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Postal Incident

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A young man from tlio rural diatfiotl went to tha postoffice the otlier day with a biuik-note fbr a dollar'a wortb of stamps. Ho was told tfaat paper money was not ívceivod. He went for Spanish quarters, "We don't rcceivo them dow " s;iid the attenúant, " for mure tbau twenty cents apiecu " Tlie oountryraan thougbt Unció S.un miglity particular, so he went and ob: tnined a dollars worth of coppers, ' Now," said he, on returning to the yffiee, and Laying down his pil on tho window of the delivory, " I guess I oan suit yoü.!1 The man inaide looked at the display of coppero, and coolly replied ; (' VVo novcr takt' more thun threo cents in copper at one time - it is uot a legal te ti cl o r above that sum." The couutryman looked at the composed oilicial for tho space of a minute without stirring, and thon belched out: " Look here, you - am't you almighty kind of particular, ï.-.r a fellow backed up in sueli a jail as this 'ere? You dou't take oiily three cents of copper at a time, hey ? Well, thee, s'pose you give me three cents' wortli of stamps anjhow." The oiGcial vcry politely cut ofif a singlo tainp, and passed it out, for which the couutryiuau luid down three cents. He was about to pass away, when tho latter cried out : " Look here, you ! That ere's one time. Now, s'pose you give me three eents' worth more on 'em !" Uncle Sam's clerk was not slow in discovering that he had caught a Tart;u He turned back to tho wiudow, and asked : " How many coppers have y du got" "Well, only about niiiety-seven of 'em. I had a hundred when I beeun." - _ o " Pass them in," was the gruff reply. " Pass out your stamps fust, and Uien I will ; but 1 reckon you wout ketch me again." The stamps wcre passed out and the coppers hauded over, wheu the countryman weut off, saying : " S'pose because a fellow holds offico undor Uucle iSam he thinks he is smarter'n all creatiou ; but I guess they larn't something that time.':


Old News
Michigan Argus