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Location Of Michigan Regiments

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There is mucli uoxiety m the preswit timo to knovv tbo loculion ui' the ditt'.r ent regiments frym .thi.s S.tuto, and ilio pavf which thry tiVu tiikiiig iu tic rwit battlüs. Th ure are so rnany ch:ingo.s and rapid raoVoinents tïïkijig place, iuul völunleer óflk-ers „re su negligunt obout repnrtiog al hendquarters, il is (lilür'.iit to keep track of them.- The following is tliu latest infonn:itinn as to the looa'.ion oí ihe Michigan soldiers: First llegitnent, Colonul RobiDtion, is dow before Yorkïown. It hu latly arrjvud there, itod it, i- not known in what brigad and división it is, sond, Oclóne] Poe, Tbird, Colonel OhalDplin, and Fiftb, LieuteDant Colonel Be;ich commandiog, are tinder Acting Brigadier General Torry, in Hointzleinan'a Gorjis1, now beftireYork town. Fourtli Begiment, Oolünd Woedbury, is in Morell's Brigade, Poiter'ö División, now before Yorktown. Sixth Jiugiment, Colonel Curteniub, is in Butler's División, at Ship Isliind. Seventh Regiment, Oolocol Grosvcnor, lias lately anived before Yorktown. It is not known to what brigade and división it is attached. Eighth Regiment, Colonel Ponton, is at Beaufort, in what was formerly 8honnan'ö División. Ninth Eegiment, Lieutenant Colonel Parkhurst commanding, ia in Duffiolu's Brigade, and, at last accounts, was south of Murfreesboro. Tenth Reginieut, Oulonel Luni, is not in the field. Eleventh Regiment, Lioutenant Colonel Stoiighten commanding, was, at last accounts, guarding railroads near Bardstown, Kontucky. Twelfth Regiment, Colonel Quinn, is in Poabody's Brigade, Buell'a L'ivision, and was probably in tho battlo of Piitsburg. Thirteenth Regiment, Culonel Shoemakor, was, at lar.t accounts, at Nashville, and had not yet been brigaded. Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Sinclair, is not in the field. Fifteenth Regiment, Colonel Oüver, when last board from, on the third of April, was in General Grant's column, aDd was probably in the battle of Pitts burg. Sixteenth Regiment, Colonal Stockton, is in Porter's división, now befure Yorktown. First Engineers and Moeliairies, Colonel Innes, under Brigadier Genera! Dumont, was, when laat heard hom, south of Murfreesboro. The armv at Naehvilïe seems to have separated, one división goiog southwest to Pitte burg, and the othcr continuing south towurd Shelbyville. In tuis latter división are the Michigan Ninth, Colonel Innes' Fusileers, and tho Loornis Batteiy. CAVALHY. Fir6t Rrgiment, Colono], Brodhead, ia Bank's column, at Warrenton; Second, Lieutenant Oolonel Gorhain comtnanding, and Third, Oolonel Miznor, are under Brigadier General, Granger, in Popo's División, at Islatid No.10. BATTERIE3. Loomis' Battery is in Duffield's Brigade south of Murfreesboro. Dees' Battery was in General Proritiss' column, whïch was the advance guard at Pittsburg and a portion oí which was captured. Thia battery was in a desperate engagement, haviog boen talicn and reiaken six times. Koss' Battery was in General Gnmt'c column, and is believed to have been at the batde of Pittsburg. Lanphero's Battery, YiQvcv's Uattery, Andrews' Battery abd BidwelFa Battery are in Pope's column and are somewhere in 'l'ennessee, at what particular place itis irnposfiib'e lo say. MI-:CKLLAKOIS. - Captain Giroux's conipany is in the First Regiment, Beidan's fcsharp-shoot ers, leading tho advance guard ngaius Yorktown. Captain Stuar's cotnpnnv and Captain Mathews' company, Sec ond Eegimcnt Berclan's Sb.arp-sboofera were at last accounts in camp of iii struction at Washington. Captain Henion's company 'of Engi neors, recruited at Adrián, were in Colonel Bissell's Fusileer lieffiineiit at Island No. 10. In the Fortyfourth Illinois are two Michigan eompanies. One raeed bv Captain Barreit, at Coldwater, and another rocruited at Kalamazoo. ïhe regiment is undor General önrtia in Arkansas, and was at thobattleof Pea Kidge. In the MoitHI Horso Brigade, now in southorn Missouri, aro two Michigan coinpanies; one comtnandod by Oapt. J. B. Rogers, and another, Company I, Gapt. James B. Mason, recruitod at Battlo Creek. In the Doulas Brigade, Colonel Davo Staart, whioh was at tho battlo of Pittobarg, are three Michigan companies; Captain MeOrn' er's, raised at Dowagiac, Capt. Üurtis', at Albion, and Capt. at St. Josepb. In the Sickles Brigade, on tho Lower Potomac, bulttw Ocoquan Cruek, is a company raised by Captain Hugo, at Paw Paw. In Bird's Sharp-shooters, last hnard of at Fort Djnelson, ia a Miohigsin company comnanded by Captain Pi per. 'J'ho Jackson Gtiard, Captain McDermott, in the Mulligan Brigade, is now ou duty as guará to tho rebel prisoners at Camp Dauglas, Chicago. In tho Lincoln Cavulry, in McClellaö's column, is a Michigan company reoruited by Captain Norton at Grand RapidB. There aro also two compatiics in ao Ohio regiment, belicved to bo the Ohio fiflconth ; ono recruited at Adrián by Captain Ward, and another raised i.t : Morenci by Cuptaiu Srnith. There is abo a company trom Ed wardeburg in this ptate, in an Indiana : regiment. Michigan haa thon in tho field sixteen regimonts of ini'autry, one fusileur, three of cavalry, eevcn batteries, and eighteen companies in regimonts


Old News
Michigan Argus