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Great Reduction in the Pr'ice of SINGER Sc COS Standard Machines . HWi known to be Ihe. Best for Manufacturing l'urpose. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, Cbrinerly sold at $'J0, reduced to $70. No. 2, of samo kind of Machine, for merly sold at 8100, reduced to 875. SINGlïR'S LETTER A MACHINE ís the bent M;ichine in the irorld for Family Sewing and LigM'.iliictuiing Purposes : (tcilh Herninct}) and beautifully urmunetitvd $50. (The NO 1 iinl S Machines are of great cniacity and appl'cation for iminuiV.cturing DUrpOMg, Uur Ho. 8 Xadiinei especwll? adapted to all kinds of liglit iinrt hc;ivv Leitlior Vork, in Carriage Trimraïng, B't and Shoe Ifaiüog, Haruufs Mnkiiifr.etc, etc. Thoy are of extra sizo, and with mi arm Long enougb t take under it and stitch the largeat 'size dsshes. Tbertid careely any part of a Trimmers' Stítching tlmí cannot bo bet ter done with them than by hand ; to, too, the kuvïhs of time and labor is very great. Thctableof these machines 3 21 inches long, and the shuttle will hold ais timsthe usual qnaiitityï"f thread. Thelarge machine trorju as fastü Bxoall oues. Wo would ask for our Letter A Machines, the special attent ion of Vegt Makers and lt'ess Makers, and all tliose who want Machine1 for Uglitmatutfaeturitig pur. poses. They erabody the pridoiples of the standard machines, mák i 112; like them. theinterlockcrt sitch, and are detined to bf as celebra tod for Kamily Sbwixo ard ligttt mannfacturitiK pnrpO86fl as our standard machinea are for manuuwlorlflg purpoMa in genyral. We bav ahvayson hand, II:ml. (;.ih;es,pilk TM'isr USKS and 00TT0N ïilKKai). in aPOOLS, BBI (UCBWI Oll,in bottles, etc, '■!■ We manufacture our oto Xeedles, and would wam all perrons oniig our machines not io buy any othOM. We kno-.v thftt there are needtos sold of the most inferior quality ut higlier príew Uian wc ebawt for the bext. The nectUe Rold by us are manufactured spccially for our ma. l-ine?. A bad needte may rvndcr tftt best machine almost usrlest. - Our eoakomfttfl niay rost a-ísurcrt tliat al. our KrancL Offices are lurnislitii] wdli the ■' genuineartt;! " In case of small, the nxme} may be sent in postape stamps, ov bank notan Corres]oiiivnts will pleast wrlte thoir lUUMH 'liptinctly. It is all inportant fchat we should, in eacü cisf. know the Post Office, County, and State. jfcaF" Ail persons rejuiring inforinat:on abotit Sewiïig Maciiineit, loeit size, priOM, worktng eapacilit. and tlie best uH'thods of purchasiog, can obtain it by sending to U8, e any of our Brancli Office-s for a copy of I. M. Singer & Cos Gazette, Wbicli i a boautiftil Pictnr' i'iij.-t-r efitirc-ly devotedto the subject - It icili bc sent gratis. -u- jgcy We have made the abwve HEDUCTION IN TRICE? with the two-fold view of benefltlncJhe public and onr ftelTC. Tlie public haie been swindled by spuriouK machines made In ímltatíoa óf ours. The metal in them, frora the iron casting to thu smallest peioe, Uöt poor qUitlity. Tlu'ir makers have not the mfans to do tlieir work neil. They arehld away in secret places, where it would be impossibk to have at their ooramand tbc prop-1 er mechanical appliances. It is ouly by doing a preat huinc3,and liavinx'extr-nsivt inwïufac'turing eütabliahinonts, ttiat lood maebtow sao be made at moderatprices, The bestdeaigned machines, BADLY MADE, are ftlways liablo to get out of order, and are sure to cost cousideiable trouble and mo-uíy to keep thora in repaire The qaallties to be look-edfor in a Macliincare : certainty of correct action at atU rutes of speed , stmplicity of con-ïtruction , great durability, andraptdity of operation, witli the Ifact U.bor. Machines to combine e.cntial qualitit-s. [umst Im made of the bost metal and finiht-d to Mffaetwa. We have theway and muans,tm a grand seale, bo do thts. The purobacera of machines, whosedaily bread itmay concern, will Qndthatthose haring ihlb abvoualities not only work well at rapid as well as Blow ratofl Df Bpeedjbut last LoDgor in the iinet pos.sible working order. Our machtnos, au made by us, will earn more inoney with leB labor than any others whether in imita tion of cursor not. In fact, they avv cheatier than anj othtr machines asa gift. í. M.ÍNQKR & CO., 453 Broadway New York. f jRr Pctroit OflTice, 5S Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Dlock.) 81 Ui M. IL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. TOWH0MIT MAY CONCERN. oivrriBXJS f.k,e, rnHEUNDKRSlONPD.Hotel ProprlatoM la tliis city ol X ADn Arbor, respectfully Hiimtunce to the public, that on aad afttrr tb BMt ;iv f -funuaiv. IdO, TEN CENTS FA RE. will 1)0 chrirscl to each sdü every pt'-syn carritd toanf) from the cars, to the respective Hotels, by the OmniV us Line. S. COOK, fooi 's Hütel. H. HARSTOW, Franklin House. Aun Arbor, De. Sítb, Wil. 8Wtf General Land Ag;ency. PERSONS wQDtingfnrmijOrrealdeacertnornfM AnnArbor, c3 by callingon me eleclfroraa list ttiorat 1 O-O Parai-s For Salet Ofrarioue si zes trom :i, to 13ftO aercasacb Kom Hi goodaiianyinthisConnty.) Morcthan O Dweliiig Hoiiscs nthisCltj'.frojntwo hundrod to fourthousanddolrteach:and ovor OW BUILDING LOTSI AraongtheFftrmB are the Kishcpatarm , lHOOacreê the Potter farm, in GreenOak, the Placefarm , au i 43)ocreí,thpBlnndonand Jciilts farms, n Webter the Stubbs, Micliael Claiicy, Newton Boegn, and Fallhi farm. In Ann Arbor; J .Kingslcy'4fsrin, InPHtinejcMh llatch and Ilick tarma In Lodl;the PatrickClayuTnrm tn Frondom; V. s. Dayibon,;B. G. Baker 8 and Buck'a farms lnSylvan. Moeto; thee and many others can be dlvldedto iuit purohttaers K. MOiaAW. Anr.Arl.oJ.Jno Ut.lfüS M Mo ney Wanted. Who will LendMoneyl IAM REQUR5TF.1) BY PF.VERAL PKR80N8 to olittio niouey for them at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (Or More.) For any one wilïiug to load, I c& at once iníest on good unencurober?l abundnnt REAL EfíTATE Kectirity anyaums of moaey au'l see tl)at the titlo and security are all UO0T. jj The borrower paving all exponaen, inclu'linK rieordin?. E. W. UOKÍJAN, Ann Arhor, fict. 7. 1859. 715tf ï W.MOEQAN, Agent tor Mutual TJfpïnsu ranee Company, New York. AccumulatedAssets, - $5,350,000 the leadingliife Insurance Company in the tT. S. Koíekerbocker Life Insnrance Company, New York, - a ftrt class snrCo. - terma reasonable. Humboldi Fire Inüuranco Company, Nqw York. Capital, with alache surplus, - - $200,000 I'eorïa Marino íc Fire Insurance Co., Feoria IU. - % No. 1 Fire Insurance Co's. 7O7tf Capital, - - - $600,000 Oval Picture Frames ALL8tZtóS, 8TTLES aad PRICK8 just received and fortcaU eheapat CHOFP & MILLER'S. l80.De.2&, ;a"tf


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