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Il ü RAG E WATERS, AGENT 3 3 .1 n r o a 1 v a y , Sí w York Pf.bllshcr anO Muslr Buoks Mi í::.ii:i: ].v Pirinos, Melrtáeono, Alexandre Organ ürgan Accordeons, Martin "8 celebrate il nul oilwr Q uitars, Viöline, Tonar Viols, Violincellos, Accordeon:-, Flutinns, Flutw, Fife, Trinngles,'C]firi inctts, Timing Foi ks.Pipea ;i!n' Üaiiuiicrs, Violin Bows, best [talian Strings, Bas Instruments for Bands, Piano 8 tooit", and covers, and all kinds of Musical Intitruments. S li o e t 3VI ia. S i o, from uil the publmliera in the l'. s., Rertini'ii t' ■ il, Btil] :iil kindfl of I :: - r v:. -::.,:i ]],, ,,];.'. fir iï:e abnve iiHtiiimi'iits; Cliurcli &luni? . ln'iinil; UuhQ papOT) allí all Lhuls oi Music M' i cb&ñdlsfl A t t bcLoivest Prices. New (Manos, At $17.r, $200, 26 Í250, aod up lo $900. Seeoiul Hnml Ptanofl frtnn S"J5 up to 160: New M $00, $76, $100, and up to $200; éecond Eland Mi ■ nino sto; $226; tnirti l n stops, $: 501 . $800; fiftcen8top,$3á0and $376; A tïboral di to Ctergymen, Churchea, Sabbatu Schoot and 'yVm.ln.-r. lhe 'Iruao sapplïed at the usuM trade discouotfl TostlmonSnls of tTie Hornee Water Planos and Mi'IotlcoTtf). John Ilf'wctt, of C&rthago, New York, wlio hu had one of BoraceWatera ranos, w ritetas foiloiv.s: "A fricml of mino wishes me to purchase a placo oí her. tibe US ffae one ven koIcI ; , , ■ M_v pteao Iftbeoomlñg poptrtrtr n íí: cnii [ntrodoct mir or two more; Ihej m:H tw more popu!:;:■ !u".d r.r otber IQaUn (lWe have two of TTaters' Pianos in ase in ourSemi n.u-y, ons oí' wlii-h hu beon norero)v tested for thrce rears. and wo oan Isstify i" thcir s '"ij qualftj j:i"i durabillty." - WoíhI & Urwory, Aívvirf Carrol!, íit. "lí, Wa4cM, V'. - Dk kK Sir: }1 Fing u tüíoneof your Pianofortes ftr ttroycu i.ii. 1 bave IVtntid íta?rj tuptriot ItiLir:trnf?'t.' AtX%0 GKaT, l'rirr-ipnl Brooktyn fífizhts Snn:ijrt. "Tlie Piano I rcceiveil from yon . - -;vo nnt. Isfaotloo. 1 rci?M it a- nnp f the lt,NÍ iostriuoenta ;d tbc place. " Uaise ) larkb, Chxrlnton. Va. "1 be Mslodeon br-; safely arrived. I feo) oblífftd to yoa fory dur liberal difeount." Bey. J. M. ICcComack, '''lite iros ílnly rfeoíreJ. Itcimo in exctl!pnt f-oiniitioii, u.iv is vt-rv nnuh admlced by ipj nuxncrom l;imily. Aoépi niv atantes for your proiBptiiew." - ROBTHtT CoopfiK, Vdrrrhamy Brarfjocd Co. Pn. uYour piano pioMOn un irelt. It Ih the bofd one in our county.',- TnoiíaS A. I.atiiam, Canpr.llon, O. "We Étfe Tcrr mucli obligedlo you FotIiatIiib sení Bncfc fi IIin inutruiaentforttóO."- B4UNK,nuí Co., Bfó! Dtmocrat. 'Thfl H'irafp Waters plnoare knnTrn as among ítuvity best We ara BBfkbiéd to ftpoatc "f tliese instmmenta wltb oonfldenctj, Froni pononal knowlttdc of tht'ir ex pllentlpn and durable qaality." - A'. Y. EvangtliH. "We can B)feat of Ihe mortta oí" Ihe Hornee W era plnni" fi 'iii pfr"nftl knowledge, ns Iwing the very fiutst qoal t ■■"- Chrirtton FnMÜiffencrr. "The íloraoé VTatera pianos are onllt of tho best nn'1 mu-i titoroughly neasoned material. WehaTooodoobl that buyers con do M wcll,perbnp8 bettor, ;it tfafitthan at any otfaerhouee in the uolon." - Aévocau anéJonmti. 'r.' .:i-v' pianos and melodeona ohfllleoge oomparison wlth Uw ftaesi uade uu} wbore ia tUo oouotry." - Home Journal "Borace Wators' r;Hn Portea are of full, rioh nml eren too, and powerfful - if. - MhxímI RrreK. "Our friendswHl liitiíi at Mr. Watcre' atow Ihe vrry bestawortmentof líwic aud v,i Pianos tobo found in tüi' United Stftteí uul we urgeoar soutnern ;u 1 western friüiuU tu glTö hkO ftoftll wboufvor they o to Kyw Vd.m- Qrahatn's Alogazine. Warchouse S33 Eroadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, l()0,O0r lsscc:! lu ten ModOis. Tlic nnprwrílpntpfl fnlc nf Iliivboo1 ha teíSeed thp pabltshOTto addwMB 3'! hw taneaAndhymus tofta pn nt i, ti extra clwrar. c i't nn the cliettp octlion- Aiong Ihomanj beautlful tuw a'! hymnn ■.■!- I m.iy be found:- "1 ooght tt lovo my uoother;" ") rl be ñodchUd, Indócil will." Iliose n4 eirtt oOwra frem Uw Ull.wcro nui kt the Emilay Bobool Anniver. ;iry i.f li 51. E. Outrcli t thc Acadcñy of Mu-ir, i.ii ereai ftplaiic The Bell cottftinB nearty 260 turna aod bymns.aM is onc of Om best collcctiona erírissued, Prtoe 13o H0 per bnnáwd, postule 4c Klegantly bmunl, kmbonel Út, '-'"-. ?-' pra l'JO U bas bceu iutroduccil lato many of tho PuWk Sol .N. Tho i e i H pttbliahed in small numíKT1' entltlwl AnniwnarjandSmdsy Sohool Htisfe Books, No. 3,2, 3, & 4. u i lertocoiiip"JtetUmUBon;prli$2fc í por hundred Ko. ö wBl jMMnï iiwuod - coiwnenertnent ol tnother bwA. AUo, Revira] Hiwlc Book, Ñ6. 1 si, priex $1 : 82 P'T 190, BOltag lo. More tlia.i 300,000 cupif of thc abore boóu h:tvc hn íik i tlïo pnvt eigfatfien raonth, and the deuiauü iimiUUy ucicaviu PubiUhed bv HOIUrE WATERS, Aspnt, 3Ü3 BrqadvVi rIfo-ÜÍT E.'Xi3L5SÍO, Publisod by Iloraco Vators No. 333 Broadway, ííew Yorh. Vricnl "Elnd Woraacan neTerdie" "Tho Angelí told mo so;" "Wndsoftho West;" "W jhts of God;" ''Git me back my Mountain Home;" "lïay D "Dsnd; Cook Roblo;" "l'm r'h tlH;"Pe1 "Tbero'siio áarilng Mka mine :" (Safah !. er of thoo;" "l'm leavinethee ñi Sorrow;" "BM of Beauty;" "H 'm(s of onr Wrth" ''ííravecf Ri;sabel,'' and 'Wako, lí'lv, wuke, prico 20c each. ' lN.-iui MtiMAT. - l 'Palace G;inlt-n, or Sinsing Bird (0e; "Swlnging Bchottiathe;" "Mirabel Sohotr tiaoh;" Thoma j!;:''-í Schotlische;" 'Ticoolominl Pollia, 86 cpüí t'ni'h. abovapleceshaTebeautifo] Vlgnettee "Wolmcr Polka;" "Arabian 'ai ery I 1 ,; "VaanoTÍanna Dbniells Mazurka; f%Real.' tng IJl;;i;" "CrlnoUno Waliz," aod "Lancei' Quiv Orille," 56c ''The Empire ir Reicb'a Quadrille;" a ni'w dn:icc, an;l t[ThL' Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. Uanyofthwe placea a played by wker's otebrated er.-j I ra with Rioat applruse.JtSF' Mailed freo. A l of Foreign Mu.sic at half price. Pianos, üfclodeons !"1(' Orgaus. The Borace Water Melodeon, Tur doptli, puritj oftonejiud dnrabflity, are unaarpassed. Mcei ery !■-■ Sec ind Hand Pianos and klelodeonn Froi . $160 Musió and Musical InRtructlons of all kind8}attlie lowp.n ntices. HORACK WATERS, Agent, No. :■ . V. Y. TlSinfONUlS; - (íThe Horaco Wateñ Pianos are known as amollé tilo yoiy best.' - T.vaneUst. "Wecan Bpeafa of their mei-ilu from paxsonal kno.vlüiljro. "- Christian Tníchrgcnecr. : : s t :. ■ Fair ' iplayed graater oxccllonce -"- Clmrcliman. Watv.s' riano. and Mc'oóeons ohallengeoomparlsoD with tho Anaat mads anrwheréln th oowntry." - Homt Journal. "1'-'tr NEW. GOODS, 8easo2iable Gocds3 CIIEAP GOODS, For Cash., BAGH PEERSON llave jusi opened a clioioe stoele of Winter Goods, Bought for Cash AND TO BESOLD FORGASH nt snob pricr ns will maleo the biij-ors Iftllgh at tho uien of Had Times. Tlie stock ineludes a choicc lot cf LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTII3, GLOAKS, SÜAWLS, ÜKOCEKIES, &c, &e. lío-w is tho timo to buy your Winter'a upplies. BACH&PIERïOIi. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, lLGl. LÖÖMÏS & TRÏPP, Succeisors to Chapín ás LooraiSjntulChapin, Tripp A Lootnis ■ .- - O -'■■ ItlHEabove flrm of LÓoml fie írlpp haring purc&uet the entlre interest of tho forraei comp&aiefl wll! ooattouvthe-buftinessai theoW utande.vhere tbey wül be readjT) " Uiesliorícst aotloe, tu lili all orden in thc lino ( Castings and Machiuery, ín the most worignanlilu manaer, aad on as libera terms iü5 any othtt stop Inthfl State. Amonp 'tho vari ons iirlick'MUíinufiioturnl liv ust c w.mM fir.miorate STEAM ENGJNES of all kiruls; Mili Gc-nriiiET ftnd Fixtuxes, wronghtand cat; all tho vnrious oastingfl for QJaking an repalring Ilorse Powers & Thrésbing Machines laúb Bf aro at pre?ent, or hnve fornifrlybfpn in uso in thüi parí of tbe State, s well u ;ill tlie rarloas khtdj oí and macUiao otk calledforby fanoerf {and nK'cIi:nnos inthí.s seetlon of the country, of nli tho vayioiii patterns, up In sises and prtces, will be lioptconstantly un Uam3, got tho nïost modern ami hnp) m .i1. slylcs. Thankful for r.trmcr patronage tolUeoTd Snmuve woni'í goHcIt a contlnuance from oíd frlonds, and a tria! bv nll wtshlng foranyUiing in onr linenf bustnelw. LÜOXHS k TK11T. Ann Arbt:r,May 18thb18ÖÖ. ftOTrf


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