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ii_ei. . ii iiiihi ■ !■■ ■ - mni B-g ín f S ' D. 1 " 1 !gi wj 4 i Pk "i ai o Í Lj b, &d SS Ê3 c0 L t a es ss ■L n g a j j f6'! ■ ! ■- H - , c □ wi "ö S rt fi ( a " 23 u il r o il u s h b r IMH121 Pa ,5g:,F CC d o =1 i i i i s H . P I 'af á I r, - W .9 . H IJ plS 8PLER'8 SAMBÜCI WINE, PUEÉ, AND FOÜB ÏEABS OI.D, Of Clioice Oporio Sambucu?, FOIt PHYSICUHfr' USE rU FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & IXVALIDS 1 -P Wem ï 't ".■"■ ■ . A.- L I "■' ? Every Htmiiv, kI thïi season, sliould tlio SAMIXCI WtMË, Celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficia! asa gentil.' ïtinuilattt, Tonic, Diurctic and Su dorïfle, hlgtly eat emed by eminent phmicïans, ■ European and American Hos] JÍ the firgl faiSllléB of Europe and Ainéïica. AS A TONIC, It has no equr.], causng an appctite and building up of tlio Bystetn befog enïireïy il pura wine oí' a valuablü f i uit. AS 'A IHURKTIC, If Imparta a healtHy actíon io the Glánda and Kidneys, I ( mi , v evy bcrieücialiu Pröps, duut,and Rheumatic affuctíons. BPJER'0 WIXE ís not íi mixture orihanufacturedárticle, but is pure, frora the jutoe of thePorttigftl Sambucus, eultivi New Jtrsej tw c . ■ ■ . .' . i Wine in ' 11 weak and debilitated pesous, and the and Infirm, Imj the appetitfi, and bene ' A LADirs WINE, Bocauíse it will not intoxícate as other wine, as íl contains no mixture of flpirii orll . ch, ]n'f.uli;ir flavor, and □ mpartlng healthy tone to the di i organ ran3 b ;, .soit and haaltby skin and complexión. AVE EEFER TO A few well Icnown gentlemen and physicïans , who have tríed tho Wijie: - Gen. WinfieldPcott, U H. A. V.r.y .. N. Y. Gov.M i, N". V. State Dr. Ward, N ;w irk, X. J Dr.J. R. " - fr. Dougherty, " " D. Parker, N Y. City. Dr. i ' ■ ',hia Drs. Darcy and Nïcbo'l, Dr. Dai-. j Ncwai-Uj N. J lUinoia. And m:iny otlierí too r.umorous io publísh; -. ,i ." . ■ j-MAKE OÜiC TRIAL OF THIS WIXE. sle by Maynard, Stebblns & AVllson, Aun Avlor. Frtr sale í?y W ■ ■ i T. R. Ppence, Ilenry ; ' ' ■ . .V I,. STnjonoQ u, OÍ ■■■:■■' also Agenti i■ - ijci Brandy of Oport. Brade supp led in Dotr it ífv JAS. A. PEKKINS & 00, A. GPELIH, Piopiietor. ic, New Jersey. OFFICE, "B08 Liruadu-ay, X. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Pai ia( 83imQ ■ for 1 ruuceaiká Germanj. O. BZjISS Ih now receiving a lare anrl well selected assorlioecif of Elocks9 Watches, J f ' 1 ff ■■: - '' " ; JEWELEY, Silver and Plaied Ware, TABLE AND POCKET T3 Tt J ET1 3BT-J -BH3 -E.Ï2. -T RAZ0R3 and SHEARS, GOLD Ï'EISTS Musical Instruments, St rings !f Buoks for Instruments, SHEET MUSIC3 CÖHB ai vnrit'iy of ■yAT-nCEÉ NOTIONS, (SíC. fie wmild eall particular atte&tiou to bis Ui i 6f SPECTAOLE3, of G;)'ji, Sllver, Steel, and Plalcd, with PERÍSCOPE GLA.SS, a superior artifle. A!. o Ikialinton h ' tu ated CALENDAR CLOCK! ■ for Offices, Ciiuniiücr lïoiMti These cl cka are relíable lime fecepem and ' . combini ; of the time . I . .-i ii'! day of tho in mtlij ncliHüng the UUi of Fehj Lary i year. ' ' e inostïy of récetit pttrchíi ■ 1 rk and the raauuiacttfrers, apd v bi tuíi the : wiih glasees oaa be accomodatecl, aa my stock ia larga .; plet?, L S. Particular fttteotíon to (Ilq R.EPAIEIIW 3r of 11 kinds of fin Watches, sdi as Muking and Setting new Jewel, Fiíiwns, Slaffs, and Cylindcrs. Aha CLOCKS, Sc LrEASAS31,K,r ueatly repaired nnd Vun-nntH, at hts uld standeast side oí Slaiq Streol, C. BLISS. Aun A i lio: , N'ov. 15, 18C1 P50tf j ' Oval Picture Frames AÜSKES, SIYUiS audPmCES just !■..,■. . feraale cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. lSOO.Dec.'-'", TSDtf


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