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Estáte of Fohcy, Minors. STATE OF SflCKEÖAN County of Washtenit At a Beuion of the Probate Court for the Coüut ■ ashtenaw, kolden at tlie Probate Office, in thucit Ann Arbor, on Mond.iy, the thirty-flrst dáy of March ■ rone thousand eigbt hundrW and mv 'l Frenont, Thomaa Ni ode, Jndge ut' Probate in ti0' : Matter of Estáte f John Fohey, Jr. ' Miel i Foher, David Fohey, James Fob ey, Uien Kohey aiü b Fobey ■ mino, ' "" : Üii rtiacmg o ful ñliua 1he petition duly verifica f Thonias Earl, Guardian of sair'.midorá, praying that b may be liceiwd t sfll all the rlght, fetlo aña interest ' of said minors in certain real catate iu sald petíUon (u scribt'd. ' Thereupon it is Ordcred, That Friday. the rccob-í f day of May nekt, at teu o'clock in th f ore nono, be m I for the hearing of sald petition, and that the nfri ' of kin Of Mld minors, awl all trtWÏ persons ntcr Wted in raid ëflt&te are requfred to appear at . sessión of sald Court. then to be holdca at thi Probate Office, in the City of Aon Arbor, iq judCounty and show cautie, If any there be, why tho prayei of the petitioner shouM not be granted: And it i furthtr Ordered, t at Baid IVtitioner give notice to the w-r .- ted in said estáte, oí the pondéncy ui wii i jiutiiion and the hearing Iheicof, by oaueing r copy „f this order to be pobtfshed In the MtS&igan Argu$ n i riïitf.] and oircuUting in .said County' of ■Wa.Nhten%wT foir 8UCC3sive weeks previoua to aaid dtv of hearing. (A truc oopj.) THOMAS NINDE, Jadge of Probata. ' " - - ■■■ ' - - Mortgago Sale. DEFAüLT harlog been made in thó cbndïtion of i mortgage made by William W. Auninand Klr.ia M Aanlnto Charles Moore, Délos Shovrerinan, and Km,! tus Sam&on, dated February lütli, A. D. 1857, record-d in the office of Register of Deeds for the County of HTa&hteAatr, Michigan, February 21st, A. I). 1Ö57 atí 0 Vloek in tho forenoon. in Uber U3 of morteoge mm ■ and which mortgage, by wnting, dated January flat, ló'i'J, waa assigned oy said inortgagccs tu Akmíy Clark, undertitif-d; and the said assigament thrvf reeordedoi . of it date at nu and a ialf o'clock in the afternoon, [n the s:iii Register 's office in Liber 48, oi mortgngespage 735: Üpon whichanit! gage ther ia claimed due and unpaid at the date of thi notice thu suni ol oine bundred ninety thrce dolían ;ind three cents, anJ the furfher tnstallment of 1 bree hundre] eighly-tbree and 33-100 dollars with interest from February 16th. la,tt past, to become dnc otftf y(-.-.r Irom tli" l;ixt named uate, and no snit or proceejat law have been instituted to recover the nione? atoresaid rlaimed due or any part thereol: Nuticeir thdtefore hereby gïven tbat by vlrtue ufa power ia' ■ ontaioed, in order to realie the aroonrt now claimed aa aforesaid due on said mortgage togetfc er with the interest accruing f rom the dn te hereof aai iré proTÍded íor in said mortgan I sliallrtellíit public auction to the higheat bidder t : the front door of the Cuurt House (the pJace of lioidinu the Circuit Coart for Wanhtenaw Couaty) in the cityof Ann Arbor, iu said county, on the Ü8th day of Jut next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the premi, ses in said moriego desenbed, sitúate in Washtenaw County to-vli: All that cfirtain tractor parcel of land, kuowo ; and le.scribed as foliowa, to ivit: The north -east quarter of section number twenty (20) in township number foor south of range No. four (4) east excoptitigandre st-rving always f rom the operaüon of lhia intrinntnf ut fort y ono and a half acres from the south end tlioreof herctotore convoyed by Ephraim Gilbert and . nali Jenkins by dfted dated May 7th, 1850 (for descrip. j tion of which sec said deed)! Also excepting and ra! werving aboutthree acres of said quarter section here. tofore deeded t Janv-i Crampfon: Also exceptiug iud reservin ninotcen (10) and tliree-tenths (310) acrei of aaid qua"! ter section heretofore dceded to Rubia ïïiuwiK-ll: At excepting and reseryinif alwmt twelr acres of the north east corner of said quarter sectioa heretofore sold and deeded to John Milis, makiiig cf leaving the :nnount of land hereby conveyed about niiH-ty four (94) acres be the Same more or les: Al granting and eoaveying hereby to the said parties of th second part, thoii heirs or amigan, all the rights aiH] privileges which said party of the tirstpart may haveof of raising water and flowing lands for u?es and puipiises of propelliug machinery for mili or fíf air ' othcr purpuse. ALONZO CLARK, Assignee. E.B Woop, Att'y for Assignee. Dated, March 20, 1802. 815td Alortgage Sale. DBFAULT haring beer made in the condition of t mort ga pre made by Wiltiam W. Annin and EIma M. Annin to william R. Bartlett under the name and stvli of William Bar i Ie tt, dated August 23J, A. D.' 185C, nj: ; ■] November 5th, A. i. 1856, at ono o'clock, P. M., in the office of Register of i eeds, for Washtenaw Coun tv, Michigan, in Liber 3 of mortgages, r;iiTL1 117: and assigned by said mortgag c to the multrsigtifl, Alon Clark, by wriring, dated December iSth, A. D. lSfil.and recorlfd March 24tb, A. l). 1862, at eight o'clock n tii fore noon in aaid Register's ofRce in Libt-r 23 of myrtt -:ige 117, upon which mortgage there is clahvei due and unpaid at the date of this notico the sura at one hundred and flfty ne dollars and Btxty cents, and no snit or pr)coeding at lawhaving been iti.stituted for the reeorery of saï.l debt ecured by saia mortgage or any parí theroof Nttice therefore u hereby givcn that ontheSth day of June next at two eclock in theaf ternoon by viriue of a power contatned in said mott1 1 orde r t o rea h ze the sum of nv ney now aaid oa sáid mortgnge together with in re rest accruing and costs of lureclosure proviiied for in said mtrrgage, I Hhall geil at public auction t thahighest bidder at the front door of &e Court Uoue (the place of holding the Circuit Court for Wah tenaw County) in the city of Add Arbor in said county, the pi emmers in said mortgage describe, viz.: AU tbat cf rtwin tr.ict or parcet of land known and described ai foUowa. to-wlt. Ëituated in the township ui Itridyewater, in the county of Waabtenaw and Stnto of Michigan, known as being a part of the north -cast quarter of tection numï'f-r twenty, in townshipnumber four south oí range uumber fur eflfit '. beg inning south one degrn andtblrty minutes oast ten chatas and aixty links fron quarter poat in north line of said eectioo, twf-nty at a certa f n jrwllow öak tree,ruaxtlBg thenee along quarter MuitU one degrt'c and thirty minutes east i chatos and tïiirty-eight links to a ctuke ':a FÜghway from which a yellow oak tret bears aorfi thirty Ui ree ■■r oiiC half degrees east fifty iivelicis, theoce oorth seventy ninc degrees and thirty minute ■ chains and fitty links to a yellow oak te marked, thence north ten degreett.weat oinety-ftVe Bota to .i stal;?, theoce north sixty nine derees east nine cliains and sixty.-two links to a atakft, thenee north fifiven chaina and fifty links to n rtain thorn trteor baan Btaading on tbe south bank cf EUossaleer Uillsmill ï nd, thenee along tbe bank or -..;'! p ud; l t high water niiirb, to place of bginninp:, opntaínlng atDetwo aerea and three-tenths ol au acre ui land. The above described coursea are estimated from truc nwridian allowaneet being made of two degreea lor varUition of needie June, A. D.1851. ALONZO CLARK, Awign #."3 E. I' Woop, Att'y for Assignee. Dated, Maroh '24, 1862. S4"ifl Estáte of Josiah R. Sloat. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, waA'. a sessi n ot the Probate Court for the County of oav, holden at tïie I'robate Office, in the Ctf I of Ann Arbor, on Toesday, the twenty fiith lay of March. in the _wrtr one thousarl eight hundred and six! j two. Preseal . Thomaa Ninde, Judge f Probate. matter of the Kstate of Josiah K. Sloat. late of said county, deceased. On readinjr and filiog the petition, du f reilfled, of Mary Jane Sloat prnying that admiatstration of the &tate of aid ileceased may t granled to hei tíary Jane Sloat or_to somc othör Ttu renpon it ia Ordéred, Thr.t Frïday. tbe eighteenfh day ef April next, at one o'clock in the afu-rnoon, b I tor lbo htarii.;: of 8í6 petition, aud thnt the heirs at lawofsatd deponed, and all other persons intor esfe ' 'n said estáte are requlred to appear at a sessionof said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, ia the Qty of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, it anj there be, why the prayer of the pfetit.ontr should not bo granted. And 11 liütlier OrdereO, thatsAld PeUtionftr pive i ïona inUreáted in said estat, -t tt . of s;;!1' petition, and the hearing thereof b . m! tiiis opler o be pubhshed in th ïigan ArgltSj a nowspapcr printed anti circulating iöfcid County of Washtenaw, three uuccessive weekl previous t' s;ii-l day of hearing. (A tae copy.) TUOM.AS NIXDE, Judgoof Probate. MORTGAGE SALE. DKFAUIA' having been maflo in tho payment of ft eertaini . arm; date the 26th lay of Octo1 ar, A. 1).. l-.'. executeá ly Jeue P. Gillet o Almolri H. i. Pratt, ;n:(i [iecorded in the oilico of tlie Register of l)ccfïïj and Mortages of Wiishtenaw County, on the y ■ f November, A. ] 1858, at lOo'clock, A. M., td in I.iber 25 of Mortgages on page 92, said moTtgagewas dulj :s:!.n("n the 'itiili day of October, ! A. D. 18, bythe saidAlmond 11. M. Pratt to Sally Pralti I wliicli said assiptnment wun duly recorred at the fam ! sai. time aml place of tho recoriing of said imirtpuw, on wliicli roortuge thcie is claimed to be due at the date Of this notice, the sutn cf three hundred an 1 twoniv livf aollara $335,00) principal, and eTeniy-three a" C3-100 dollars ($73,0:) ntrest, making in all the sum of thrcv hutdred :uul ninaty-oight and 63-100 dollars, ■■ .io) , and no snit oi proceedings at law haring been nstituted to wcover tbe gaine, or any part tbereof!- Notico is hereby given that by viriue of a 'power of ale containefl thereln, nn Tlmrsday. the 24th day of Aj'ril, ■_, at tvvclve o'clock, noou, of said day, t n fi-imt doorof the CourtHouse m tlie city of Ann Atwt, ha belog the place lor holding the Circuit Court for tïe Wld CouotyJ there will be oíd ( nuWc auction to the hlghest bidder tho mortgaged premlae aforewld, orso much (bereof aa sh.ili bo M nJ to tetlsfy. theamouat due on wid mortgage irith Interest, and the costand xn-n-es aüoivcl l)v laï'. for the fbreolosrng the snnie: iaid pretnteesan ■ tollow, to-wit; AU Ihat trar.t orparcelof land sitúate In the townnhlp of Manchester, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, viz: Commencing on the noith-M'est corner of the simth part of north west fractional one ousrfer of aectloo six, township four aouth of raiiKO three east. thenee on the line east onuid lol totheoEBtrofriyerBal8inöiencuptM centre of said rivcr to the centre of Marsh Brot.k, thenee along the centre of saM Marsh Iirook to tho centro of Territorial Road, thenee wwtto the south east corner of landsown -Ounn north of thcTerriton! Hom! thenee north to the centre of said river KaMn, ,-,„,„',.. ■ lib.-ai.l river Baisin to tlirCounty Une uppoied tobe the place of beginninff, contamina tweñtV twu C--) ■■cios .f laru!, be the name more or lesf, ■ale m irtgage béing giTen to secure part of thepurchase pricK of & said land. uy A,signee. & Aiims-tkoxo, AUorneys for Assignee. ..laniuiry20,18. 83Cwl2 Mortgage Foreclosure. DEF VT'T T bfcvtog been made iu t'ie opndition of a mortgags exccuto.l ty Calvin T. Fillmorn an4 Uaranda nis wlfe, lo lutlior James, dated December lst, ■ H M7 and recnr.led thi'next ihiy at fifteen minutM liast two o'cloci 1'. II., In Liber M of Mortgitges, at pago 157 In tUe Hfiuter oWe la Wahtcna county, by which defiuill the power nf sal containe.l in said innrl■n hi-amc operativo, and no snit or proceeding havlnsbe ■ in-tituto.l ai law to recover thodebtsecured by aaid mortgage o anj part thereof, and the suni of Bix hundred and forty dollars belng now clanned tobo duothereon. NotlceBl therofore hereby given. that the said mortgage Will be foreclosed by a salo of the mort,., t prcn&es, to-wlt: "Tho Northwest quarter oj ,. .„n N„. uventythree, in Township two Bouthof iScio.ln said county and State, excentlncr the Eswt Blïty acre of land of said ' section," or Bome part theroof, at public vendue at the Court UouiO In the city ..f Ann Arbor, on the twentj aixth daj of A„ril JAMESi MortgaRec. Patel,.Ian. :01h. A.D.,18aa 83, tf. C1TVTKOF MICHIGAN.- Snit ponllng n the Circuit O Uoórl tor th Connty of In Chancery. BeforoHon E.Lawrence, Circuit Jndge at Chambor, ■.';,, ,r ! l'v. i .■!. Cosr.pliitnaiit, vs. üeorse Evfrett. D. rondant. It saUfctorllyappearlngtothe und.TMRned, byaffldavit. that tbe defenoant In tW canso, "Mide out of this Stat, on nwtionof L. U. Nonto, Miottar for Complalnant, II U orderod that tho said dofondjint cauM lus apsearaneeln this cao e tobeentejfed withio thrmontTlroí the dte ol thh order. And .tl furth( ,. . ■ Kitllin tweaM .lays thecnmplain. ant cause thi. order to be ,n,Wished ,n the Mle' Ar 'ik. r newspai orpublUhed in ald eonnty, nd toa - cUpobUcatioiibe continued In aid newspaper, at leastonce in i 1 reek for wk in sci, ' ., oftbl. order to be P""?'L n.L.ut. at least tw.utv days bfor tho prxrribod ior liis „.._„- W --Sr CompbinantV ScUetto '-lro


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