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rhe Bug Je Calis ! Tlie War lias B2 gun ! A War of Exterainatiou against Bad Teeth, Bad Breatli, Diseaseü Guüjs, Toot&ache, Earaciie, and Neuralgia. OUR ARTILLEKY IS DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL TllKASUllY ! A COMÍ' LET K SET OF RBMBDTE8 FOU PRESERVING TTIE TEKTIÏ, PLRiFUXG THE BREATll & 3IOLTIÏ AND Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. o COISTTECEKTTS : Dr. Hurd's Cel'.brated MOÜTH WASH, one bottle. Dr. Hurd's Uncqualed TOOTH PO WDER, one box. Dr. Hurd's Magic TOOTHACHE DROPS, one bottle. Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PL ASTER. Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Mcans oj Preserving the Teeth, indudiiig Dircctions for thelPropsr Treatment oj Children's Tceth. FLOSa SILKfor cleaning between the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, tic-, etc. Prepurcd íit Dr. Hunl'3 Dental Offi33, 77 Fcmrth St , Brooklyn, (E. D.) Pnce One Dallar or Six for $5 O The Dental Tteasury makea a pack age eight iuchos by five, and sent by expreas. ID Full direct ion for use is on each artide. Tlie following nrticles we can send soparately, by mail, viz.; The Treatise en Preserving Teeth sent, nost paid, on receipt of IVeivi Cents, or four etamp. Tlie Neuralgia Piaster, for Neuralg'ain the face, NcrvouB Hendadle, and Karache, sent, post paid, on receipt of -Eiohteeï DsjilS, or six 3tamps, The Neauralgia and Rheumatic Piaster, -i.e), for pains in the Chost, Shoulders, Back, or any part of the body, sent, po3tptid on feoeipt of Tuikty Süve Cents. Addregs WM. B. HÜUD & CO., Tribune Buildings, ííew York, je rr. Huyd'8 moutu wash, tootïi powper. and 1'üOillACilK DROPfi canaot be-senl by mail, bat t',-v can píobably be obtíiir.el at yonr Dru.j; or !' riodi cal 8 torca. If tfeey cannot, send for h& DENTAL FREASURY,$9(ee Gwl Doulas., whiob oootains thum. isrcw% Are Dr. Hurd's Preparations Good ? The bost cvïdence that they are [g, that their (Irmest friend i and b bI pal rona are those wlio have uaed thom longest. ï'r. William B. Hukd is an cmmt'nt Etentüst of Brooklyn, freasurer oí' the New York State Dentista' Association, au i those pjreparations haTe b6BB - hia private practico fop yejirs, and no leading citizen of IJrcioklyn or W ■_ lefltioas their excelledce, while L-miin'nt DentiatB oí JTöw York recommeiid tbem aa tii'1 bi-.-t li'iiüwn to the profei ln Witboul of advertining, dealers have sold them hy thegsois. Tlit Ediior of the Brooklyn Daily Times saye :- i; We are happy tö know that our friend, Dr. JIuii',is bucbeyond all expectationa with hie MUL'TJl W AL IL and TOOTH PtWDER. The reat secret of hi, succ.jrfs rests with tli ( f act tii.t HI8 AKTICLBS ABE PRflcisia.v wjiAi' iJiKY ahi: iu-;raiEMt;p to he;as wa can TKSTIFy PttOM TJIKIK Ii-VG USE."' Tlie weil known I'. T. Barnum writcs :- (iI found your TOOTH POWDER bo good that my i'amilv liave osed it all op. Wk klvi. j r mu BfiSr Pom urn roa tijk Tbbtü that wkevbr r.-Ki. I Bháíl feèl obliged if you will send me another Kiijiply at the Museum at your convenieace, with bill." But 1 heir cost is so small that every one may test the matter for himself tB Beware of the oreliniry Tooth Powáerá, T)r. Hi'BD'a Tooiu I'owdku eontalns no &c d, nor aïkali, nor c'.iarc-oal, and pohshes without wearing the eaamel. - U%$ UO Oti:-.]-. VVhat will Dr. Ilurd's Remedies Effect? Dr. Hurd's MOÜTÖ WASH AND TOOTH POWDER will givo yoiinu' Imlics Ihal: Bftest charni in woman - i sweei bfoftth au'l pearlv têeth Try ihein, : Dr. Öur4's MOÜTH WASH AND TÓOTH Ï'OWIK!! will cleanse themouth f rom all foul exlialatioi..s, an-1 if used in the mdfuiög, will mako the bre&kfast taste :--','■' 'i r ainl tbe day begic tnoee pleasantly, Hundrcda of praoiis can te.-iii'y to this. Try them, gcatlenn.ii. Dr. Hurd's Morm Wa&r and Tooth Pownm are tht beat preparatioD in the world for coriog bad umuiBand gfWing flrmae sandhfiaUh to tl c gums. Handreda of c:i-csiii djücased Bleeding GirM3, Sokji Houth, C etc, have been eared by Dr Hard '8 astiijijont n Dr. Hued's Mooth Wash and Tootu Powdeji jfive an additional o ha nu to courtship, and mal; e hi in uro agreeable to their wives and Ivi's to íbeifhutb ;uds. They should be uaed by every person haviuj; Artificial Teeth which are liabletoimpart a taint to tbo mouth. Dr. Hokd's TooTiiAtHH dhoi'.s cure Toothache arlsiug from eKpOBed Qi e tho best frienda t ent.s eau have In the housa ti gav4 their eliiMivn from torture and tnemselves frpm tosa of sleep and eynjpaLhftic SUffi F-ríi::rs :mA .Mehtank. ! you c:nnot weM afford to neglect yor teoth. Jforatrrfiing snra, you öaa nbwgel ■rvaiivi-t tlian wiiich Rüthcbild or Utor C notbtng ■■u p. K.m. mher tha1 DYS1 KTSIA ard CON SUtóPlIOJi OF rHü) LUNGS ofte uriginate in' Neglect of Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth, and rcad Hr. Fitch's observations on this Subject. If too late to arrest decay ín your own teetb, .save jour chiidfeo'a teeth, NEURALGIA PLASTEES. Dr. Hur.r.s i i VJiiesive Piasters are the most pleasact and succossful itemedim ever prescribid for tbia painful dUeue, The patUmi appliei one, soon becomeB drowsy, falla s sleep, and ftwafces free rrom pain, and nó bllBter or oth èr tonpïeasant or injurio as confiequences ensiu'. Fop'Baraoha and NerToua Headache, oording to ciirectfoti j,ftud ralief will U n low. N'iili:nr cm be obtained eqnal to Dr. Hurda Uom'I ry theiq, They are fntírely a novel, curious, and original prep Ltatiod] and wondt rfully successfnl. Theyare-of two sies, dne Bmal!,for the face, pnee 15 centü,aiid the other Lar i-, fot application to the body, prtce 3T cents. JVill bemailcd on receipt of priee and one stamp. What are the Peoplc Doing ? The American peoplfl are intelligent enough to ajirrci&tepreparattona tha i h to the hap■:■.■. : . miil bnngs tts l.t-s, gofáe ordeflag Treal Tseth, gomé the Neuralgia PhK(erfl, and nota few en37 centh for the Mou th Vu .-; li t o ' ' ■ ■ m.iil ; luit io thtsi we aro oompelied to ïeply that il w mpossildo tn sond a half [ünt bottle by mafl, Thp peupk- want theM nmedies. WHO Wllth SUPPLY TIIEM ? Now is ilie CHANCE ÍOR AGENTS, fhrewtl agenta eau na il.r. a .small fortune in 6 aronnd tofailie.s. Tlie DsTai Trkasi; ItY in the nerftteíi ártinle thai a mafa til woman ean car ry arouod. E i -■'l, as saiujle, tOT W Agent SUpplied liberal!1, witu Cixculftrs, Now is the timo to go into Business ï to flo good, and mabe a prqüt. We .re spendtqj thuaandj for the beneüt of agenta. New tnglauU met ot romen ! hei i ,i;,i a chnoi the tide at ÍM ftood, A Wm. B. Hurd & Co., Tribuno Buildings, New York. Tjiat remitiai ■■ mflp wiíh coiifülLii'-c, V, I!. II. & Co. n-:,r lí' Mayor (. B;ook)yo ; t O. Y. Of.wma, I'ivshUni t'irmorn' sni CUímus1 Ban, Uroolilvn ; to J.,v. Cotk ,V, New Vurk ; to V. T. ÜAliM-M, i:.sq , New Vork, i't.v, etc. 941tf Sold nboloKale ftnd Rc-lalby G. .1. "Kask, tl GRB."N VII. Lh IlI I ÊR'3 Drug store, .uih Arbef Mteh.


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