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ÁT RISDON & HÜNDEESCÖTS iyp!gL2& TIIE GENUINE ÍÉÍF STEWü RT'S 8TO VE. We wish to eaillhe attenliynof Uko puulío to tlns celtíbratud c' COOKINC STOVE Wbiili i8;the only perfect 3tove made. It will do more business with one Üiird losa fuel. tlian any utlier STOVÜ ronde. Froni testimony given ky tlie pcraon referred to below, ou uccouut of its dmubility and Fuel Saving Quaiiiies, it has provcd a daving frjin Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. We vcuid nter you to thu folluwing list uf PERSONS VHO HAVE TttEM ÍN USE; l'rcf. Tiippnu Ann Arbor. i John F. Miller, xaa j.,, Prof. Wood, ■' ! J. Oilbert tmitU " l'n.f. Wincuell, " ! J. T. Aun.,, 11 Praf. Doujrlass, " Joseph Watts, Alphcus Felcli, " T. Wjlkinwiu, " Wm. H. Martin, " Mis. 8. Dentón " Rich'd (tocper, " O. BawMaii, i ','V l;-,Fi:'""(;-,-' 0 A.Chapin. '■ ■ -■'' "'i, " Cnarlea llay.-r " nt%M"1 " Hartin Clark, VÏ w?V " S.Botsford, AAfown. Mrs. h. 1 . í," Alver.-.ton Ururv V r'u'w"'1', " JoobPolLerou,'sel9l JosepU , AouJ, M Mi.Fcltoi, Bbaiou. We have on hand a lare ossortment ef tka best kftda of Cookicg, Pui-lor and PLATE STi)VES, anj a general assortrnent of HARDWARE AND TIN IVA HE, and Bent stnff for Chrriagc wor5. Pürticular atteution paid to fitting up Envetrough ani Oonduetora, and !illkiudof Jab work domi at the bhortt&t Xotice. inSDONAHE&'JJEKSOI?. Ann Arbor, 1861. ■Chicago J3ook Tradc, The .'lace to Buy School Booha. WHOL.ESÁLE Book & Staíioneiy House i S. C. GRÍGGS & Cü. PUBLISP Sanders Progressive Readers, ctawtyped.wllli Dewand orlgln! lllutraloní are thi; muát byautiful ati l1 as üuj btst bwuk-j cxtant. I. Bandera' Alphabet Caras, O n a et, $ so II. J;iü lera' l'ciir.'ivy S-u'l ('li.irt.-.. S OU J cardí, 1 í ]ll Sanderii' Primary Spelling; Book , , la IV. Sanders' New Rpyller . ..... ]5 V. Sande.s' Analytu uf EnglisL Winda so VI. Sauder'í Primer, (bouad) liyt, aderti' Germán aud KnglinU 1 riuic-r -.o VIII. Salidera' New FüMt Reader, ]5 IX .uanitt'ri',v Sccond Keadw, so X. Sai; ,. - i- Tbírd Ke&der,. 40 XI. ÍUndeiV fv Fuunli Uea.U-r i,5 XI(. Saudws' New iifiji Kea.n-r, 75 XIII. Sandera' Htgh-Schcol lwinlin,.., .' s Xiv. Sanlera l'ounj Ladiea' líeaüiT, h XV. San Jcrs' Schüol Speaker i ot XVI. Sandern' Elocutianr,y Chrí, a oq readen are aiítrnjolshea tlicir trictly progressac charactér and practicaladaptation to Iba vuuiik. Cbej bees received witli uDprecertented favor and bynoolasBi thanby Practical ToachoH uho hure tted tbeirmerlts ia the sebool room. ñ.obinson'3 Course of Mathematica. Bfií HORATIO N. R0BIN80N, i ! . I, Late Pruft-.srfur of Mathemaiic ín the U. S. Xay. 1 Robinson's Prorcssiref riin::ry AiiUnufüc, t 15 II. Bubiluon'n Prognsarra Intellectual Arlth. :i III. Hobinson'íi nf wriltfil Alith. yj IV. ilobinaon'a Progre in Practical Arlth. Sis V Robi.9on'a Kejr to Practical Aritlmi.-tic, 50 VI. Bubianon'a ProgreasiTe lligber Ariilimctic, 75 VU. Iij'„insi.u s K(y to Hiulmi Arithantic, 75 VIH. KobinonJa Hew EletoesUry Algebra, 5 JX. Bi.binaon'a Kejr to Algebra, 7S X. Kubinüuu1.! UslTerait; Aiirí-lwa, J 25 XI. Hobinso&'s Ke, ity Algebra, i i.o Xll Bobinson' GeoButry and Trigonometiy. i 90 "Xiil Robiason1! Sorveying and Karatlea. i 50 X!Y Rub.u.-(in's Aualytlcal önmetrj and Conle ectiuns. 15) XV Robinson's Difierentlal aad Integral ('alculus 1 o XVI K'iuiubun'rt Elt-nieníary A(,t. ', 75 Xl Hobinaou's Uxáveraitj Aatroooittj, 1 7 xVI'l athemaflcAl Ofaraitont, 2 'j.1, -MX Uub.n.i,u'3 Key to Algebra, tieonwtrr, Survejíag, te., 1 5 Fonnmsía ÏTI.1, M ATI1KM U'IC .T. COURSE, cnibracing iritbmetic n' ,. the Highei Uathematics.' Kpr exteut .f reseafcb, lacility uid aptneeo "f íllustratloij x 1 1 1 i practical uselulness, the author ol tiiis serie isiurpasged fty 110 %thenratlcl witter in this country, 't'iiis aeriea baa been reeojnnie&ded bv tho bost Matliftualiciaus ir. all SLctfrm8of the countrv! Gray's Series of Botanies, six books. Hituhcock's School Anatomy aud Plijaiology, . Hitchcück's Oeology, one book. Well's Gram mars, two books Well's Scientific Series, iueludipg Vhemistry, Philosophy, ete Three books, Wilson's Series of Histories, five books. Fasquelle's Frenoh Series, eight book. Woodbry's Gerinau Series, scven books, Bryaut & Stratton's Series of Buok-keeping, three books. Speucerian System of Peirmansliip; niuebopks, And Slaiiy otlicr Valuable Hooksr Whojesale Déalei-6 and Iíetail Purcbaaera Wi'l Bnd :it our store owr Foar Tbomn] different rtioles oí st.f imaú Volumes ol lii .oh lo mata llieir seluction; OOípprising ari assortnw.t uui rivuliKl by unv utüer book house in the L'nited States. S. C. GMGGS & CD. Are Special Asenta for Bíesars Harper & Bro's Publioatiüiisv . " 1). Appk-ton & Go's " " Ticknor & Ficld's f " GoulJ & Liacohi's íl J. B. Lipii}cott & Co's "■ And furaish aU thcir íiuuk.s at Ekstern prioos for canil-. idiote Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pasa Books, An.lall kinds of STATIOXKRV, nl tha lovt ivjie. 1. MJ.ri by t ' i r dxan or casa. íL5,St rangera anJ traïelora vUiting Bhicago wül flnj. t interestlng to Hoger lor au houramij hueruiinbl pilua of Uterature at J'J an.l -U LuUl' MrwjL S. C. GKIGGiS & Cü. Agenta Wauted. # : tr,M VlUuable S,ib.-cri.ti.-n W.irka, ur aiiy iiublu vurk uj)íiq LteiiQD, I.iUrature, SeioJK c jV't, Addri's S. CGKIGOS 1 IASB ih.MiaiBKH Tlmttliero la no - ■■■■ teepüog a botter or more aaaortmcni Ümu U al.vuva ïuud atb9aud JlLak-j Bi KKJIKMBKR-. 'h) PuWfc oï ri-ii ....■ LiLmi-ifu bfesuppliédwim Ir! lias Standard Works i.-.-s. ',;. k Cj. upan bolti-r 8rms (bu lo ,. pay Ireight rn I.itcrarv ana Professional men,T-caoïri whulsra in all iapwa : ; , i i, tteri re invited tq niake ! an 1 41 strest Qjeii nlaco of S. C GRIGGS & CO.(. n koljMtic ai;,! 1(, lail Booksellers andStatfenpra 9 ii [jike Street, Cliicaou. '' x. i. ... TO LET. TIK; BT.ICK HOÜSJCMidBarn now ocoup Hawjlins, Esq,, on , . ...( '1H i l-i of April. and rooms in Ion M-ut.inn. ■ Igivcu. Intyiireof . , t.8. BWCHOZ Ann Arbor Marcb S8, 1! 61 845tt SPECIAL NOTICE TO CIJSTOMERS. b. set,,,, „t JhwU I Cbep for S-ltf _ H.WNAHI). ST;!]'1 .V WII.SON' TT as e SE.A.TOOA E M PIRE WA T E R FOH IVb.hty. l.,„, „ Appeüre, ■ 'il ■"■ Long, n,;, lcriKi, t-lt0 „, ,, p v i ism , Bnl.l )..■ MAYNAKT), 8TERBIN . VVllsOX nna■ 0, AnnAibfr. '


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