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MSBON & HENDERSOFS !PpS THE GENUINE S T O "V E3 - Wc wiah to êa-11 the attenlien ef the publio ,o tliis celebrnted COOKING STOVE! VTliijK is'lhe only pcrfoct atove raadc. It will do more l'iisincss wlth one tliird leas fuel tlian uiy otlier STOVE made. Frora tfstimor.y given by the persons referred to below, on account of its dmability and Fuel Saving Qualities, it has proved a saving frum Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. We would releí1 you to the fullowiiig list of PERSOSS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tappan Ann Arbor. I Jotin F. Millcr, Ann Arbor Pruf. Woud, ': J. Gilbcrt ïmitu " 1'rof. Wiiiclirll, " J.T. Aulls, " u a-s, I( Josepfa Wali.s, FeJch, " T. Wilklnson, " Martin, 'i Hrs. P. Ponton, " RiehM Hoopcr, ■' O. Stukkutf " Hen B F. GraSget, " C. A. Chupín. " ïiiard, " Cl:arle Tlmyer, " i bbins. " Muitin Clark, " L'. B. Wilsou, " i-l. A A , fown. Hra. O. Weloh, ■' Thomas Wod, PltfefleW. Mra. E T, WJUuuns,1' Alverston Drury , pin, " Jacob Polhemus, Scio. C. II. Wood. " N.C'. Goüdale, H Josepli W. Wood, " Mr. Feilen, Sharon. We huye on linud a large nesortment of the best kinds of Cuoking, Pnrlor and PL.ATE STOVES, and a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff for Carriagc work. Particular attontioii ptid: to fiiting m Envetrougli and Conductora, and all kinds of Job Work dona at the Shorteet Notice. RÏSDÜN fc HENDEBSOU. Ann Afbor, 18Ö1. Chicago Book Trade. The l'lace to Buy Scliool Boóks. WIIOI.ÊSAI.E Book & Stationery House. S. C. GRIGGS & CO, PUBliISH Sanders Progressive Readers, Kleetrotvpo'1 . with new amï origírxal IlLrstratíuna,. are tliemost beaqtit'u] ps wvil as the best boobs extant. I. Vaaders' Alpdabet Caras, 6 n a set, $ SOi ÉSph1] Charta, 8 on 4 carda, 1 50 TIT Sanders' Pfiatfary Speliiog Book, 12 IV. Sanders' New Spellqr and Uefiner, 15 V. SaQde.s' An&lysuof Engush WorJs, 50 VI. Bancler'a iJictun;il IVinior, (iwund) 12i VIL Sanders' (.'crinan and Primer 20 Vllf. Sanders' Hew First K.Mi!urr.. ---.,, 15 IX. Sanders New Secomï ïleailer,, .#.,- 30 X. Sanilers'New Third Rcruier, 40 XI. Sanders' NewFourth Reader, #, 65 XÍI. Sanders' New Fifth Reader, -..„. 75 XIII. Sanders1 Jíígh-Schcol Reader 88 XIV. Young lidies' Reader, 88 XV.Sandèns' Sehool Speaker,., 1 00 XVI. Bandera' Elocutionary Chart, ' 00 These readers are distingu3slied tm their strictty pro' haracttr and practical adaptationto Ilie young. 'liiry have been received witli unprecedented favor. au by no clasa more favorably than by Practical Tuauhera Who have tostad their merits i q the school room. lobinsou's Course of Iïïathematies.I1Y .1I0RATIO N. ROBIXSON", LL. D. Late Professor of Mathematica in the U. S. Navy. I. IÏ"'1 rimary Aritlimetic, $■ 15II. Boblns0n's Progressive Intellectual Ai-ith. 'h III. Robínsoa ata of rittan Arith. 25 IV. Robinsun's Progressive Practical Arith. 5& V, Rorjitison's Key to Practical Arithmetic, 50 VI. Ri ' ' ,-r AriUimotic, 75 VTI. Rjbinsoü b Kt y to Qigh Arithmetic, 75 VIII. Robinson's Mew 1 Lei ■ ..u v Algubra, 7 IX. Rubina on 's Key to KUir,. nüuy Algebra, 7.? X. RobinsDii's Uuivei---i:y AJgebr, 1 25 XI. Robinson's to L'nivci-iity Algebra, 1 00 XII Kubiiison' Geomt'try and Trigonometry. 1 50 XÜI Hobiuson's Surveyiiig and Navigatiou , 1 5Q XIV Rob:n.-on's Aualytical Geometry and Conic Sections, 1 :5i) XV üohinson's Differential and Integral Calculus 1 50 XVI Robluson's Elementar; Astrom my, 75XVIi KobiDson'a Unirersitj Aatronomy, 1 75XVni Robinson's Mathtmatical Operattons, 2 25 XIX Robinson's Key to Algebra, Geometry, Survejing, fce., 1 5ft Forminga FÜLL MATHFMATICAL COURSE, ombracing Arithmetic and Text Booka in the Highet Mftt}ittniitica. For extent of research, faeility ano aptnesspf illuslration, and practical u.sí'íulness, the authorof tMia series is aurpausd ty no mathematical writer in this country. Taia serias has been recommended by the bost JLithematiciana ïf# all secttons of the country, Gray's Series of Botauies, six books. Hitchcock's School Anatomy and Phsi-ology, $1. ïlitchcbek's Geology, one book. WelPs Grammars, ■ two books. Well's Scientifio Series, including Chemistry, Philosophy, etc Thrce books. Wilson's Series of HistorieSj five books; Pasquelle'a Frcnih Series, eigbfc book% Woodbury's Germán Series, seven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series af Book-keopmg} three books. Spencerian System of Penmausbipj'-nma books. And Iany otïitr Valunble Bauks.' Wholesale Dealers and Eetail 'Pureb a sers . Will fintl il our atore over Four Thousaad different artoaerji and The Uurjdred Thou.saiKJ Votumes oí bookflj trom which to makd tljeir fceiectiom cojnprisirj ; an assortmoc.1 uot rirftlud by aqy other buok houau in the Uuited Otates. S. C. GEIGGS & CO, Are Bpecial Acnts for Messrs. Harpor & Bro's Publications. " D. Appleton & Co's " " ïicknor & Ficld's " " Gould & Lincoln's " " J. ]3. Lippiuoott & Cü's " And furnish H iheir Bouks at Eastern prices for cash. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and C!;ip 'Papers, Blank Books, Pasa Books; And all kinds of STATION' EUY, at the Unvcst prieta. ËLVIKS by l!;e dozenpf I tfStrnnjjersnnd travck-rs rinfttng Cliieiigo -fiil find t intfieliuf; to liuger for ftO ln;nr aniil tlic intt-riniiuiblo nies of literatura at 39 aad 41 Lake Street. S. C. GRIGGS & Co'. Agents Wantect: $&T Fof fl co-itly anl vaUiable SubscfipltoD Corks, or iinv nntltí wol-I: upou Religión. [.itenUurt!] Seieoee, or Art, 4Mreaa 8. c. Gi;n:i.:s 4 co. please i:i:mk:..t.i-:i: Thatthere is no bookstore in Ihiscouaüy kcepiog ft Vtter f mare :'.r,i:'nt thaa ï' tiitfuj's louid at il) and J Late istreet. Rl'MI ■ Public or Pi diod witu ; .m i nnn bd ttr (erros tinto tu .-,( üj. l.ytt auc j.:iy ieiglii ï 1 mee, Teacher, rsUftU V; ■ . .u'lil of lettert, ■ '■ t to iMtii I i: f MnH't tl.i'ir place of r9Dft in ii.' ujcuis of i S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and K i Slationer. cagu. ■ ' r.. nsï.. TOilT. " THE BR] tpbd bj Olnoy Ilai bina, Kxq ., on Detroit al ree ■ is. -1 . ■ nu in B'uchos'i Hluck to ■ at a j-crj low u-ui, iima, iii to . of . - L.IÏ. BUCIloz. AnO Arl)nr. Ma'cli 3S, FGf. ..Vt' SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUST OlvTEÜS. ALIiacco0iift"ovev six ïifunttis m be Bottl4 ut On?' '',.'1:11 ■ l v Lip . of KüV tiooita Clienn for Cai. Bgltf UAYNARD , TfPPJK" & IVHfnx. TT 9s 353 SARATOGA E M P í K E WATER FOR Indi región or lyspepeift, Crni1:.( rtif n. Ncrvriiis 1 ' ( ' ï ■ i 1 ; t y , ï.'i.S-i nf ApiH'tilC, CumUlUll t'c'Ms. i!i-i;ir ttf Uu1 Lmigs. Keadaclie, nm 1-'. vorir-li tHle oí ibn MAYNARP, & WH50N .ind EBpROAGH CO , Aunjlrbor. I --


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