March 20, "62. 841vO WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INS CHANCE C&MPJ.NY' riHESecretafj will boatCook'a Hotel, n the Citj I X Ann Arbur, oD 'Dim actay nf each treek, untilfurtbcr Dotise, radv feoreceívene mcmfc U. EENNT, PecrPtary. Oetobcrfjií!. 1S61. B34tl


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