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A RKNOW OI'F.NING, DIRECT ÍBOS PDm.IgHERS Ix AKD HánufoBtnrcrt, Kcw antt Compioteal :, of L.AW fe MEDICAL JBUOKS, School Jiooki, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan statiohtehy: Wall and Window Pnper, Drawing ainl Mathematlcal iMtrumeute, Music, Juvonile I.ibmiio, Kuvtlopea, Iuksand Caída, ' [[l iíwr?Llir8lii!lr3fBFJiiUii ' " '■-" . .'m iTW "-jGOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pénala Wiuflow Coruice, ShtiM And Kixiure, POCKET CÜÏLERY! AudeverythingpertiünEnR to the trade, and more tti vUichthey wiiiM invite thu ut tention of the country, Iiicnndnctingour business, wq nh.ill do all Hiatcnn e done,so tbftt no rcaaoaable man, woman or child stliall find nny taalt. We ponmaq foctiltiea which wIU eiwblo uh to supply our stomers atibe Lowest Possiblo Figures. VTo propose to geil for KEAlïY PAT, at. a aaiall ad vanee. We expect a profit on our oods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo have pnspeM the service ol JAHBB F. PPAIMNG . leroforcare pri-parod to furoiilh Visiling, Wedding and all other Curds written to order, wiih neatness and dispatch, by mail or otlterwise. The ltKXPIBBBoOKSlOlH!.''istn'tll(lKi hv agood 'rrew,' ld tln-v wlll jihv:iys hu founJ oa the "qiiarter dedk,;' ■r:i' aud vniing lo ftttoñd to aü witb pleAsure, wko wni 'avor them with u ciill. Ucmcmber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor,ÏIny,18C0. TJf ANOTHEK A AIÏBIVAI. AT THE OLD AND RELIA BLE ilföil CLOTHIWt EMPORIUMÜ JJaT O. s F ïi CE ïsT 1 2C BLOCIC, MAIN STREET. -PTxxx. "S7S7"A.C3rT!SrJE2tt., ïas just returned froru the Eastt-rn Citic-í, witíi a Iarg aud desirablo stock of FALL AND WINTER Gr O O 23 Sb ï vlticb ho Ís uow otïering at uuu-sually HjOY PH.ICES! Among bis Aeortmeat may bc found BROADCLOTITS, CASS1MERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, jf aMdoscription, espt'cially for FALL AND "WINTER WEAR ! which heia cutting and making to oidor, in thelatestand )cst stjles, together with a superior asortment of REABY MADE CLOT 111 NG! TRL'N'KS CARI'ET BAGS, UMBREIJ.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, irith nnmerooB other artices usu;;lly found d ibnila] e.stablislimuiiis. As ANEMP0B1ÜM OFFASHIO, ,he subscriler flfttten himsclf , tliat hifilonff experfence and genera' 8acces,wil1 eiiabló bina lo glve í he greatèsl Attametion toali who naay trust hlmïn tlie wuy otmanufaeturiiiL'Kftinujnts to order. 769tf WK. WAONER. Rifle F actor y! A. J. SÜTHERLAND HASrcmovndhisGunShoptftheNowBlock"iiIlutn8trent,8outhofthc(;ourtHous!,oiitiie3ocüno loor, wherehe is jfrepared to fu rnieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pofiihes Game Bags, and Everj other article in bis Line. On the most rfiaaonnblc tt!rmB,nnd to do bH kinds o HEPAIHING i the shortcst notice.and i n the bent manncl full issortment alwayö kep un hund.ocd made t o order. BOOTS SHOES pxl 4j5, - - tZjfc w{rí B MOORS & LOOMIS Aro now receiving a large assortmvnt of Üoots aud Shoes and ETJBBERS! Which they propnae to scll 50 per cent below fortner pricet for cash. Meu' good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 llen's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Oalf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 Ladics' MoroccoBootces, from 75 to 1,25 And an endless variety of Smal Khocs fraai Fancy Balmorals to Infants' Creeping Shoes. We are nlsoMniiufacturlng all kludsof WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Freneh Calf Boots Peggetl and Seved. So pivo US a cnll bflfon purchnsinff plspwhpre, as wt or." bnuni not to bc ondertold. raBJil'iJUi-N DONE OM tíJIORT MÜORE & LOOMIS Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich . 820tf THE PEORÍA MARINE & EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capítol, - - - $500,000 one of the nEAVIFST, SAFF.ST nml BEBT Innrw C'ii'b. n tho U.S. lasaña on rasonable tnns,na ;l yavs pay promptl. Tln-rc II no better Fire Insuranc Coinpauy. Ayer's Ague Cum


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