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The Latest Special Dispatch ! To tie citizens of Ann Arbor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Hundreds-waiohina the progress of Daily Events ! ! The Federal Arm y agaiu Victorious! -The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " TTicre was a man in our town, Ih was so wondrous wise," But with all bis wisdom, ho was not go wise as that "other man," who when he wanted to buy the The cTieajyest and lest CLOTHINC! in tkis marJcet always jumjpcdinto 0 ü I TEE MAN1 S HEADQÜAETERS! Foï tliere he knew ho a.lways got. his money'g worth. Seeing is bulieving aud you tliat wish lo sce come in and believe. Thoso that cau't [see can feel, and as we always maks our customers feel good over good bargains, they are ospecially invited to our anxious, that they too muy realize hovv "good ït is for thern to be witli us," and how ïnueh pleasure can be obtained in the enjoyment of SPLENDÏD BARGAINS ! " me all ye Ihat are weary and heavy lade "- with Ropks and we will do our beat to rili. v.' you- giving you in return the Jir.esl kind af Goods ai the lowestjicitrea. Great battles are hourly taking place iu tlm Olothir.gliuu-n-wbolcregiinentsof Oasaiim-res, v istiims, &c, are being tboghterej by Oen, Sdxi)iií:im- ;.t iil fche great rush of recroita that are pouring in frotn every direetion all iiiixioua to have their ñames enroUed for a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - uch a3-can only be had at the ITead-Quarters of Guiterman iè Co. Oi Mjfthe firm, Mr. M Guitlkjun, Iiaviii" jtist returned from Europa with a large aí sortnrent of Cloths, Caaimeres. and a uice lut of fina Vestings, also a few pieees of fine 1 for overcoats which we will make op to oreer in the latest stylu, We hel oonfident tliat we can satisfy all. We are happy to greet you aga:n in our City.ufter spemling your vacation -witli t hu ': dear old fjlks" ut' home. Du rvirured wc wuta yon a pk-asant term, and shail be glad to iqoït you at the 01J Head-Quarters, JYo, 5. O Our former customers, we feel nsaured, will cali onussgain To you who eou:e as BtrangcTB wo r.-oul.l wy a few vords. we wiah you tocall and look at our fine Coats, lants, and Vests we can do bctter bv you than auy othr h .ue in ihe Uit y, and if you cali and ekat&ine our tcoods.and'try tln;jr fits, you wilt purchase Dowhere else. DON 'T FAIL TO OSlXjXj j&l.I? G-. -JEU. . DR. HOOFLAND'8 BALSAMIC CORDIAL, Tur the speedy cure of Oviihs, CoUs, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, llruncliitis. Pneumonía, Discases oftkt Dowels, aristnt] from Cnhl , Incipient Consamplion, imd-fer the relief and ,(ƒ ui ailpossible) cure of l'aticnts in adciineed stages of tli?, lalter distase. mHE Bataunlc Cordial is entireïy i Vegetable producx tïon_, conibiningthe heuïing propurUeg H aur, with thekmgqi ties of Ooplial, proa combipat ■ . . adupud to 1 I, tbl tl nejiutl'ew eums of disease whleli Vü nul, ut an Barij i.nud, succumb lu its lieaHuiraud Lilo gn iiig piiiiHTtic.. ü, bas u aimi at rfL pulmonar; Jccupied the jreater portiun of the attantion of the c of Die medical vorld, but none acquired non ■ 111 l.ia tu-.iCai--,.l ki as, t! ;ui the ! r. Houfland, BAUamloCordial. Hislifewaa ttevoted to the uroduction of remudiee that vruuJJ slund anrivallxd. How rell Le has succeeded, th ■ Ar( ico poj ■■il, Ihat oo (treparations (bat Ikuo erra Been placed before them, bare confcrred tbesama arnount of beosöta on Buffering humanity. or liare eliojtsd so many csmmendaliona from all classes ui sooiety. lis theremedioa of Dr. UooüanJ, pn ■ Dr. C. a.Jackaon&Co., of Phllád. Ibhla. Tlie Cordial ia lealfned tai a d:ts of diseascs more generaland rnori iual tUan ;my .-.ther to -bicli the people of thia cuuntry are subject- those spi inging lioiii a "alight cold." Tliat eminent authority, ïir Bell,aays: "Iwillnotsay tbat Colaa are to our iuhabjlHJtB iviiat tho Plaifue and Yetlow lieer are to thOM ui otber couiitiit.i; but Ican aver confidently tnat tbey usher in disease of groateríettoulicítr and mortalttv thaa UusBlatter," 'Fntírely Vegetable. No AlcolioUc jPreparation. DR. IIOOFLAND'S ( EI.KBIUÏED GERMÁN BITTERS Prepared by DU. C. M. JACKSON & Vü., Phlladelphia, P. Will i-uVctually cure LIVKK i :'■ íVI'I.AlXT, IHVl'Kl'Sl A. JAUNDICE,) ffronic i c Nei i eaaesol the SMneys, and all düse&sofl arising hum ív amo liircr or Stumaeh. riuch aa (Ji-nïipation, Inv:irl I'ücri. Falaess or Blood to the Heat , Ac;lif ■ . Efcart liurn, Disgust forFood, Pultiess or weíght ii; the ach, Sou r Er uctationi , Sinking or plutperine at the Hl omacli, 8wimu)ÍDg oftljeHead, IJuVried and HiiliculL ' og at the lït-a:t( Cboking or Suifoa ■'- wh--n ,n :i tyiBg postare, Dim ncs if Vision, Dota oi wpba befürcthe ftight, Ft er and üuU Kiiu in i!iv !h':ai, Detioiencj of Perspiration, Vt-1 tbeSktnaód Eyes, Pain in the Sile, Back, rht t. Limbs, i1.:. SuddttG Flus] es .■: 1 i.-at, Burning in i il, and great DeofSpirHs,and will posïtlvelv prevent YELLJQW PÊVER, BH UOÜS FEVKR, &o. Propcieior ta calling tlw atteotioD of the public ■ ep&rti üon, doea ap i i f tho utmuet eonlidcuceinit-J r:rtucsau-l aduptation to the d for whicfa it is recoïnxaended.. Itisnonew and tiolHfd uii'cle, bol on e that has Hood the test of a tweive jrears trial before the Vpierioan people, and its reputatioq and Bate are mr i :mi!ar prparatio&a exéañt, Jhe testimony ad well-kuown Hiysicians'and individúala tn all partsof the coun , .ml :i car. lul peruaal of the A}ioanao, pub Irahecl aiinuaüv by tbè f 'rein etors, ;in-.l to be bad of any oí llicir ! .ut tuit satisfy tlie most tkeptieal thatth;s rftmedj is rcallj deaprriBg the great celebriiy it basotined. Riad tlie Kvlclcnco JProm J. ftaoton Sroum IK O., Editar of the Encyclopidia of ReUgious Knouicdge. Althougb nptdïsposed to r%vi rox ri'coinmnd Patent Medicines iu general, tbrougb distrust of their ingrediestfl and ■!!( . t-.l yet bnow ói do sufficieut i-easoa vhy a in. ;y ii'it teatilytothebeñeátJUe beiievs b to bave receired fxoia any sfraple preparaticn, in the liopo tliat Iih may thus ccutnuute to tho bneflt of o t hert. more readilr in regard to '.'Hoofla&d'a Germán B . oi tbia i use 1 va.-= prtyudicöd agaist them íur years, un'dBT tlie impression that tbej yere chlei an alcoholie ijiixtm-e. 1 urn ndebtöd tó ihyftiend Kobert Shuv■ . ■'■ ■ sufteriug from : , . ;ed detuUty . Thr . nrting of the ■ ■ I restofation to ad mental vigor srhieb Hjad not feit for stx montha ' ipaired of regs.iniög, ttereforethank God and my friend for tlirccuug i 'i' them. J.XKWTíj'N ijKUWN. Re%d wiiat tho eminent (las.-: Manufactuvev, JOHN H, WHltÁÍX, saya of th BAtSAMlC OOBDLtL. ' for n long tfme been ácqainted witb the yirties of tliy Balh Cou lis. Colds, ini'aimiKttion of the 1-ungs, &c. I thus freely N ar ir.-rminny to lts clïicacy. ilyeara i tav pavr been mthout il in nï family It alangirá me pteffsure to state that J have witb eatire Buccesa in the traatnacail of : L'omplaiots. Th$ iiifirl truly, JOHN M. WHÏTALt, I '■ 1 ls:tS, . e !:h, rhila. LQftdïoiusare U respetabe Druptigta an ' deal] States. Brit.( tie. a ine. wkh the Kignature [ C. M. T.rnsoron (h wiüpp.T of eaefi b6tfle; all oihers are u) ii r} terp-At. l'riiu-i;iHffire and Máaufactory,418 Arch 'trt-c t, riniü-ii 'j , i';i. ' 8iK)y1


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Michigan Argus