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The Situation And Strategic Importance Of Corinth

The Situation And Strategic Importance Of Corinth image
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It turns out lo bu iiot trio that our troopH havo qocupiod Crnth', a ívpurtei!. Tliu rebels will probubly ínuko ariiotbei' Stand there. Coririth is a very inpurtnm trntefeii Pili xiinti. It is a hilly. smi-inountaini uur, country, a br-iiich "t the Apufai uniuu moge, whioli diverges from thí Atleghnny mouutuins, and forma the : inoiintuioa und g"ld twnnng regions oí Geirgiaai.d A!abama. Tio villuge i neaily sirnrounded" bv an irfegjiluc cirele ci' hiils, rtsing on the north, about lour miles! distunf, wiih tlie íjlate line btíiuuci) Teinesnee md Mn.-i8dipui crotiöiog tlieir sunimit. Tliu Mobile und ülro Bailrofld erossiw Vais ridgë through a ent neveoty-fiva feet in depiú. Similar cuts, of lessor duptli, penétrate tlie liill.-j on the east, west and soulh, where the railwaye enter. Bevond ihese bilis, in tho direction of Pittsburgh and Savannah, the ground bocomes more leve), and much of it is low and swampy. The particular location of tho rebel fortifications ut Gorinth wo are unablo to indicate but from the topography of the región it is not difficult tu perceive t.hat tho place is one .susceptible of strong defense. Tho villaga of Corintb was fornierly called Farmiogton, aud is mentioned in tho gn.uteers. It is a post village of Tishomingo county, Mississppi, distar.t two luindred and sixty-two miles uorthost irorn Jackson, the capital of the Htate. There are but thrce or four stores in the village, and of courso ts population must be relatively small. Tishotningo county forms the northeastern extremity of Mississippi, bordering on Tennesseo and Alabama. and has an arca of about fourtëen hui;dred square miles. The Tombigbee river rises in the country; the Tennessee flows along the northeast border, and it is drained by Tusimmbia oreek. Tha snrfaoe is diversified by sinall hillí; the soil is fertile, espociallv in the valleys, an(] generally has a substratum of sand A large part of the country is covered with forests of oak, hickory, vvalout md pine. The head Ktrcams of the Tombigbee furnish valuablo motive power. The principal military valué of this last-nained place consists in the fact that tho ruilroatls from Memphis on the west, Oolumbus, &c, on the north, the principal cities of rebeldom on the cast, and Mobile on tho south, cross at this puint. Jackdun, tho rebel hoidtjuarters in Tennessee, is thus connected with Mobile and the East, and New Orleaiis, via Grand Junction, is also in tho same nianner united with other pointe of the rebel oonfederoey. To liold this junction 13 all important to the rebels, and if compe'led to leav it a most complete olation of their forcea East, West, North anil South is at otice effected. It will tlms be seen why the final stand will be made here if an} where.


Old News
Michigan Argus