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From Stockton's Regiment

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lx Camp, in front oií Yohktówn, Va., April 7,. lti'J. ) De.' i; Biionimt,: Tliursday, the "J of April, w.iS a very warm daj liero. Li tba forenóon orders caiiiü to prepare to move tlio uoxt morning, and all W6C0 rejuicod ti) luaru tliat vo wero oiico more to mar eb. During tho night we had a glorious thuiïdersliower, wbieb luid tbo düst. Moruing carne, and the sun rose beautifully. At C o'elock the aruiy was on the move, and it was just the dny for mar eb ing. All had predicted a hot day, but a cool breólo oame api We passed throBgh Jiig Betitel: The place once cousisted ot' a church and a numberof dwellicg houses, but the}' are now in ruins. Big Bethel was cxteiisively and well fortilied, aud the woiks wen built so as to command evcry road aud opeu field aiound tb ere. Tlu'y extended for milos, and had thc-y been oeeupied, aud well defended, niight have given us some trouble ; but they wcre entiroly cvaeuatcd. By the looks of their old ensampment thej' had at onc time a considerable forco hero. We haltéd hero a few minutes, when we again moved on, and C o'elock in the evening found us at another strongly fortifiod placo, called Howard's Mili. The Mili is now in ruins. This place was also ontirely evaeuatcd when wo reaehed thcre. The advanced forces found it oeeupied by about four liuudred rebels, but a few sIk-IIs thrown froui the battcry drovo thein out, here wo eücaraped. Saturday niorning, the 5th, camo, and again we were ready forauiarch. Hardly were we formed, before it commenced to rain, and ia the rain we started. Uur routo Ia}1 over a low and swampy country. Alud and water abounded, and most all the way it was shoe dcep ; but on wc went. Soon tlie men bcgan to get tired ; thon they commenced to lighten tbcmselves by throwing awav coats, blaukets, ctra clothiog, and sometimos their knapsacka, and all tlicir olothing witU thora. Men, too, began to drop behind ; stragglü'rs could be seen aloug the road, and before we got to the end of our journey, they might have been counted by hundTeda. Söm'o were complutcly used up ; and uno man from the N. Y. lth dropped dead by the side of the road. Our destination was Yorktown and long before we got there we could hear the booming of tbc cannon. At G o'olock we reaelied an open field, opposite and about two miles from the for tificatious wliich defend the town. Herie the brigade haluj. Our regiment rested but a short time when it was ordored out ou a scouting espedition. In this expedition some of thé men wontsonear a rebel battery, that that they sant a sliell at tliom. It struck so near that t threw the dirt over them, but luckily it did not explode. Wc returncd to camp at dusk. The same uiglit tifty of this company were ordered out on picket. You will sec by this that work has oomménced. Quite a number of federalista were wouuded and killed in the bombardineut today. Sundaij, April Gth. - All is quiet day, except occasioually, when tlic heavy boouiiog of cur.uou is heard. This is a fino country. The soil is good. Iu every directioü fine orehai'ds mav be soon now iu tull bloom. Oq tho way here we passed a uumbcr of largo plantatious, with fine large dweiling houses, and plenty of sniall houses around hem, the habitations of negroes. I saw more negroos beiween herc and Hampton than I bare seen al! the rest of tlju time that I have . beeu iu Virginia. It is a most beautiful day. The sun sheds its rayg upon us, and a cool bréese uweeps over and around us. Huudreds of soldiers are stretched out upon the grass, and other hundrods aro engaged in cooking their frugal mcal, whilo others [ are looking on and wishing thut they had some provisioDi to cook aud eat. At this moment may ba heard the sound of divine music, the ehaplain of this regiment boing holding divine serviee. Now, hark, the boomiug of heavy artillery may be heard off towards Yorktown. It is said that tho gunboat fleet that ia to work with us is eouiiug up the rivi'i", Last night fifty of our company were ordercd out on picket duty. ïhoy went after having pitohed their teuts. Iïardly were they gonc, wheu the Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, Major, and Adjuiant, located themselvcs in some of the enipty tents. - The baggage traius not having arrived they were minus tlieir owri, and they were thercfore under the necessity of takiog possession of thoso vacatcd by tho men. The offieers, 't preseut, are not faring as well as the privates, in beds at night or rations by day, and they, the privateu, canuot brag on their rationa, as they are short, the provisión traius uot having arrived. Agaiu the booming of eaunon may be heard, mixed with the voice of the chaplain. A balloou aceompauied the ann}', and this morning it was ent up, and Gen. Pobteu went up in it to tako a view of the euemy's forcea and position. From where I git I have a view of upwards of Ki,000 troops. A very large force now lies before Yorktown. This moruing, Gen. McClellan sent a flag of truco to Yorktown with a summoiis to surrendcr, and giving them twenty-four hours to think of it. It is said that their röply was, that he would have to niako every house in tho town a hospital before they would givc up the place. They havo a large force here, and their fortifications extend for miles up and down the rivcr, aud are n shape of a ïorse slíoe. Our forces lie in front of these works, and extend over a space of Sve miles ín length. Wc have a largo 'orco here how many Icannot say. Oen. McClellax is here in command of the i army. Monday, April Ith, - We aro ] ug orders to move every monjent, and bel'ore nlgTll wö muy liave BOIliu lio win !; to ilo Hut wc aro ready' ÍW t. ulwuys , ready to move and o wliere (jen. ! orders. The wliolu anny, offi c i's ttnd nut), put tlie utmost coiitidcnco 11 tJic Gréljicritl, :uJ all the sliii,;' and slur.s llirowtl U])OH hiill ) uoiiic i.f tliü . iicw.-ii.-ipcr iu Ilio!i caiinot dcsfVoy it. It ia uow rumorcd that tbe furtificatidns opposTte ÍEís diviáion wcrc evacúa ted last niglit. Il' so, the rest will be n the same coudition. Jt is ver)1 cold and wiudj thia tuopning. Ann Arbor boys in this regiment are


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