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GREAT.GÏIEATER GREATE8T BAIíGMNS F. VER OFFERED ... !n tliiïCity, nre uow beiügoffered at tho OHKAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & J O 757 Ú X 2y ÍS t E3 I O- npHESbcrlber onldaaj I" theoitlzonfol Ann Ar I borj'i particular, nnrl ihr rert oj Wnvhtenaw Cnnntr In cenernl. Oial hbajuM l.Mi'OIU'KD piKKCTI.Y frora KI'ROPK.n Trernendo'js Stock of Watchos! All of whlch lm blode lilmselfto all CIIKAPER tha. c; hf1 bought v.'ost of Krw York 'ity. Open Taco Cylloder Wmches trom SG to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 91 Hunting ;■ do do M to 35 do ño Cylinrter do do iï to 28 .;■ ! I W ir ■' i i from 20 to 100 1 l.ave nïo trifi CELEBRATED AMER'CÁN WAT CHES, whlch I w!Jl atín (tr $35, r.vf-ry Watch warronted to perfurm wel!, or tin: mon?y refnnded. C]c!ce, Jewelry, Piatnd Wnr Fnnry GooíÍa. GoM Pn, Muticul instrumenta ani St rings, Cutlcry, &c, nnd in fftet n vnrli-ty of t-vcry.'hii'u Uciially Vrpt y Jf w eli:r can be htHifrhtforthc ot-xl nionty days t T'iitr O W N I' R I C ? S ! Persone buyinp w,ything nt thia wt 11 known etb lietrTue nt can rcïy apon t-rring goix f :Mty s reprcont' ñ, or themoriT refundid. Caïlearly and secure the bt-sï bnruain t;vf'r oifbrtrd in tblf City. Om; word in regard to Repaiftag : We nv ftrepnrod to mnVd ïny repairs onfino or comino:! Vi ■ i ■ ■■ ■ ■ tn.ikitii r, er the. rnrirn wnteb, lf nrcpfFtry. Repulrtng of Clocka r.i Jrwr-lry na OiuiO. Afeo tbc roxnufoctarii c ol RTNOS, RROOCUP, or naythirv des Ired, from Cnltf rnl5oTd onebortno ttcfi. Enrjr(ivlre in ftll its t'raucht;Bexeettted wü! nra;. DettftnddUpfttcB, J C. WATT?. Ana Arbor, Jn. 28th!g59. 7S4 Important ï-iatiocal Wcrks, PubUahed bj D. AI'l'UJuN & CO., 346 AND 348 BROADWATKEW YORK Th" foUoviog works are wontto inbscribers in any part of the uouutry. (mton receipt %i reffl priee,) hy mn'ü or expn Tlifcl B BW AflüCRIAlf CYCT.OP'EDIA: A Popular Dletionary oí General Knowledg, Edited by Gw. Ritlbt Rod CiiARisa a. Jiana, ftfded by a emneroas lect crrjis of writersiaaU bnsehra of Sciences, Aii aml Ltterëture. Thia vork U b6ing ptiUnhed In alxnit lí btrge octavo Tolumeft,eacb oootain ug 75Otwo column pflgefl Vol.. I., II.. Hl., IV. V., VI., VIL, VIII., k IX. ai ïinw ri'lv, eacb oontunlBg neai 2.f00original iri cl-. Au addltiOBAl wiil bc publi.shed once i u aboat tnree Dauntlui. Pric6jinCkÜi,t3; Sheep, S3.50; IIlf Rustía, $4.fiO r;i cb Tbe Xpw Araerfean rycTopilín i popular withontboiny euperfieial, learaed wfthoDi beleg pedaatlc, compre licnsln bo( Bufflciwitly detaüed, freefron i eraoaal pique and ptirtj prrjn'lic, fre-h aml yvt accurate. Tt U A complete stÁtement ofU tbat i koovn upon rvervimporiaot topic uiiïiin th% scopeof buman intell%ence. - Evory ImportftBt nrtJcle íd it biu been specially vntten f"r i(ü pages tv men lm aufborlties opon topic on witich tlt'T vpcak. Tbey are requirotíto brmsf the labject ip to tlif present moment; to state just hou it Rtaada now. AU the Btattetlcal Information U from the Intest rojmrts; theffeograpbioal uccounirt keep pnce with the latest eKpiorafioiut; uistorieal matten inclade the fii'ï.liosi ju-; riews; Uie biogtaphical notioea e4 ak nol only of Ihu dead but also of tUe living. It is a hbvavy of tself AïiïllDGKMEXT OF TUK DEBATES OF COBTOAJKSS Bemg aPoHtical Htstory of tbeUolted Btates, from ihf organbatiOD oftne,flr1 Federal Cpnffreesin 17H1' to 1850. Editedand compilf-d by iïon. THo, Makt BsSTOXpfrom the 'ftici;il Records of Congress. The worfc will becompcBted In ib roya! octavo volumes of 7i0 pagMeaoli 11 f wbicb nr now rendy. An addilfonAi volume irtll bo pnbUhed onee ha tniöemonths. Cloth(l$S; Law Sheep, Half Mor., $4; ilali Calf, S4.r.i .-ach. A WAV OF PKÖCÜRTNG TUE CTCLOP.EDU 0RDEBATE3 F'rni a club of four, and remit tbepriceof fourbooks, un'! flve copies wiH be sent ;it theremltter'fl expenjiefor earrioge; or fox ten Bubscrlbersi eleven copies wiil bp gent at our expeupe for carriage. To Agrui. Xo other work wiil go liberaïly rewanlthe exortions (if ygents. an a.kst waxtku is raiOouMTt Tenna madeknovn fn application to the Publiüher.s. A'in ATbor, Waroh. E860. 6ftO2amt "?i Hfv TB08. Vrk;ht, agent at Kiace & Smitlis Pook Btor! Ypsiïantï. C!ackwood's Magazine AND THE Britisb Reviews. GBEAT1XDCCESEST-SCBSCBIBE! PREmïülïïS and REDUCTÏOIVS. L.SC0ÏT&OO., KEWYORK,coDtiou to pujilish the follewing leüdioff British Perodicals, vil; 1 THE LONDOK Qï'ARTERLY (ConsarTativo), 2 THE EDÏN'BÜRGÏÏ REVIBW (Wbig), 3 THEHORTU BRITISH REVIEW (Tree Clmrcli). 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKtfOOD'S.ERINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). Tho present eritioal state of Earopean aftifci wiil rondt r tl pul i na unasually lutei ■ : 'a ■ ['■■;■ Uc min -'. j ' They . . grounií I Dpectrtal ■ ■ oaors of tlie ■ ■ atul theponderous Tome of the future iiistoriaa, wrilten after the . tt and excEtexueni of tuo great evento of tho time ftbaU bare paraed away. It is to these PoriotHcalg taal readers must look fop the ooiy realty intcltigible and reUable history ol ctu'ivni cvi-ni. juni as suco n addition to theic well cstnblihbed literary, acfecttSc, and tlieoloffleal ennracter, ■■ thi in upon tbe oí n lurattonof tlie reading pul The receipt ol Advance Sheets from ; -■ British pablisht ra vivís additlonal v:üuo to these Reprtnts, I fnasmuch ;i tbey can dow be placed in tlio luiuds of i nal editious. TËltMS. (Regular Prieea ) Per ftBD, Forany oneof tho four RevieFA, - - ■ $3 00 For any fcwo of -.- fout Reviews, - - - 500 For any three of lbo four Reviews, - - T (.0 For all four i ■ , 8 00 For BïacKwood a BttAgazine, - 303 i ■ it w, - ■ - 5 0-1 For Blackm . 7 03 ■ . - - - 9 00 ForBlactcTi m 1 and the four Reviews, - 1000 Moncy eurrtnt in the State whtre issucd wiil bi i at par. PO STAG E. The Postacr to any part of tho United States wiil be but Twcníy-fourCíiit a yeur lor " Bl?kv emd bat lourtecu Cents a year for eich of tüe ReHevs. &t the above prioes the Toriodicals will bc furnished forl802. AND A? A Premium to New Subscribers, tho Nob of tbe same PerfodloaJs for 1860 willbefi i complete, VUAout ádd'uional ckirge. i i ai ral nUigasInet of the little by age. IJenec, a fuU yca-t of Uie Ños. for 1860, may beregar I rftluable as for 1862. Subscriben wi hing al o the Nes. fr 186f, tvüI ha BQppíied at the tollOWlüg KB I ABS. Splendid OJlers for 18C0, '61, & '62 Together. Fr Blftckwood'a Magazine, the thrco yenrs, S5 00 For any one Review, " ll .r (0 .:■.■ twoReviews, - - " " 8 00 For Blftckwood and one Review, '■ (í R CO For Blackwood andtwo Reviews, " " For th roo Reviews, ..." " J 1 00 For i Ihree Reviews, " " l-'ï 00 o fourRcvlcwi, ( " V-w For Blackwood am' the tonr Reviews, " 1" 00 Any of tho above works wiil also bo furnifthcd t'} -Ntta Sub$cribtr$ for the T arlgöö-?, 8 and 9, At Oue Ilaif the Regular Subseription Prices. Tltu a XtifíSnbfcríbrr may obtain tho Roprlnts of thi Four Reviews and Blaoktrood, Soven Consecutivo Yoar for $37 ! ! ! frhlcb ïi bni Httlcmore thftn the -rice of the orinal ;■:,,■ :. . for ime year, Aüwoslüili Dovcragiiln bp liketyto offer such inducei . nrÉoented Mow is the time to Subscribe ! ! Jü lïomittiuif'Oi must, in all OOMS, be DUkdQ dircnl tothi Pub ishers, l'urat tlie.SL'p ricos ■ . ion can b ■ a Uowe í i" agonfa. LEONARD SCOTT h CO. No. : . . Xow York Ann Arbor Marble Works. KatcliolöLor fT AS on hail :i lino issorLuiciit ►! Amorioas nnd 1TA L 1 A N MA H B L L whichhcis itreparcJ to niAnufacturc into T O M B NSOÍfíS fifgO TABLES nallthnlr nrfeUes, nd In s V(r,KM.WI.IKK marnier IImjiv.1 ha4 copádemblo oipiii'nro Is the ln iit'tv.- WAnell that ho wlll le ableto plean all who may raTr me ritb thrir orr'cry. His pricc L O W AS THE LOWEST. llioso wi-iliinc; any thinï in my ure repectfnlj toiltedtooaU. D.C.RATCllKl.l.Kli. Ann Arluir. May iO. ISf.l. 80IU Dissolution of Copartership. ITotlbe is hèreby (i'vc tliat theedpartnershtp of tlio undersigned ander thu name ol Benitos & A bol, is dissolvcd. All porBÖna ndebt?d to snid oopartnership, wiil pfrose cflH at once and adjuftt the ssma bv cash or note. HIRAM J, BEAKES, SYUrESTERAIJKL. DnUd, Mnrch 15th. 1F62. Gv?U.


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