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INTew -A.dvertisernents. K.-a! Jétate for SáU. ST TK O' Ml'Mü ;an CoütifroF Waíhtbwaw, bs'- I.i tfae matter of i!, itriek Hoban.of tl.e WaubtöDaw n thetitoof MieiiÍLfan, !■■ - . . I ■:!, in JUl-Miam ;;:i ur-iT gr&uted ■ il ir, of tbc H i ;ü'l deóeasedi by the Umt Judgc of Probóte fr the County it" Waslitonaw, ■■) i!.,' tv'.ntv cíghth dny of UarchA. D. 1862, thcre wil be sold at public vcndue, ■ ■ ■ [::■ h . i 'f the Couri 1 r i m. ,,; i A ■ 'ity of ';i-liteñan ín saiJ Stivte, on táaturdy tUe thiriy Rri i!av l'. 1332, at oiio o'clock in tiiy aftttrovus uf (hal day, (ubjtct to all iMicurabrances lv m rl otherwise pxisthig at tlio time t tlit ('.'itli oí teal E te fo wit : SituftUnl in the Townabip of N' the County of iiti-l Sta tfl of Michigan, a.11 thatcditiiQ niece or iarcel of lniul knówo nud dMignutedas ttM rlorth-west quarter ol i!i( South-E&st qimrter of Setion i}r'e in tosvnhip one South ot' Kango Six K.t, : !oi i acn 6. be Ihe name more 'ot Ivm. PATRICK WALL, Kxfoitor. Bated, March 28th, 1669. b46td. THE REBELLION ON HIGH PR1CES FOIt CLOTHIXG, HASCOMMiíXCEDATTHE 0L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHI IM C empoeitjm: i No. 3 PHCENIX BLOC-K, MAÍN St. XAM now openlag alarbe and variel assortiment ftf S r i . and in view of the robellon on bighpricea gcnerally, wili ■ bit fritMuU andcutib ■..:■ Lowwi Hgurtt Pof Cah.- Thosc i u inl of a sy;cri.)i article ol Cloiha, CasttiBeady-Made Clothing, -wil] cal! onWM. WACIMER, who hg,s juat return-?'! ftön ttie l' wï a lari SPRING & SUMMER G90DS which havo been ]nrchaaod at the lato LOW 1PRTCES! undcftnoftrthftmal alower fipure thau evci before. Amuig niy AuoJrtiDcnt umxy be fotuta broaucloths, cassimeres, pqesktns, j;stinüs or aUdsucrlptioq -, togethpv wi;b a supríor Hsurtnicnl of Rcady-Mde Clottilng, .„.-i. s ..TiirK, cai-i:t BA8B, BajSlileiillemeirs Funiisliitig C3rOOIDiS, w fi luinviou ui!i'T:irtieUs usually fount in bimQU istftblitthment, Afl ;tn EMI'ORTUM OF F ASIÏION, tho subsrribiT daftir Miiwrif . that lii limj: espvrlmed . il BucMiM. " ;'l .' jic h in u u' the gmittfl ■ toU ■■.; o maj tr il hlm ntheway ol t Manufacturiug Cr;rinents t.o order. WM WAUN'ER. A r. A.l-r. Ai.ülPf I -!■■-'


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Michigan Argus